Flowers ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer ptergwen on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → fluff

Summary → I got you some flowers. But, if you have allergies, I also got fake flowers! Just in case.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

There isn't a soul on this Earth that's as caring as Peter Parker. If there is, you certainly haven't met them. Every little thing he says or does has thought and sincerity behind it.

Peter Parker's kindness, his cheesy sense of humor, and his infectious smile all made it easy to fall for him. You went from being new friends to constantly pining after him in literally an instant. However, you weren't alone in that.

It's no secret Peter collects crushes like Pokémon, but you? His feelings for you chew him up and swallow him whole. If he hadn't confessed them the other day, he was sure he'd die or worse.

Thanks to Peter's dramatics, you two are going out on your first official date. You'd decided to meet at the park and take a stroll to get ice cream. You're extremely excited yet a tad bit nervous for it. Peter is always nervous around you, so he should be able to manage.

Peter is already at the park when you arrive. He's sat on a bench, his leg bouncing up and down while he anxiously surveys the area.

In your short time of knowing Peter, you've learned that punctuality is his biggest struggle. The fact that he actually arrived early for you makes your heart soar.

"Pete!" You call, walking over to the bench with a grin. Peter's head snaps in the direction of your voice. He returns your smile and adds a quick wave. "Hey, Y/N/N. I kept your seat warm, sit," he pats the spot next to him.

Obliging, you scoot close until your knee is touching Peter's. It subconsciously makes him steady his leg.

"You're on time, huh? That's new," you observe. "Hope I didn't make you wait too long." Peter purses his lips cutely, poking your arm in reassurance. "No, not at all! Besides, it'd be about time I got a taste of my own medicine." You giggle at his words and lay your head on his shoulder. "Hm, I can't disagree."

Warmth radiates throughout Peter, his scent of lavender flooding your senses as he drapes his arm around your waist. You've got a hunch he's the most incredible at cuddling. You can't wait to find out for sure.

"Oh! Before I forget..." Peter suddenly breaks the comfortable silence. "I have something for you. Hang on." He reaches onto his other side, fumbling with a plastic bag to retrieve the mystery item. You chew on your lip to suppress another smile.

"Gifts already? I think you skipped a couple stages," you tease. Peter exhales a breathy laugh. "Calm down, missy. This one's first date appropriate," he assures you, his cheeks tinted pink when he turns back.

Your playful demeanor changes upon seeing the bouquet of flowers Peter holds out for you. It's bright yellow daisies, the plastic they're in patterned with butterflies and hearts. God, could he be any more adorable?

"I got you some flowers," Peter explains. You wrap your arms around the arrangement and hug it to your chest. "But, if you have allergies, I also got fake flowers! Just in case," his explanation quickly becomes rambling. He starts to dig through the bag for the plastic ones. "Y'know, so no pressure because I could always-"

"They're beautiful, Peter," you interject, grabbing Peter's hand in yours. "Thank you so much! You're ridiculously sweet. Like, it's unreal." Your fingers trace over his palm lightly. Peter properly locks your fingers together. Feeling bold, he leaves a light kiss on the back of your hand. "No problem, Y/N/N. You deserve it."

The blush coating his features brings a grin to your lips. "I'll get you back," you murmur. "Order all the ice cream you can eat, on me." Peter scoffs, resting your intertwined hands in his lap. May raised him better than to let a girl pay on date one. "No way! I'm buying, whether you like it or not."

Again, there isn't a soul on this Earth that's as caring as Peter Parker.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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