Trouble In Paradise ☆

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer ptergwen on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → lots of suggestiveness, swearing, and mentions of drinking

Summary → Peter loves your new bikini… a little too much.

          。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★

“Peter, we have to go,” you giggle out, cupping a hand over your boyfriend’s mouth. “Everybody’s waiting for us... what if they get suspicious?” Peter playfully nips at your fingers before intertwining them with his own. “Don’t know, don’t care,” he mumbles and pecks a spot on your jaw.

His lips attach to your neck next, kissing slowly and lightly down your skin. Each one tingles in the best way possible. He’s always so good at this, all movements thought out, done with care. He’s a little too good.

If you don’t leave now, you’ll spend the whole afternoon locked in Peter’s room with him on top of you. Not that that isn’t a dream come true, but you bought a cute bikini for your pool day with the team and want to make use of it.

It’s actually what inspired peter to pin you down and kiss every visible inch of your body. One look at you in the thing, and he was done for.

“By the way,” Peter’s voice comes out raspy. The vibrations tickle you, making you bite back a smile. “Yellow looks really nice on you, baby. You pull it off perfect.” His free hand sets on your exposed stomach, just above your hip. “Yeah?” You gaze up at Peter innocently. “I thought you’d like it.”

You’re in a yellow and white striped two piece that leaves little to the imagination. The bottoms are tied on either side, strings revealing more than they hide. The top plunges low and pushes up, which is the right combination to drive Peter crazy.

Although, you could’ve worn baggy swim trunks and had the same effect. He’s easy.

“You got this just for me?” Peter smirks at the idea, peppering your neck in more kisses. “Adorable, y/n.” You raise a challenging eyebrow. “That’s it? Adorable?” Your leg winds around Peter’s waist to draw him in closer. “I’m much more than adorable, and you know it.”

His hand leaves yours and moves to your thigh. He trails his fingers up and down your skin, the simple touch leaving goosebumps.

Peter gives your thigh a small squeeze, his nose nudging the tip of yours. “Prove it, then.” You’re positive he can feel your heart beating through the thin material of his nasa t-shirt. Your worries about missing the pool day have long faded away.

You capture Peter’s lips in a kiss that he instantly reciprocates. He grins into it, letting you take control. Laughing breathlessly at his eagerness, you thread your fingers in his chocolate curls. You tug gently on them and tilt your head up to deepen the kiss. You continue playing with Peter’s hair as you nibble on his lower lip.

God, it gets him going when you do that.

“Hm, I love you,” Peter sighs, both arms hooking around your middle. “Love you so much, princess.” That earns a lighthearted eye roll from you. “I love you, Pete. Kinda ruining the mood, though.” He apologizes with a chuckle and a peck at your lips. “Oops. I was doing so well, too.” Beaming up at him, you stroke his curls in reassurance. “Who told you to stop?”

Peter takes that as his cue to indulge you in another kiss. He parts his swollen lips, your tongue running over his bottom one. You let out a hum when his tongue enters your mouth instead. Arching your back so your body presses against his, you begin to guide his hands towards your hips.

𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 - 𝟓Where stories live. Discover now