Stuck ☆

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer parkerpeter24 on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings → humour?

Summary → Peter's hand gets stuck to your t-shirt.

。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★

Peter was not at his own house- which he often wasn't. So you didn't care. May was trying to make shepherd's pie for dinner and you could hear the simmering of oil and the chopping board being used.

Peter's bed was nice and warm. Plus it smelled like him. You scrolled through your phone to pass the time until he was finally home.

Suddenly you heard clattering from the kitchen, making you jump into action as you rushed to see what had happened.

"Is everything okay?" You asked May.

She sighed, picking up a few utensils that had fallen down, "just a mishap, sweetie."

"Um, can I help?" You didn't wait for a reply as you helped her pick up the scattered pots, placing them back in the small cupboard under the stove.

"Can you get me the frozen peas from the refrigerator?" She asked kindly as she continued to stirr whatever was in the pan, "I think it needs a few more veggies."

You followed her orders and soon enough you ended up with something that didn't feel like tasting, "um... are we sure that-"

"We've followed the right recipe, it's going to be alright." She gave you a smile, "why don't you go see if Peter's back, and we can have dinner."

You nodded and quickly made your way to his room, with the purpose to warn him of what was about to come. The first thing you noticed when you entered his room was Peter falling to the ground, just in his boxers.

You gasped, rushing over to your boyfriend and kneeling down, "Peter, when did you come home? What happened? Are you alright?"

He groaned and shuffled to sit up on the floor, "it was a hard day... at the Stark internship." He leaned his head against your neck.

"Why are you um... not wearing anything?" You voiced your concern, feeling bad for the poor boy. He looked so tired.

Neither you or May were a big fan of Tony Stark anymore. He had your favorite boy tired all the time.

"Was trying to change," he sighed, sitting back against the bed.

"You know what May and I ruined today? Shepherd's pie."

He chuckled, shaking his head as he took a moment to gather himself, then got up. You got up with him, letting him place an arm around your shoulders as you walked him to his closet.

The second he tried to pull back his hand, you felt your t-shirt go slide down your shoulder. Your eyes widened slightly, trying to pull the sleeve back up but it was as if Peter's hand was stuck to it.

He tugged again gently, seemingly panicking the same as you, "I'm sorry I..." you felt yourself being pulled towards him everytime he tried to take his hand off, "I'm so sorry."

You just watched him trying to pull his hand back but nothing was happening. He groaned slightly and pulled back his hand harshly, sending a ripping sound resonating throughout the room.

You gasped, trying to cover yourself up as you were left in just your bra, the torn material of your t-shirt just stuck to his hand, "oh my god!" Your arms crossed over your chest, hugging yourself as Peter turned red.

He put his hand- which was stuck to your t-shirt- to his eyes, feeling his whole face warm up, "I'm sorry- I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!" His voice was an octave higher as he continued to apologise.

"Dinner's getting-" you turned around to look at May and quickly rushed to hide behind Peter as a yelp left your mouth.

Peter looked at his aunt, only turning a brighter shade of red as he understood what it must look like to a third person. He was standing in just his boxers and you- with your t-shirt stuck to his hands, "May, it's not what it looks like-"

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, just use protection kids." She waved her finger at you two before closing the door after herself.

A smack landed behind Peter's head and he looked around, "ow!"

"Don't look at me!"

Peter blushed even more as he turned away, letting you dig into his closet. You put on one of his t-shirts before facing him, "you're shameless, aren't you?"

"What did I do!?" He whined, "you can look at me in my boxers, but I can't see you in your bra?"

You felt your face warm up, giving him a stern look, "I didn't choose to strip out of my clothes here."

"Right." Peter sighed, "I'm sorry this happened, I'm just stressed..."

"Peter." You held his face gently, "there are ways other than sex to deal with stress."

His eyebrows pulled together, "what? This has nothing to do with sex!"

You titled your head the slightest, "you don't wanna have sex with me?"

"No!" His eyes widened when he watched your face drop, "I mean yes! I-I do. Obviously, I do. When the time is right..."

"Then why did you rip my t-shirt?" You looked confused and Peter didn't know where to run to.

"It just happened, accidentally." He sighed, trying to wave his hand around to let the piece of fabric go. It finally fell to the floor, "can we just stop talking about this now?"

"Okay... put on some clothes and let's go eat that shepherd's die- I mean pie."

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ‎∗ ࣪

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