Confession ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spideyyeet on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → language, fluff, soft, tiktok, quarantine

Summary →"Where Gf asks their Bf if there is something he needs to tell her and then he confesses something" trend with Peter and tge reader.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

It's been over month now since the quarantine happened. It's not like you ever went anywhere anyways, but the fact that everyone was stuck in the compound bothered you to no end.

At first it was chill, everyone had fun. But then it got suffocating. With Steve waking everyone up early saying it gives everyone more time to train. To Bucky and Sam burning half the food trying to make dinner. To Thor accidentally smashing the tv with Mjolnir. To everyone arguing over everything and getting on each other's nerves.

The only thing that kept you just a little bit sane was fucking tik tok. It probably wasn't keeping you sane at all, probably made you more weird but whatever. It kept you occupied doing stupid dances and trying trends with the avengers to mess with them.

And of course Peter. He was your lab rat. You did every and all trends on him. From the kiss or slap to getting naked so he can pay attention to you.

So it wasn't a surprise when you were lying on the floor of the living room scrolling through tik tok, as Bucky, Sam and Steve occupied the couches watching Too Hot To Handle getting pissed at the people because it isn't hard to go a month without sex.

"Steve went centuries without sex-wait are you still virgin?!" Bucky exclaimed sitting up, only to have Steve kick him as Sam laughed his ass off.

"If y/n and Peter were there, they would definitely fail-" Sam started, that perked Peter's ears from the kitchen as you rolled your eyes.

"I can last. Peter can't." You mumbled, too focused on the tiktoks on your phone. You didn't bother to acknowledge the three grown men laughing their asses off as Peter yelled in annoyance saying he can.

Then you found a tiktok. The tiktok. It wasn't anything dramatic like the others you've done. But obviously you wanted to know what Peter would confess. So getting up, you strutted to the kitchen where Peter was trying to follow the recipe to make cookie dough/brownies.

"I can last a month without sex, for your information." Peter mumbled, his eyes not leaving the brownie box.

"Mhm okay." You nodded sarcastically, making Peter roll his eyes, going back to the brownies as you chuckled to yourself. You hid your phone off to the side, slightly behind the toaster in the corner, angling it to the side showing Peter then you off-camera.

"Peter." You spoke up as the tik tok started.

"Hmm?" He said eyes flickering to you before looking back at the bowl.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" You spoke, instantly causing Peter to look up at you. Looking over your face.

"W-what?" He quirked a brow, his hands slowing as he mixed.

"Is there something you need to tell me?" You spoke up trying hard not to smile when Peter looked at the brownies then at you, biting his lip nervously.

"N-no." He cleared his throat looking away from you, hoping you'd drop it.

"Why're you acting so weird then?" You accused lightly making Peter mix the brownie before letting go as he looked at you, running a hand through his hair as he chuckled nervously.

"I-I'm not acting weird." Peter cleared his throat again as his fingers played with bowl, looking at the floor then back up at you as you chuckled.

"What did you do?!" You laughed as Peter broke out into a nervous smile.

"I-I did-n't, do anything." He laughed as your face held a smile.

"Peter what did you do??" You said again causing Peter to laugh out, holding his cheeks as he looked at you.

"I finished your shampoo." He confessed causing you to hold back your laugh.

"Only because mine is really shit and yours-yours makes my hair really soft and you said you liked it when my hair was soft and-and it makes the curls come out more an-and you said you like it when the curls tickled your thighs-and you said you like my curls a lot - and I was doing it for you so you can't blame me! I asked Tony to let me go out to get a new one but he said it's not essential and we can't leave and he-he said you can just borrow Nat's-t-that's why the curls are all a mess! And why you have Nat's shampoo." He finally exhaled, feeling a weight being lifted off his chest, biting his lips gauging your reaction.

Only to have you laugh your ass off. "Oh my god!" You exclaimed making Peter bit the inside of his cheek as you walked over to him wrapping your arms around his neck-the tik tok ending.

"You're adorable." You said between laughs making Peter's cheeks turn pink as he looked at you. "I thought you were gonna say something like you checked out another girl or slid into a girl's dms or something like that!" You laughed as Peter looked at you confused.

"Why the hell would I do that when I have you?" He was genuinely confused, making you chuckle more, but also make your heart swell.

"Other guys confessed stuff like that." You admitted causing Peter to look at you even more confused.

"Other guys?" He repeated. You look up at him giving him a guilty smile.

"It was tik tok trend." You confessed making Peter groan out loudly. You pulled away grabbing your hidden phone, the video repeating as you showed Peter making him flustered.

"Don't post that." He said only to have you shake your head. "C'mon, that's so embarrassing!"

You laughed turning around to hug his neck, running your hand through his messy curls.

"It's also adorable-"

"It's mostly embarrassing!" Bucky yelled from the couch. Making you laugh as Peter grumbled going back to his brownies.

"None of you are getting brownies!" He shouted.

And that had how everyone getting up yelling and crying (Bucky was tearing up).

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