Focus ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer marvelouspeterparker on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → none

Summary → Sometimes it's hard for Peter to focus around you.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

Your lips quirk up into a smile, but you don't look up from your notebook. "You know we're supposed to be studying, right?"

The very distracted, but very cute boy next to you snaps out of his daze, pen falling from his mouth as he straightens up in his chair. His eyes are wide, blinking rapidly as he tries to clear his throat and compose himself, stumbling over his words.

"Right-yeah, yeah I-" he nods awkwardly to himself, biting his lip. "I knew that-I mean-I am." He taps his pen on his notebook a few times. "I definitely am."

"How are you still nervous around me?" You laugh. "I mean it's cute, but we've been dating for a while now, don't you think?"

You catch his eye, and a fond but shy smile slides across his lips. "Can't help it," he shrugs. "There's just something about you."

You roll your eyes, trying to ignore the fluttering feeling in your chest. "So cheesy."

His smile widens, and he scoots closer to you, nudging your arm with his own. "You love it." He pauses. "I'm serious though." He makes sure you're really looking at him before he continues. "Something about you makes me feel like all my senses are on overdrive," his smile turns a bit cheeky for a second. "And you know-that's a lot cause of the whole Spider-Man thing."

He places a large hand on top of yours and strokes the back of it with his thumb absentmindedly. "You're like a breath of fresh air in this messed up world of mine, and I can't help but sit here and wonder how I got you to stick by me and--and be scared that I'll mess things up somehow-"

You place a hand on his jaw, and his eyes widen a fraction, worried that he blabbed too much, made things awkward. But one swipe of your thumb across his cheek makes him sink further into your touch.

"I promise you I'm not going," you lean in closer, "anywhere, Parker. Okay? I'm all yours and I'm staying here."

He licks his lips and nods enthusiastically, his eyes practically lighting up as he swallows and leans closer, his eyes flitting down to your lips. His voice, no louder than a whisper, "Can I-can I kiss you?"

You nod, and he lets out a shaky breath before placing both hands on your cheeks and pulling you into him, practically breathing you in as he pressed his lips against yours. His touch was soft, but the kiss was passionate as he slid his tongue past your lips, toying with yours sensually as he sighed into your mouth. He was kissing you like you were his source of oxygen, of life. And soon enough, he was ushering you into his lap, one hand still on your face, the other sliding around your waist to pull you in right up against him.

You felt yourself sinking into him, your eyelids feeling heavy, never wanting to open again if it meant you could stay like this forever, in his arms, kissing him. But a voice in the back of your head made you pull away, making you let out a shaky breath this time when Peter leaned into you, pulling your bottom lip between his teeth gently as he slowly opened his eyes to look up at you, eyes unfocused and dazed by you.

You licked your lips and blinked a few times, placing your hands on his shoulders. "We uh--we have work to do." You gave him a pointed look. "And I'd rather not pull another all-nighter tonight."

He gave you a teasing smile and raised his brows, lifting a hand in faux surrender, the other still gripping your waist. "That was not fully on me-" You raised a brow, and he looked down sheepishly, choosing to wrap both arms around you and bury his face in your chest instead of shrinking under your stare.

He groaned and held you tighter, smiling when your hands found their way to his hair, nearly moaning when you scratched his scalp. "Can we just stay like this for a little bit longer, please?" His voice was muffled, words mumbled against you.

You smiled, knowing you always give in to him one way or the other. "Alright." You raised his head to look into his eyes. "But then you need to focus on your work, Parker. Got it?"

His smile was borderline lovedrunk as he stared up at you. "Promise."

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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