Secret ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer marvelouspeterparker on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → kissing ?

Summary →The reader and Peter have been secretly dating for a few months but MJ and Ned don't know until they catch them kissing.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

You and Peter had always been best friends, super close. So close that everyone was just waiting for you two to get together, it seemed inevitable at this point. You'd been together for a few months now, and you don't know why exactly, but you just decided to keep it between the two of you for now. It was your little secret, you just wanted to keep it for yourselves for a little bit.

You let your hand trail up to Peter's cheek and smiled into the kiss when you felt him shiver under your touch. His hands grabbed at your waist and you sighed, leaning further into him.

Peter was about to push you backwards to lie down on the couch when you heard your front door unlocked and MJ and Ned walked into your apartment, snacks in hand. Realizing you had lost track of time, you shoved Peter off of you, ignoring his yelp of protest and perked up, making your way over to where your friends were.

"Sup losers," MJ announced nonchalantly, a smile on her face.

You heard Peter yell an upset "Hey!" but you just smiled and gave her a one-armed hug, "Hey MJ."

You turned and gave Ned a fist bump, which he returned enthusiastically, a bright smile spread on his face as he walked in. "Hi!"

You all put the snacks in bowls and got settled on the couch, and Peter tried his best to calm himself down before the movie started. Before you took your seat next to him, you stood up excusing yourself to get some water, and Peter's eyes followed you like a lost puppy.

"I'm just--" he got up, awkwardly looking at his two friends with a tight-lipped smile on his face, "I'm just gonna go check on...whatever she's doing."

As he ran off, MJ watched him go, a brow raised in confusion and curiosity.

"That was weird," Ned pointed out, his brows furrowed.

MJ nodded slowly, "Peter is always weird...but you're right, that was even weirder than usual."

You were about to fill your glass with water when you felt two familiar hands slide under your sweatshirt. You leaned back into his embrace, finding comfort in his warm hands. Peter turned you around, and you set the glass down on the counter, looking up at him, clearly needy. You were a lot better at hiding it than him though.

Peter licked his lips, "you know we didn't uh--get to finish before."

You smiled knowingly, "and we can't because our friends are in the next room Pete."

"Oh come on," he pouted. "Just one kiss." When you didn't budge, he gave you his famous puppy dog eyes. "Please, just one. I promise."

You sighed dramatically, your arms linking around his neck as you pulled him down. "Fine."

He smiled victoriously as he leaned in, letting out a quiet, "maybe just a little more than one," before connected his lips to yours. The both of you pulled each other closer, wanting to feel as much as you could of each other, lips locking passionately.

Peter bit your lip and relished in the way you sighed into him. Of course, you and Peter lost track of time again and just as his hand was about to slide up and grab your boob, you heard something fall behind him. You both pulled away from each other, eyes wide as you noticed MJ and Ned standing there--Ned's jaw dropped, his hand open in front of him, the remote on the floor by his feet, MJ's eyes narrowed as she watched the two of you.

"We can explain!" You and Peter yelled at the same time.

"You guys are dating and you didn't tell us??" Ned practically shrieked.

MJ crossed her arms, "I knew it."

You and Peter smiled sheepishly, linking your hands together, "surprise--"

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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