Exhausted ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer ptergwen on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → Peter needs a break

Summary → Peter comes home after a long day and he sees the reader asleep on the couch, so he joins her.

          。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★

Peter is exhausted. He’s practically falling off his feet as he fumbles with his keys in the door. His steps are heavy coming into your shared apartment, a reflective sigh leaving his lips. He drops his backpack and throws his keys on the counter, padding through the apartment in search of you.

He wants nothing more than to crawl into the arms of the one he loves most after the day he’s had. When you’re holding him, everything is okay.

He’s okay.

Peter finds you on the couch. You’re sleeping, face smushed against its arm and a textbook open in front of you. You must have fallen asleep while studying; it wouldn’t be the first time. You look so warm and snuggly wearing his old "I Survived My Trip to NYC" shirt and a pair of knee-high socks. He can’t wait to cuddle up to you, forget about his day.

Peter moves your textbook and steps out of his sneakers. He gets onto the couch, inching his way towards you from the other side. He lays his head in your lap, arms winding around your upper thighs. Your eyes slowly blink open. It takes you a moment to realize that you’d fallen asleep, and that Peter is here. You look down at your boyfriend to be met with a frown etched onto his lips, puppy eyes gazing up at you.

“You’re home.”

You weave your fingers into Peter’s fluffy curls. Peter gives a small nod in response. Something is bothering him, you can tell.

“You wanna talk about it?”

Peter finally lets it all out.

“My schedule sucks. Class ends so late, and I can’t switch because the others are full and I need it. I know it’s just a couple times a week, but I hate it. I barely see you all day.”

You stroke Peter’s curls soothingly while he rants.

“The subway was running late, so I didn’t get to work on time and Jameson was pissed. I was pretty sure he didn’t like me before, but he definitely doesn’t now. I have to photograph some event this weekend to make up for it. I should’ve just swung there.”

“You think?”

“I dunno, I guess that would defeat the whole purpose. If Spider-Man shows up and I’m not there to take pictures, it might give away my identity. Maybe I should just start working freelance.”

Peter rests his chin on your stomach, fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on your thighs.

“May called. Said she wants us to come over for dinner. God, I don’t even have time for a dinner. I don’t have time to eat. I just…”

He trails off. You card your fingers through his locks, waiting for him to continue.

“Sorry to put this all on you. And sorry I woke you up. I’ve just had a really long day, and things kinda suck right now, and I missed you.”

“Don’t apologize, Pete. You’ve got a lot going on. It’s overwhelming. I understand, and it’s okay to talk about it. I’m here to listen.”

Peter smiles his first smile all day. He hides his face in your stomach, leaving kisses over your shirt.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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