Ice For The.... Hickeys? ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spider-quackson on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Stark!Reader

Warnings → none

Summary →Tony wants to put ice on Peter's bruises thinking they're from patrol, when actually they're bruises from his daughter. And to Peter's luck, FRIDAY spilled the beans.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

"Hey, kid." Tony greeted when he heard Peter's footsteps wandering into his lab. He is working on yet another Iron Man suit's prototype, while you sat on one of the long tables, reading a book.

You looked up at the mention of your boyfriend. Well, secret boyfriend, because your dad certainly can't know yet. He can be bit protective, and you don't know how he'll react to you and Peter dating.

You guys do this every weekend, hanging out in the lab. You and Peter would either be working together with your dad, or just hanging out, watching a movie on a huge hologram screen from the sofa Tony installed. Sometimes, Tony would even join you two.

"Hi, Mr. Stark." Peter chirped with his usual enthusiasm and threw his backpack to one of the chairs near him. When he spotted you smiling at him, he returned it with a slight blush as he remembers the... activities both of you did just hours earlier.

A smirk tugged on your lips. When Peter took the seat next to you, you resisted the urge to pinch his cheek, finding his embarrased and shy face adorable.

Peter placed his physics textbook on the table and opened it to where he tuck a pencil as a bookmark for his homework.

"Physics again?" You asked raising your eyebrow, knowing he just had a physics homework yesterday.

"Yeah," Peter sighs picking up his pencil. He was about to bury his nose in the textbook when Dum-E came nudging his leg.

"Oh hey, Dum-E," Peter smiled, reaching up and patting the robot's head like a dog. Dum-E beeped happily which catches U's attention. U came rolling on its wheels to Peter and offered what seemed to be a glass of juice.

"Thanks U!" Peter was about to take it from U when the robot suddenly jerked which results to the juice spilling all over Peter's t-shirt.

"U!" Tony scolded making the robot lower its head in shame.

"Hey hey, it's ok. I'm not mad," Peter said, smiling reassuringly. "Maybe you can help me by cleaning up the floor?"

U beeped in response, happily going to retrieve napkins to do its job.

Tony sighs. "Here kid, I stashed some t-shirts here for these exact situations." He pulled out a t-shirt from a drawer and handed it to Peter.

Peter shrugged off his wet shirt and was about to put Tony's shirt on when he was suddenly stopped.

"Wait, Pete." Tony stepped closer to Peter and pointed at his shoulder. "Did you go on a patrol today?"

"What?" Peter looked down to where Tony's pointing then gasped in horror. There were hickeys on his shoulder and collarbone.

"We should get ice for that," Tony said, putting a hand on Peter's shoulder to steer him to the kitchen.

Peter shoot you a panicked look, worried that you guys will get caught. You can only widen your eyes in return.

"Uh, n-no need for that Mr. Stark. It'll heal in a few hours." Peter said, hoping Tony would buy it.

"FRIDAY, time estimated till' Peter's bruises healing please." Tony said, while Peter shrugged Tony's t-shirt on.

"Time estimated is 2 hours. Although if I may inform you, it seems that the bruises on Mr. Parker are love bites."

Eveyone froze.

Tony looked back and forth between the two of your crimson faces, then it finally dawned on him.

"Oh for love of god, please tell me it's not from my daughter." Tony glared at Peter. The look on the boy's face is an obvious confirmation.

"It's not from your daughter?" Peter squeaked.

"You two are grounded." Tony announced, and you let out a groan. Then he turned to glare back at Peter, and the poor boy practically shrinks under Tony's gaze. "And you Peter."

Peter looked like a kicked puppy, and Tony couldn't help but soften when he sees how frighten he is. He decided to take pity on him.

"You better not hurt my daughter, or I'll hang you like a piece of laundry. Understood?"

Peter nodded quickly, not trusting his voice quite yet.

"Good. Go on, you can have your movie night then."

Peter looked to you and both of you laughed in relief, glad that the secret is finally out.

Tony watched as the two teens grins and stares at each other like lovesick idiots. Well, he knew sooner or later, his daugther will start dating anyway. Plus, he knew that there's no other boy in this world that's more perfect for his little girl than Peter Parker.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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