Eyeliner ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer ptergwen on Tumblr


Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → none

Summary → In which you sit in Peter's lap to do his eyeliner.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

You'd recently been thinking about how attractive it is when guys wear makeup. You can blame TikTok because of all the hot ones with nail polish and glitter eyeshadow on there. Peter, being your best friend and a guy, your thoughts naturally went to him. What would he look like with makeup? You asked him if you could put some on him when he came over today.

He wasn't so sure about it at first. He'd insisted that he couldn't pull it off, that you'd be wasting your products and time. You tsked at him. "Have you ever actually worn makeup?"

"Well, no. I- I just-" he stammered, your lips pulling into a wicked smirk. "Can't know until you try it, then." There was no way out now. Peter can't resist you as is, but it's eight million times harder when you look at him like that. That's how you ended up in between his legs, poking at his eyes with a brush.

"Hold still, Peter!" You laugh despite your frustration as he once again dodges your attempts. He's sitting at the edge of your bed. You're standing between his legs. "Is... is that thing even clean?" Peter studies the brush, eyebrows furrowed.

"I literally just opened it. You watched me," you huff and dip it back into the black liquid. You're not a monster. You aren't trying to give him pink eye or anything. You just think he'd look... good in eyeliner. Okay, maybe you've pictured this moment before. Being face to face, not an inch of space separating you while you brush your thumb over his cheek and paint his eyelids a different color.

Bestie goals, right?

"Does it hurt?" Peter murmurs, watching you scoot closer to him. "Because I saw this one video of a girl doing her eyeliner and she got it in her eye and it covered the whole thing. Like, it was completely black. She couldn't even see," he continues to ramble on while you giggle at his question. You pat his thigh with a smile to yourself.

You don't answer right away, just looking up at him and his innocent pout. He squints at your expression. It's teasing, like you know something he doesn't. "Did you watch it too? I think it went viral." Breathing out another laugh, you sit on your thighs. "Yeah, Peter. I'm not gonna do that to you, though." A breath of relief passes his lips. "Unless you keep moving."

"Y/n." He whines and throws his head back. Not that he doesn't trust you, because he trusts you with his life. All his secrets, his weird habits, to know about his crime-fighting alter ego. This isn't any of that. He's worried you might accidentally blind him at some point during his makeover.

You stand up again and tilt his chin up to you with two fingers, his skin immediately getting warm. "Can we try again?" Your tone is gentler and less terrifying this time. Peter nods, which nuzzles his face further into your palm. He's not so scared anymore. Still nervous, only because you're touching him like this. You go back in with the brush and he closes his eyes.

He almost doesn't want to, so he can watch you work. The moment feels very intimate. It's silent except for the little concentrated hums you let out from time to time, you running the eyeliner carefully across his eyelids. Your thumb absentmindedly caressing Peter's chin calms him. A tiny smile graces his features as he feels your upper half rest against him.

Peter has to see you right now. He can almost picture your face scrunched, eyes focused on him and him only. He's so blissed out he forgets the whole point of this is that you're doing his eyeliner. So, you obviously aren't happy when he peeks an eye open and smudges the nearly finished makeup.

"I said no moving!" You scold him and step away a bit. Peter frowns in confusion as you stand over him again. He hopes he didn't piss you off for real. "Wait, are you-"

"You leave me no other choice," you sigh before climbing onto the bed. More specifically, onto Peter. Your legs are wrapped around his waist, you grabbing his chin and finishing up his eyeliner.

This time, Peter is glad his eyes are closed because they would've popped out of their sockets otherwise. You're acting like this isn't the biggest deal in the world when it certainly is. A girl is in his freaking lap. A really special girl, one he likes so much it hurts to breathe around her.

You use your nail to straighten out the smudged eyeliner. His whole body is tense, hands reaching for you but not quite making it. "You good? I didn't hurt you?" You ask softly and cap the eyeliner. He looks like he's in pain. Really, he's still in shock that you are in his lap. You're fanning at his face now to dry the eyeliner.

"No, yeah. I'm fine. We just haven't been t-this close before," Peter explains, you grinning even though he can't see it. "Do you like being close to me?" Your words give him a burst of confidence. A desire to show you that he does, that he wants you to stay right where you are and never leave. Peter finally sets his hands on your hips and pulls you closer.

"Yeah, Y/n/n. I love it," he rasps, you putting your own hands on either of his cheeks. "You can open now." You move back slightly to see the finished look, which is hotter than you imagined. Two basic swipes across his eyes that he makes look like art. He wears your own makeup better than you do.

You're admiring Peter's pretty face while he smiles lazily at you. He subconsciously licks his lips, which leads you to say what you say. "Think we should do lip gloss next," you mumble and trail your fingers down his cheeks. "Yeah? How come?" He rubs his thumb across your hip. You return his smile from before.

"So I can kiss it off."

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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