Little Things ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer bruh--wtf on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → teasing

Summary → Peter is hanging out with his bestfriend (aka the girl he's not officially dating but definitely dating) for a movie night.

       。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★

You knock on the door to the apartment around 5:30. May opens the door and sighs, putting a hand on your shoulder to guide you into the apartment.

"Thank God you're here. Please don't encourage any stupid behavior tonight," she says. You chuckle a little, nodding.

"Good to see you too, May," you say sarcastically, tilting your head a little. May purses her lips and gives you a serious look. You nod, gaping at her. "Okay! Yes, I know! No burning the place down, got it!" You say. She sighs again and nods over your shoulder.

"Peter, your babysitter's here!" She calls. Peter chuckles humorlessly and you turn to him. He nods at May, smiling fakely.

"Thanks, May." She smiles innocently at him.

"No problem." She walks over to him and hugs him quickly. "Mm, alright. I gotta run. No fires, no leaving, do your homework, Y/N's in charge. See you guys later." You laugh a little as she leaves and Peter just nods, waiting for you to be done.

"I'm the favorite," you say, stepping closer to him and poking his side. He presses his lips together and raises an eyebrow.

"You done?" He asks. You get the last of your giggles out and nod, going past him to his room. He goes to the kitchen. You grab his laptop from his desk and put it on his bed. Then you walk back out and see Peter putting popcorn in the microwave. You lean on the kitchen counter next to him, your back against the counter.

"May said not to burn the house down, and you instantly go to the kitchen," you say. Peter rolls his eyes, and gives you a playful glare.

"You want to watch a movie without popcorn?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. You shake your head and smirk at him.

"No. I just wanna make sure May doesn't kill you," you say. He chuckles and nods.

"Right, because it would hurt you so badly, right?" He asks. You nod, sliding even closer to him. His hands rested on the counter infront of the microwave, and you stop when your waist hits his hand. He looks at you, giving you his full attention. You smirk and stand up a little straighter. You rise up on your toes a little bit, and get close enough that he glances down at your lips.

Your relationship with Peter was an odd one. You'd been bestfriends since you were little, growing up in the same apartment building. And you and Ned knew about his Spider-Man thing. You hadn't been his date to homecoming, but you'd gone on a few dates after that whole vulture event. But he hadn't asked you to be his girlfriend. Besides, neither of you were really rushing to be officially together. That's a lot more scary.

But you've also kissed your bestfriend a couple of times. Not a lot. Only on a couple of the dates, and maybe an occasional peck that wasn't on a date. But not a lot. And never a full blown kiss kiss. You thought it was alright because you had plenty of time, so what's the harm in the little things for now?

"Mm, also, I don't wanna die in a fire started by your stupidity." He frowns at you when you sink back down to your normal height and take the popcorn out of the microwave. "See? Almost let the popcorn burn." Peter puts his hands at either side of you on the counter while you pour the popcorn into a bowl.

"You distracted me. It doesn't count," he says. You scoff, nodding slightly.

"Right, and my nearly burnt body would've loved to hear you say that. But you're lucky that I'm here to prevent you from seeing my burnt corpse," you say. You go to grab the popcorn and turn, but he puts his hands on your waist and turns you around before you can grab the bowl. He looked amused.

"You think I'd leave you to burn?" He asks and tilts his head. You shrug, still smiling up at him.

"Yep. Suit's first priority," you say. He rolls his eyes and inches even closer to you. This time you glance down at his lips.

"Second." You meet his eyes again and whistle, faking a shocked look.

"Dang, whatever is first must be the best thing in the world then," you say. He smiles at you, looking amused.

"Yeah, she is. Best thing to happen to me," he says. You stare at him for a second, taken aback a little. You press your lips together and hold a finger up.

"Alright, let me guess," you say. "May is first priority." He sighs, and tilts his head back, exhausted by the conversation.

"If May is in the place that is in fire, she is tied for first place with you," he says. You fake a gasp and put a hand over your heart.

"Little old me?" You ask sarcastically. He gives you a pointed, amused look. You smile and rise up on your tippy toes to really peck his lips this time. You weren't even sure it could be considered a peck, seeing as your lips barely touched his for a second. "Well, I'm honored, Spidey. I feel so special now." You turn and grab the popcorn to start towards his room. He chuckles and follows close behind, grabbing sodas from the fridge.

"Well you are, so it's an accurate feeling," he says. You chuckle a little as you make yourself comfortable on the bed. Peter sits down next to you and raises an eyebrow. "Under the covers?" He asks. You nod and he puts everything to the side for a second so the two of you could get under the covers.

You scoot a little closer to Peter's side and he reaches an arm around you to tuck you into his side. He places the popcorn inbetween you and the laptop on his lap.

"Who's choice is it tonight?" He asks, and you glare at him, knowing full well he was just teasing. He knew he was going to put you through hell with his favorite movies again tonight.

"Yours," you say, annoyed. He smirks, and pops a piece of popcorn into his mouth.

A while later after maybe two movies, you'd layed down more and Peter had finished his second soda and the popcorn was gone. "I'm gonna be right back," he says. You yawn and nod as he gets up, leaving you to curl up more in the sheets. The sight of you so sleepy in his bed made him smile.

He brought the bowl out to the kitchen and the empty cans. He cleaned up quickly before joining you again in his room. Your face was semi covered by the blankets and the pillows. You'd closed your eyes in the few minutes he'd been gone.

He went over and carefully closed the laptop, putting it in its place before getting back into the bed. He reaches an arm over your body, pulling you in so your chest was flush against his torso. Your arms curled up inbetween both of your chests. You tucked your face into his chest/shoulder area, and nuzzled closer. He intwined your legs, holding you tightly.

He liked listening to your calm breathing. Your heartbeat. Feeling small bits of your skin against his. He relished in the little things that felt so huge to him. He just kissed your forehead. "Goodnight, Y/N/N."

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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