Flowers ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer bruisedboys on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → fluff

Summary →❛you got me flowers?❜ + ❛aw, did you miss me?❜

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

Peter's never really been very nimble. Even after becoming Spider-Man, he's still a little bit of a clutz. He's lanky and taller than he thinks he is, so he's always under-compensating for his size and walking into things.

He makes it through your bedroom window without incident, but then he trips over a book on the floor and can't catch himself because his hands are full. He goes thudding onto the carpet. There's a pause, and then he hears the shower shut off.

"Hello?" Your voice echoes from the bathroom, much too frightened for Peter's liking. Whoops.

"It's me!" He calls out, scrambling to his feet and ditching his effort to surprise you. "It's Peter, honey, I'm sorry."

Another pause. Then, "Oh, okay. Just give me a minute!"

Peter's happy to wait, though he'd go barging into the bathroom if it was up to him. He sits on the end of your bed and brings the bouquet of flowers he's holding to his lap. It's a little wilted from his fall, a few petals on the outermost layer crushed. He doesn't have time to fix them before he hears the bathroom door open and your footsteps down the hall.

"Are you trying to rob me?" You're saying, amusement clear in your soft voice. "You aren't very stealthy, Peter."

You appear in the doorway with a huge smile, a towel wrapped around your otherwise bare body and your skin all dewy and fresh. Peter feels instantly like you've put him under a spell.

"I wasn't trying to rob you," he argues. His head is swimming. Worse when you cross the room to stand in front of his knees with a sugar sweet smile. He looks up at you, starstruck. "I was trying to surprise you. There's a difference."

You raise your eyebrows. Peter's eyes catch on your bare collarbones. They skip over the dip of your throat, your sternum, the sparkling diamonds of water that cling to your skin.

"Is there?" You ask, amused.

"Uh. Yeah," Peter says dizzily. He's completely forgotten what he was just talking about two seconds ago. You smell exquisite. Your skin is smooth and shiny with moisturiser. He might die and you'll be the culprit. He blinks once, twice, thrice, but his head doesn't show any signs of clearing.

You giggle at his inadequacy, a sweet, airy sound that has Peter's heart doing somersaults.

"Aw, Pete," you say, faking sympathy. You take his face in a soft hand, fingers pushing to the space beneath his ear. "Did you miss me?"

Peter blinks hard. Your fingers set his skin on fire. "What makes you think that?" He asks, aiming for accusatory but landing on clumsy and starstruck.

You burst into laughter. Peter knows very well that you're laughing at him. He finds he doesn't care, not when you lean over him and press a kiss to his forehead.

"You're cute," you tell him fondly.

Peter blushes all the way up to his ears. Thankfully, you've become distracted by the bouquet of flowers in his hands and you don't notice his very intense blush. He wouldn't mind if you did, actually. You might call him cute again.

"Oh!" You gasp softly, and lift your eyes to Peter's. "You got me flowers?"

Peter nods. "Yeah," he says. Finally, he's managed to say something without embarrassing himself. "Do you like 'em?"

You nod vehemently. "They're lovely, Peter. Let me get dressed, okay? And then we can put them in some water together."

You touch his cheek and then move away, leaving him in a dizzying cloud of sweetness. He can still smell your moisturiser, still feel the heat of your hand where you'd touched his face.

"Cool," Peter says, his voice two notches too high. Not his smoothest moment.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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