Winter Winds ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer murdockparker on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → Mentions of blood, mentions of injuries, few swear words

Summary → (Y/N) had a nasty habit of waiting by the window. How could she not? If your boyfriend was out fighting crime late into the night, you would too.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

Winters in the city always felt too long for (Y/N)'s liking. The days were shorter, the air grew bitterly cold and the nights dragged on for hours on end. What (Y/N) now hated most about the winter was the wait by the window. The wait never grew easier, but at least she had the smells of spring or summer breeze to calm her nerves. Now all she had to greet her anxious state was the winter wind and the occasional snowfall to greet her bedside. Could she just simply close the window? Of course she could, but knowing that he was out there and needed to come home, having one less obstacle in the way of his path to warmth and love was worth her own discomfort.

She never signed up for this, living each night with the fear of losing the one person that made her life even worth living. Her person. She'd continue on, of course, it's what he would want. She knew that and would just try to live day by day until the grief became smaller and smaller. Thankfully, each night she was relieved to know that she didn't have to plan for such a day. He would finally slip into their shared apartment, as quietly as he could, littered with the injuries that the city they both loved so dear had given him.

"Peter," (Y/N) breathed out, eyeing the bleeding man climbing in from their window. He had a sizable gash decorating his chest, tore right through the spider emblem on the front. She'd have to repair his suit, but that could wait. "Let me grab the kit."

"S'okay," Peter mumbled as he fumbled into their bedroom. He tripped over his tennis shoes and steadied himself as best he could. Peter Parker wasn't the most graceful being on the planet, if anyone didn't know any better, they'd say he had two left feet. "You really don't need to, I can do it myself..."

"Nope," (Y/N) replied, popping the 'p'. She sat back down on their bed, med-kit in hand. Peter tore his mask off, flinging it onto their dresser. "Get your suit off, you know the drill."

"Trynna get me naked, huh?" Peter mused. "Naughty, naughty."

"You make the same joke every night, Parker," (Y/N) said, fighting back the smile she so desperately wanted to make. "Seriously, get it off, I need to get to that-Jesus, Pete, what's it even from?"

"Oh, this?" Peter asked, motioning to the gash on his chest, he had successfully pulled the suit off the top half of his body. The injuries on the lower half would heal up on their own overnight-thank you super healing. The slash was about six inches across, the bleeding mostly under control, he made a point to try his best to get it stopped before crawling in. His webbing usually did the trick. "Ah, honestly, it's from the bear man. He got a few good licks in."

"Bear man?"

"I dunno," Peter shrugged, wincing at the antiseptic (Y/N) gingerly dabbed on the wound. "We never really got around to swapping business cards, maybe his name's Paul?"

"Paul seems fitting for a bear," (Y/N) said as she finally broke a smile. Peter's mood lit up ever so slightly, he tried to make her smile, tried to make this living hell she endured just that much better with all the jokes or humor he could provide. "Is this the same guy that you tried to take down on Monday?"

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