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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer selfcarecap on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → strangers having sex in your bed ?

Summary → Peter helps you clean your bed after two strangers have sex in it.

        。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★

Peter’s not great at parties.

He’s okay when there’s someone he knows, but Ned started feeling ill at the last second so now Peter’s exploring the huge house on his own.

Walking up the steps, his attention quickly goes towards you furiously knocking on a door.

He walks towards you as you slide to the floor, hands over your face and letting out a groan. Peter hears moans from the other side of the door, even over the loud music from downstairs.

His first thought is that maybe your boyfriend’s in there cheating on you, but you look way too annoyed - rather than sad - for it to be that.

“Hey, is e-everything okay?” He asks you before thinking. You’ve probably got other problems and don’t want to be bothered by a stranger talking to you.

Your head shoots up at Peter’s words and your brows furrow in confusion for a few seconds.

“There’s two people having sex. In my room.”

“That sucks,” Peter comments, not knowing what else to say.


Despite the way this conversation is going, he sits down next to you.

He looks at you and you smile faintly, making his heart skip a beat.

Your moment is interrupted by more disgusting noises coming from your room.

Peter’s cheeks feel hot as there are more moans and grunting, even screaming at some point.

Both your heads turn as the door opens.

Peter can hear your heart speeding up in anger as a girl and a guy come out, both their hair messed up.

They walk straight down the stairs, not paying any attention to either of you at all.

“Wow,” Peter mutters, shoving his hands into his pockets.

You bang your head against the wall a couple of times, “I guess I have to go in there, don’t I?”

“I don’t know, I’d leave the door open for a bit before you go in. Smells a little,” he cringes.

“Oh my god, oh my god,” you mumble under your breath.

Peter’s grateful that you don’t question why he’s here as you introduce yourself to him.

He was honestly just lost at the party and somehow ended up with you, but he’s not complaining.

You end up talking about college a little, and you tell him how you usually enjoy living in this huge house with so many people, but at parties and in situations like this, it can get annoying.

After a few minutes of leaving the door wide open, you go into your room with the collar of your shirt pulled over your noise. The first thing you do is open the window too, throwing Peter a look who’s standing in the doorway with his arms crossed.

Your eyes narrow at him as he only watches you lift up your blanket with your fingertips, a look of disgust on your face.

“Wait—“ Peter steps in as he sees an unmistakable stain on the grey covers that you’re about to touch.

You immediately let go upon noticing Peter’s interruption.

“What?” You ask and he points out the stain for you.

“Ew. And they couldn’t even use a condom? They’re right there,” you say and Peter’s face heats up when he sees the pack of condoms on your bedside table.

“Okay wait, I don’t want you to end up in one of those stories on BuzzFeed where you got pregnant without having sex because there’s.... that on your bed. So let me help you.”

“What no, we barely know each other and some strangers had sex in my bed - it’s too much to ask of you.”

“It is but you’re not asking, I’m offering,” he smiles.

“Oh wait! Come with me,” you say, taking his hand as you go to get cleaning gloves.

Peter blushes even more.

Considering he’s helping you change the sweaty and stained sheets some strangers just came on, he’s having quite a fun time, with you two treating changing the sheets like a medical procedure.

He’s fairly sure you feel the same. You’ve smiled quite often in the time you two have known each other.

The fitted sheet is particularly fun as it keeps snapping back, so he sits on one edge, while you do the opposite side. While you swap places you nearly end up on top of each other and generally do more giggling than changing bed sheets.

After half an hour of fooling around on your bed, you both collapse on the mattress, the scent of fresh linen filling Peter’s nose.

You look at each other, both out of breath. You roll over to lie on your belly, and you end up much closer to Peter than before and all he can smell now is your lovely, intoxicating perfume.

“Thanks, Peter. I owe you one.”

He smiles at you, looking into your eyes.

His gaze lowers when he sees you lick your lips.

You do the same, glancing at his lips.

He’s about to lean in to kiss you when-

“It’s still a bit gross to think a stranger just came on my bed.”

“Y-yeah, right,” Peter says, sitting up to stop himself from trying to kiss you again. You haven’t even known him for an hour, of course you don’t want to kiss him. He was being stupid.

You sit up too as your door opens again, a guy followed by another guy, hand in hand. They stop as they see you and Peter, “Sorry,” one of them smiles bashfully, closing the door again.

“I really need to get a lock for the door,” you sigh.

“I know a guy that does it for cheap,” Peter blurts out.

Peter does not know a guy who does it for cheap.

But even years later, you love telling the story of how Peter became a locksmith with the help of online videos, just for you.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 - 𝟓Where stories live. Discover now