Glasses ☆

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer ptergwen on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → 18+, a lil angst, explicit language, suggestive, and implied smut

Summary →In whicview/ptergwen/691782767997009920?source=share

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → 18+, a lil angst, explicit language, suggestive, and implied smut
h you go crazy for Peter in his new glasses.

          。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★

Peter’s lips twitch into a frown as he opens up his new glasses case. He picks the glasses up by their bridge and looks them over, debating whether or not to put them on.

He used to need glasses before he got his powers. The spider bite gave him perfect vision, so he stopped wearing them and hasn’t since. Now that he’s older, though, his vision isn’t what it once was. He’s been straining his eyes all these years, squinting through the eyes of his Spider-Man mask and staring at computer screens for college assignments. It’s back to glasses he goes.

He's not too upset that he has to wear them again. What he’s worried about is what you’ll think.

The thick, black frames Peter wore as a kid were dorky and often got him teased. They were all he could afford, and it’s not like he’s rolling in the dough now either. The new pair he purchased is hardly an upgrade.

You didn’t know Peter before he was Spider-Man. The two of you met and began dating in college, well after he got ripped, taller, and lost the glasses. If he starts wearing glasses again, what if you’re not attracted to him anymore? What if you see him as the nerd everyone else did?

There’s a knock at Peter’s dorm door. It must be you. You two have a date later. Peter inhales, a deep breath, and opens the door.

"Hey, Pete."

“Hi, baby. Come in.”

You set a hand on Peter’s cheek and greet him with a quick kiss, smiling. He smiles back and shuts the door behind you. You take a seat on his bed.

“Are those your glasses?”

You point to the pair in Peter’s hand.

He’d told you he needed them, but he didn’t tell you they were ready. He was hoping to avoid you seeing him in them for as long as he could.

“Uh, yeah. I just picked them up.”

“Put them on, I wanna see.”

“I dunno, Y/N. I don’t know how they look on me. I haven’t tried them yet.”

“Well, then now’s as good a time as any. Put them on!”

Peter’s face scrunches up, mouth opening to protest. You jut out your bottom lip.

“Please? For me?”

As much as he wants to, he can’t say no to that.

“Okay, but I warned you.”

Peter unfolds the glasses by their hinges and slips them on, adjusting them so they’re behind his ears. He pushes them up on his nose by the bridge. He finally meets your eyes from across the room, teeth clenched nervously. You ogle him for a solid amount of time without blinking, mouth hanging open.

“Are they that bad?”

Peter starts to take his glasses off.

“No, leave them!”

“But I thought you didn’t like them.”

“Are you kidding? I love them!”

You get up from Peter’s bed and walk back over to him. Peter’s features hold shock. Your hands come to either side of his face, lips forming a grin.

“They look so good, Pete. They really suit you. And they’re actually super sexy, too.”

“You think they’re sexy?”

“Uh huh. They make you look all mature. Feel like I should call you sir or something.”

“Sir is good. But be honest, do you actually like them? Because I think they’re kind of embarrassing.”

You leave a kiss on Peter’s nose, just under his glasses.

“I like you with or without glasses, Peter. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, okay? Not with me. I wear glasses and I'm not embarrassed of them.”

“Because it suits you, you look adorable in them.”

“Well you look hot.”

Peter cracks a smile and loops his arms around your middle.

“Thank you. That made me feel way better.”

“Of course.”

One of your hands moves down Peter’s body, two fingers inching their way up to his chest.

“Seriously, though. The glasses are turning me on. What time does Harry get back?”

“Not 'til late, why?”


You beckon Peter closer. He turns his head so you can whisper in his ear. His brows raise, grip on you tightening.

“Oh… oh, shit. But I thought we were going out?”

“Not anymore. We’re staying in.”

Peter lowers his glasses. You push them back up.

“The glasses stay on when we fuck.”

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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