Beat Drop ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer spideyyeet on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → fluff, softtt, language, mentions of sex

Summary →TikTok AU where people have to call their crush and say they like them if the beat lands on them.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

One thing Peter hated was how fucking annoying your uncle is. You'd been staying with your uncle for a month now since your parents were away on a business trip in Germany. Your uncle wouldn't allow you to go to the decathlon trip in Florida, which fucking sucked.

Peter wasn't going to go but you pushed him to go even if you weren't. Peter's had the longest crush on you and almost everyone knew but you.

Anyways here he is at the back of the bus with MJ, Ned, Flash, Betty, Harry and Cindy all playing would you rather. There was only an hour left before they arrived at the hotel in Orlando.

Peter had been texting you telling you everything he's seen. But you haven't responded in awhile. You could be asleep, you did wake up late on weekends.

"Can we please do it." Betty begged, Harry groaning shaking his head. Peter closed his phone brows furrowed.

"Do what?" He asked.

"That tiktok thing where the beat drops and you call your crush!" Betty squealed, making MJ chuckle, Peter remembered seeing something like that on his for you page.

"I don't like tiktok." Harry grumbled, everyone rolling their eyes.

"You're just uneducated." Betty said. "C'mon lets do it." After some more convincing everyone was in.

They all sat on the outside of their seats, Flash put the song on his phone as Betty somehow tapped her phone to the back of the bus so everyone was in the shot.

Everyone chuckled as they pointed quickly, until the beat dropped and Flash pointed at Harry. Harry's eyes went wide. Peter chuckled shrugging his shoulders when Harry looked at him.

"No pussying out now." Flash teased as Harry's face flushed taking out his phone.

"I never wanted to play the game in the first place." He grumbled but everyone just urged him on. MJ however felt her heart beating ten times faster even Peter had to look and see if she was okay. But then her phone went off.

Everyone gasped as MJ answered the phone, Harry smiling in front of her.

"Hey, I-I like you." He said making MJ's cheeks flush a smile pulling at her lips.

They all played another round, but this time the beat dropped on Peter. Everyone cheered thinking they know who he'd call.

"I don't think she's gonna answer." He said, but everyone rolled their eyes. Somehow only MJ and Ned knew he'd call you, everyone else thought he was going to call Sammie who was sitting at the front of the bus, she was new and was on top of Peter every second of every day. You wouldn't say you were jealous when you saw how touchy she got, but yea you were jealous.

But when her phone didn't ring, and Peter spoke all of their mouths dropped open.

"Hey y/n." Peter said, clearing his throat as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Are you dying! What happened? Where are you?!" You exclaimed, Peter usually never starts with hey y/n, it's always a stupid joke or a what's up Shortcake.

Peter chuckled, "what! Nothing, I'm just on the bus with everyone, it's nothing." He said hearing you sigh.

"Okay, what's up dork?" You asked with a smile, Peter rolled his eyes playfully-

"Put it on speaker!" Flash whisper yelled, everyone nodding. Peter shook his head, but his phone was already being snatched and put on speaker. "Talk!" Flash whisper yelled.

"Um I just-um," he's had a crush on you all through high school, how is he supposed to confess his love because of a stupid game. Peter felt all the eyes around him, making his palms sweaty.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're not dying-" before you can bring up Spider-Man Peter blurted it out.

"I like you!" He exclaimed making you chuckle.

"I like you too dude-"

"No I like you like you, since freshmen year, I have feelings for you." Peter said biting his lip as he looked up at MJ who nodded her head for him to continue, the bus parking in front of the hotel. "Y/n? You there?"

"Look outside." You said, Peter's brows furrowing as he looked up through the window at the back of the bus and his heart stopped.

"Oh shit!" Flash exclaimed, because there you stood with your backpack and suitcase in front of the hotel.

"No way." Peter sighed, his body moving before his mind could process. He was unlatching the emergency exit door and jumping out. You opened your arms out for him, your bag dropping as Peter hugged you tightly, picking you off the ground.

"Did you mean it? It wasn't a game?" You asked as Peter looked at you.

"Yea-Yea, I meant the whole thing, every word." He said smiling, you held the back of his neck pulling him down for a kiss. Peter hummed, holding your hips against him as your hands got lost in his curls. You opened your mouth letting Peter in, his arms wrapping around you tightly, hand resting a little lower on your back, one could say it was on your ass.

Flash, Harry and Ned where whistling and howling as everyone else laughed and clapped. It was a long time coming. Peter pulled away, his lips still against yours as you both caught your breath.

"That was hot." Peter said breathlessly making you roll your eyes and chuckle. Betty squealed having the whole thing on tiktok.

"I swear to fuck if this doesn't go viral I'm suing tiktok." She said posting the video and tagging you and Peter.

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