What The- ✵

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spideyyeet on Tumblr


Parings → Peter Parker x Avenger!Reader

Warnings → SMUT! Falling asleep during sex

Summary →The reader being really tired after a mission and falls asleep during sex.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

You sighed as you got out of the shower, collapsing on the bed, face buried in the pillows.

"Ayoooo!" Peter shouts, the door slamming shut behind him as he jumps on the bed. "How was the mission?" He mumbled into your neck, legs straddling you from behind.

"So fucking long." You sigh, turning over onto your back, Peter still straddling your waist.

"I heard you got hurt?" Peter's voice laced with concern.

"Bullet grazed me." You explained, hands playing with the strings of Peter's sweats.

"Where?" Peter's eyes looked over yours. You hummed, unwrapping your already slipping towel, revealing your breasts and then the bandaid on your ribs where the stitches were.

"So you're okay?" Peter asks, you hum nodding.

"Probably healed now, Bruce said to keep it on just for another day." You said, Peter humming, lowering his lips down to your neck.

"Missed you when you were gone." He mumbled into you skin, sucking dark bruises along your collarbone, before attaching his lips to your breast.

"I didn't miss you." You said, causing Peter's head to snap up.

"Are you serious?!" He shrieked, face flushed.

"So serious." You nod, Peter clearly seeing the glint in your eyes.

"So fucking annoying, in fact I did not miss you. Stupid comments." Peter rambled, whilst sucking on your breasts, his hands tossing your towel away as he hooks his arms around your legs, face buried in your cunt.

"Oh fuck-" your hips buck, releasing a moan, and yawn out. Peter hummed, lapping at your clit as he brought his finger in, pumping them relentlessly. It took less time then usual before your thighs were squeezing his head, your hips rising, your foot flat on Peter's back as you grinder into his face.

"Peter!" You panted, hand grasping his bicep as Peter moved his head as his tongue ran over your clit over and over, before you were cumming. Peter groaned into you, tasting your cum.

You covered your mouth with a yawn, watching Peter quickly undress, your eyes half lidded.

"That good Huh?" Peter chuckled at your tired face, thinking it was from him eating you out.

"Love your mouth." You say, Peter chuckling with a light blush. He pumped his cock, before slipping a condom on.

"You good for me babe?" Peter asks before entering.

"Mhm, I'm good."

Peter's thumb brushed your lips, kissing them softly, before slipping in, you tastings yourself.

You opened your legs wider for him, turning your head to yawn, Peter's too busy rubbing his cock through your folds to notice.

"Fucking missed this pussy." He groaned as he thrusted inside you. You moaned at the feeling. Peter's head tossed back, before grasping your thigh and waist, thrusting into you over and over.

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