Surprise Kisses ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer sourcherryandsprinkles on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → none

Summary → You and Peter forget to tell something important to Ned.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

After you finished working on the decathlon quiz flashcards with Betty and Liz, you decided to join Peter in the school's lab. He was working on a personal project after school. Web fluid, perhaps? He had mentioned to you that he wanted to try and perfect his formula even more.

When you got in, you searched through the many tables, smiling when you found Peter - and Ned. They were sitting on the side of the room, concentrated on whatever was under the microscope.

You quietly walked over to their table and snuck behind Peter, stealing a kiss on his cheek.

His head lifted from the microscope and his lips turned into a smile, knowing that it was you. He turned in his seat to greet you properly with a real kiss, which, by the look on Ned's face and his dropped jaw, took him by surprise.

''What are you working on?'' You asked casually, taking the seat next to Peter, both of you ignorant of Ned's reaction.

He began explaining to you about this new web fluid formula he was working on and how it was stronger than the old one.

''Right, Ned?'' Peter turned in his best friend's direction, seeing his mouth still opened. A frown creased between his eyebrows. ''You alright dude?''

At Peter's question, you turned your attention to Ned. ''You might want to close that mouth, you're gonna catch flies,'' you told him with a chuckle.

''Wha- Since when is this happening?'' Ned motioned between you and Peter. He knew you and Peter would end up together - it was a question of time - but he assumed one of you would've told him if anything happened.

You both looked at Ned with confusion on your faces.

''The kissing.''

You and Peter looked at each other, realizing your mistake: You forgot to tell Ned about your upgraded relationship status.

Peter looked down and rubbed the back of his neck. ''Eh...a few weeks,'' he confessed, feeling like a terrible friend for not telling him about this big of a change in his life. ''I'm really sorry, Ned, I-''

''We're really sorry,'' you corrected.

''We wanted to tell you, but with the decathlon and my Stark internship and everything else, the occasion didn't happen.''

Ned snickered. ''We? You're one of those couples now?''

Peter released a breath of relief. Humor was good.

''I'm not upset. Disappointed, maybe, but not upset.'' He gave your a smile.''I'm happy for you two. Really.''

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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