Cuddles ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spideyyeet on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Avenger!Reader

Warnings → Fluff

Summary → The reader falls asleep earlier than usual and Peter walks in and cuddles her.

          。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★

You and Peter are the youngest in the team. Basically that means you both stay up every single night doing whatever the fuck you feel like until you fall asleep somewhere in the building, until Tony (who’s usually up in his lab) finds you both and makes you go to your rooms.

Steve would like to think that the two young avengers had somewhat of a good sleep schedule before quarantine, and in all honesty that’s true. Because ever since quarantine started, neither of you have slept earlier than 4am.

That is until today.

Peter was in the kitchen, stuffing his face with Steve’s surprisingly good brownies.

“Where’s y/n?” Bucky asks, taking a seat beside Peter, reaching for a brownie.

Peter looks over his shoulder, then tuning back with a shrug. “Dunno she said was gonna take a shower then come.”

Bucky hums, handing Sam a brownie as he walks in.

“I’m gonna go check,” Peter talks with his mouthful. His sock covered feet padding down the cold compound floors, a tired stride in his movements.

“Y/n?” Peter knocks on your door, waiting a beat before walking in. His eyes instantly landing on the lump on the bed. Peter closes the door softly, quietly making his way towards you.

“Baby?” He leans over, peering down at you. Were you asleep? Like actually, genuinely asleep? What time is it? Peter’s head snap to the clock. 9:30pm

Your even breaths, bring Peter’s attention back to you. His body melting when you start to shift. The one thing that is better than staying up late with you, is cuddling with his tough girlfriend at night.

It doesn’t take Peter more than a minute to push the covers and wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you into his warm embrace.

Peter’s cheeks dusted pink as he feels you mumble softly, turning around, arm slinging across his covered torso, cheek pressed on his shoulder.

Peter nibbles on bottom lip, heart beating crazy fast as he softly pushes your damp hair behind your ear.  His fingers lightly tracing your features, skimming over the dark circles under your eyes, your soft cheeks and the gap between your lips. His warm chocolate eyes follow his fingers as blushes deeper.

“Mine,” he mumbles to himself, arm pulling you closer, pressing a feather-light kiss to your temple. His finger continues to trace lazy shapes on the strip of skin peaking from under your sweater, slowly pulling him to sleep.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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