Faking It ✵

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer selfcarecap on Tumblr


Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → fake dating, Teasing MJ, SMUT 18+

Summary → Peter's right arm is bigger than his left arm because he jerks off too much. MJ makes fun of him because of it. You defend Peter and somehow end up in a fake relationship with him to save him some embarrassment.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

You try to shush Ned and MJ as they giggle, giddily pointing at Peter like two little school kids, "Look, you can even see it on his forearm."

You watch as Peter approaches the table you're sitting at, getting in a break between college classes. He looks innocent and he's oblivious to the absolute bashing he's about to experience; you almost feel bad for him, knowing how easily he feels embarrassed.

He notices MJ and Ned talking about him as he takes the seat next to you, eyebrows raised, "Do I have something on my shirt? Did I spill something?"

"I'm sure spilling has something to do with it," Ned mumbles, making MJ laugh while Peter looks down at himself, looking for a stain.

"What?" He asks as he doesn't find anything unusual about himself.

"Leave him alone, guys," you plead, rolling your eyes at your best friends.

"No but you can see it perfectly. Peter's the prime example of it," MJ argues.

"Can someone please tell me what you're talking about?" Peter asks, looking between all of you.

MJ and Ned giggle one more time and then Ned's the one to say it, "Your right arm is bigger than your left one. It's more muscular."

"It is?" Peter lifts his arms in front of himself, "What does that mean?"

"Don't say it-" you try one last time before Ned interrupts you.

"That you jerk off a lot."

You feel Peter freeze next to you, his eyes going wide as he starts stuttering, "Um...uh."

The other two laugh their heads off while you throw a shy smile in Peter's direction, not looking him in the eyes because it's like you can feel his embarrassment floating through the air, over to you.

"Okay, guys. Now we know Peter masturbates, just like every other person on this planet," you try. You love Peter, and while it's all just a bit of fun that even he will be able to laugh about in a few weeks, the discomfort he feels right now is nearly painful to witness.

You couldn't look at him if you tried, you don't need to watch to know how red he is, most likely sweating too.

"Yeah but he fucks his right hand so much that his whole bicep is noticeably bigger," Ned laughs, MJ holding on to the table to prevent falling from her chair, her body shaking with laughter. You should check what's in their drinks, even if you were unbiased you couldn't see it being that funny.

You wait for Ned to stop crying from laughter and look at him.

"You know, my finger also has more muscles than the others cause I use it to masturbate, it's thicker than the others."

"Wait, is that really a thing? Show me," he demands.

You grin as he falls for your trick, amused as he curiously glances at your hand as you lift it, only for you to show him your middle finger.

𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 - 𝟓Where stories live. Discover now