Detention ❀

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer parkerpeter24 on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → fluff

Summary → You decided to hang out with your best friend because of his unusually busy schedule. He gets detention, but you were determined, so you decided to get a detention as well.

          。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★

“Detention? Again?” You asked your best friend as you walked beside him. You had AP Chemistry together and you just saw him walk out of Principal Morita's office.

Approaching him and tapping on his shoulder, you asked what had happened and to your dismay he had said that he got another detention for today, “I thought you had patrolling?” You huffed.

He looked down in shame, too embarrassed at his carelessness to look you straight in the eyes, “I didn't mean to get it.”

“Spill it already Parker. What was it this time?” You asked.

“Oh, that's not really important.”

“For God's sake Pete!”

“I punched Flash in the face.” He blurted out suddenly. Your eyes grew wide and you grabbed him by wrist to stop him from walking further.

“You did what?” You said before bursting into laughter and trying to hold yourself up. You breathed heavily, cheeks red from laughing so hard. You composed yourself as you started walking again, “Why though? You never punched him, ever!

His cheeks turned red as he stared at the passing tiles beneath his feet, trying to keep his feet inside the border of the next ones. He mumbled something under his breath which you couldn't quite decipher.

“Sorry, what?” You asked.

“He was talking trash about you.” He answered, finally looking in your eyes. You registered his words.

“Oh.” Was the only word that escaped your mouth before you were walking inside the chemistry lab and taking your assigned seats, which were besides each other.

“Thanks Pete.” You thanked him. Seeing that the teacher was still not in the classroom, the students were still chattering around the class. Peter shrugged his shoulders. You knew how much excited he was to go for his daily patrol and you could see how much bummed out he looked. You didn't know why but you felt guilty for the poor guy, “I'm sorry that you can't go patrolling just because of me.” You looked down.

“Hey, it's not your fault. He deserved that for talking bad about you.” He said and blushed a little before adding, “I mean, you're the most intelligent and pretty girl I've ever met.”

You blushed, turning around to —hide the blush— take out your book, not before passing him a hearty smile and a small 'thanks.'

As soon as you the class was over and you made it out to the hallway, you confessed your plan to him, that you had made up in your mind instead of focusing on the lesson that was being taught in the class, “I'm gonna get detention too.”

“What? No you won't.” Peter clarified.

“Oh come on Peter! You won't have anything to do in detention. I'll save you from the boredom and then we can go for ice-cream or something and that way I'll make it up to you! ” You exclaimed, “Don't you want to spend time with me?”

“No! No, I mean, I do want to spend time with you.” He said, blushing as the both of you shuffled towards the cafeteria, “Just not by getting you in trouble.”

“It's no trouble if I'm with you.” You said, “Besides, I want to see how detention works.” You laughed making Peter laugh along with you as you reached your table.

Ned raised an eyebrow when he saw you both laughing, you explained him what was going on and the three of you started discussing the ways to get you in detention.

There were some ideas, the first and foremost being kicking Flash in the shin —because he deserved it for always bullying Peter— and the second and third comprised of missing classes or talking in classes or simple ideas. You weren't backing out of this one, since you would get to spend more time with Peter.

He had been so busy since the 'Stark Internship' and you were dying to tell him about how much you liked to spend time with him, how much you liked him.

Implying the first plan in lunch period itself, you tried to go up to Flash but he was being too nice to you. No you won't kick him if he didn't give you a good reason for the moment.

You were shocked when you returned to your regular table, “Peter, what did you do to him? He's a brand new person!”

“He might be like that for a few weeks.” Peter craned his neck to look at Flash sitting silently with his group.

You nodded at him. The next plans were quite simple, so you walked in class five minutes later but he was in a very good mood so he let you 'sit on your seat this time'. You thought ruining his good mood would be not a good idea.

You tried to talk in Coach Wilson's period but he was all too sleepy to be angry and dismissed the class.

You were very frustrated till the end of the day. It was so ironic of you to get sad at not getting into detention. Peter tried to rub small circles at the back of your hand to calm you down before you could explode.

“Come on (y/n/n). Why do you want to get detention so desperately?” He asked.

“You don't understand!” You raised your voice as you stepped out of the gym in the now empty hall. Students were already rushing out of the school so you both had the hallway to yourselves.

And you were a little happy that it was deserted because you wanted to scream. For the first time in, like, forever you got the chance to spend time with Peter and you lost that chance.

“Then tell me?” He asked, unsure if he asked the right thing.

“Just because!” You ran a hand through your hair. You moved from Peter's side to stand in front of him, “I want to spend time with you! Since that stupid internship of yours, you've been so busy and I need to spend time with you like we did earlier! ”

Peter moved close to you, eyes wide, and grabbed your hand, rubbing soft circles on it with his thumb because he knew it calmed you down, “Hey, hey. Calm down.” He cooed.

You looked up after a moment seeing how close he'd gotten. You could see hints of black in his chocolate brown eyes. Your eyes deviated to his lips for a moment. You didn't know what took over you but in a swift moment, your hand reached behind his neck and pulled him in until your lips met.

You quickly pulled away with bright red cheeks and wide eyes, him replicating your actions, “Sorry, I just—”

In an instant, Peter's arms wrapped around your waist pulling you into him, again, until your lips met, this time for a long kiss. You let out a small gasp at his distinctive actions and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. The kiss was rather sloppy, but for a first, it was just perfect for you and Peter both.

You both suddenly pulled away from each other when you heard someone clearing their throat. You both turned at the same time to look at principal Morita with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

“What are you kids doing here?” He asked.

“Sir, we were just—” Peter started.

“Nuh-huh.” He interjected before adding, “detention, both of you.”

You couldn't help the squeal that left your throat and Peter laughed at your expressions. You heard Principal Morita mutter a 'kids these days' as he shook his head, before he went back to his round.

What a poetic way to end the day.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 - 𝟓Where stories live. Discover now