Phone Sex ✵

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer silkscream on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → SMUT!! masturbation, cyber sex

Summary → Phone sex with Peter Parker.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

He regrets it as soon as he sends it.

Peter stares at your contact name and the picture he just sent you, an awkward selfie situation from an angle that shows off his abs and his hard cock underneath his briefs. it was fucking 1 am, you were probably asleep. What if you think he's a freak?

To be fair, you were the one being suggestive first. Making flirty comments about how you wished you were hanging out with him, how you'd always wondered what it would be like to have him in your mouth. All of your messages had made Peter so flustered that all he could manage to say was that you were making him so ridiculously hard.

That was about half an hour ago.

And so, Peter followed up with that semi-nude, and now he's laying in his bed staring at his ceiling because he's worried about coming off too strong like all those other guys. Was it even flattering? He'd never sent an explicit photo before.

He winces at the feeling of his phone vibrating under him. With eyes wide, he quickly unlocks his phone to read your message.

He can feel his mouth already starting to salivate at the photo in front of him. You've angled your phone above your body with your t-shirt rolled up to reveal your stomach. Your back is slightly arched to show off your ass and your cute underwear. Your thighs looks so fucking soft.

[y/n]: come cuddle

Peter bites his lip as he hesitates before typing.

[Peter]: I could do a little more than cuddling

He jumps again when his phone starts ringing. You're calling him.

"Peter Benjamin Parker, you little whore," you rasp, teasing him. Pink rises up to his cheeks at the playful name-calling. He knows you're joking but being called that by you makes his cock twitch just slightly.

"What did I do?" Peter lilts.

"You turned me on when I was supposed to go to bed," you whine.

"Right, right. I guess I should leave you to--"

"Do not."

Peter smirks at the hint of eagerness in your voice. Usually you're the one who has him wrapped around your finger, so he feels confident knowing that his teasing is working on you.

"Mm," he hums. "Only because it's you."


"I turned you on?"

"Yeah. Really fuckin' pissed that you're not in my bed right now."

Peter gulps, letting out an exhale.

"I-I am too."

"Have you been thinking about me?"


Peter fumbles with the waistband of his boxers, fingers trailing over the line of his hard cock. It's difficult to stay composed when he's thinking about you in just a t-shirt and panties.

"How are you thinking about me?" You whisper innocently, a slight rasp to your voice making you sound like you'd just woken up.

"Thinking about your mouth," Peter murmurs. "Kissing you. Kissing your neck. Everywhere. Anywhere you want."

"Even my pussy?"

"Yeah," Peter exhales as he palms his length. He cups himself gently, slowly moving his hand up and down his shaft as he envisions himself with his face hovering over your cunt while your doe-like eyes gaze back at him.

"That's fucking hot," you breathe out, suddenly aware of how wet your core is. Just the thought of Peter eating you out right now brings butterflies to your stomach. "Wish you were here with me so you could touch me."

"Me too. I wanna taste you so bad, feel how wet you are."

"'M really fucking wet," you chuckle. "How hard are you?"

"Really fucking hard," he echoes you. "You'd look so pretty on my tongue."

"Shit," you take in a breath through your teeth. "I want that so bad. Fuck, Peter, that's so hot."

Peter's head lays back on his pillow as he thrusts gently into his fist, his cock slick with pre-cum. He turns his head to the side so that his face slightly away from his phone. He buries his nose into his pillow to muffle his groans.

"You touchin' yourself for me, baby?" You whisper with such a delicate swing, and Peter thinks he could probably cum just the sound of you talking, even if you were just talking about your day. He blushes when he realizes you can probably hear his moans.

"Y-Yeah. I want you so bad."

"I want you, too, Peter," you gasp, whimpering into the phone speaker as you circle the pad of your finger on your clit. Your other hand massages your breasts. "I wish my fingers were yours so badly right now."

"Oh, fuck," Peter mumbles. "H-How many fingers are you using?"


"What if you added another one, huh? For me?"

The sound of your whimpers getting louder in the phone speaker has him nearly feral. He groans in response as he fucks up into his fist at a faster pace.

"'M so full now," you mewl. "Wish it was your cock."

"I know, I know," Peter coos. "Y'sound so pretty, fuck. You're gonna make me cum just from listening to you."

He bites his lip as he screws his eyes shut, imagining you underneath him. The sounds of your moans encourage him more and his fantasy gets more and more vivid.

"Peter, it feels so good," you whine. "Oh- oh god, I'm really close."

"Yeah, fuck yourself for me. You're gonna make me cum so fucking fast--"

Your mewls turn into choked-out raspy breaths and Peter swears he's seeing stars as he listens to you. Your pained whimpers are so clear to him and he imagines you stretching out your cunt with your fingers in tandem with the rhythm of his cock. He sees your legs convulsing with pleasure until he reaches his own peak.

"Fuck, I'm cumming," Peter grunts.

"M-me too. Uh."

"Yeah, cum with me, baby," he rasps. his stomach gets coated with his sticky warm cum, chest heaving from his clattering heartbeat. He groans at the same time you nearly shriek, your moans borderline pornographic and so angelic to his ears.

"That felt so fucking good, Pete," you say. You sound like you're out of breath.

"I know that we both just came and it's almost 2 am but I'm genuinely considering swinging over right now."

"How about you leave now and I try for more rounds? If I make myself cum before you get here then I'm in control."

Peter smirks at your idea while cleaning himself up with a towel. God, he'd probably be dead-tired by the time he has to wake up in the morning. But then he thinks of your face, how desperately he wants to see it fucked-out and full of bliss right in front of him.

"You're on."

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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