Normal Grocery Store Situation

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𝐀/𝐍 - All credit goes to the writer tinyyoungblood on Tumblr

Parings → Peter Parker x Avenger! Reader

Warnings → none

Summary →This is what it looks like when Peter and Y/n are sent to the grocery store to get some groceries for the others

          。・:*:・゚★。・:*:・゚☆  。・:*:・゚★

“Did you find a cream yet for that nasty rash you showed me earlier? I’m sure there’s something to stop the oozing.”

Peter stopped dead in his track and shot you a glare.

“It was funny the first time. Now you’re just the weirdo that keeps bringing up my rash.” He made sure to air quote the last word although it was just the two of you in the cereal aisle.

Smirking, you pushed the cart forward and gave him a pat on the shoulder. “It’s still your rash, buddy. All yours.”

You smiled sweetly as an old lady passed you, looking mildly horrified when you added, “That’s what you get for running around naked in alleyways.”

Peter’s groan was music to your ears. You didn’t even wait until she had hurried around the corner before bursting out laughing.

“You’re a pain in the ass,” said Peter flatly.

You shrugged. “You should know. Considering that’s where the rash is.”

Not a second later, you felt your ankle knock into something, making you trip and stumble into a shelf. Boxes of cereal toppled to the floor, making a glorious mess around you.

You glared up at Peter but he simply stared back with a blank face. The corner of his mouth just tugged slightly upward as he grabbed the cart and strolled past you, whistling.

After you had painstakingly put everything back, you found Peter in front of the spice section. He was holding two jars in each hand, skimming their labels as if they contained the secret to the universe.

“Do you know what Pepper uses for her noodles?” A faint crease appeared between his brows.

You gave him a sidelong glance. “You mean what she puts in the water when boiling noodles?”

He nodded.

“Salt,” you replied. “She puts salt in the water.”

His brows shot up. “Are you serious?”

“Positive.” You scanned the shelf for some cinnamon since Bucky wanted to try out a new recipe.

“How come it tastes so much better than Steve’s noodles?” Peter put the spices back and pushed the cart along, walking in front of you.

You stared at the back of his head in disbelief. “Because he doesn’t put salt in the– you’re messing with me, right?” Yesterday you had witnessed Peter win an argument against Tony about powering one of his suits with potatoes. It was hard to believe that he couldn’t piece this together.

But Peter merely shrugged, grabbing two pints of your favourite ice cream, and placed them in the cart. “There’s no way it can make that much of a difference. It’s just salt.”

“You know that salt enhances flavour, right?” You watched as he added two more pints of Nat’s favourite ice cream and crossed them off the shopping list. Then he aimed for the aisle with the sweets.

“Well, yeah, but it tastes significantly better. I’ve watched them both cook the same pasta with the same ingredients. Pepper’s spaghetti still tastes miles better.”

You held up two chocolate bars for Peter to choose. “That’s just because Cap is shit at cooking. He always burns the sauce.”

Peter picked the one with nuts and hummed as if reminiscing on a memory. “He does make scrubbing the pots look like an upper body work out.”

You grinned and reached over to hand him a jar of honey. “Do you know why Loki keeps asking for honey? We already have a whole stack at home.”

“Not sure,” Peter replied, eyeing the label before placing it in the cart. “Maybe he’s just hoarding them. Did you know that honey never goes bad? They found 3,000-year-old honey while excavating tombs in Egypt, and it was perfectly edible. It could definitely outlive Bucky and Steve if we let it.”

You arched an eyebrow. “All I’m hearing is that Loki’s probably trying to figure out a way to achieve immortality.” You pointed out a funny looking advertisement in passing and Peter chuckled. “Should we stop him?”

“From smothering himself in honey?” Peter looked appalled. “Absolutely not.”

You nodded wisely and let Peter take your hand. The other one he used to push the cart.

After you had found a couple other items, you pursed your lips and mused, “Do you think that’s why bees are okay with working all their lives? I’ve read that one bee will only make 1/12 of a teaspoon on honey in its entire life.”

“You mean because they know their work will outlive humanity and become their immortal legacy?” Peter stopped and mindlessly ran his fingers along his jawline, pondering. Then his eyes lit up. “Oh, look! They have that special edition fabric softener that Thor loves so much.”

“Wait, for real?” You followed him excitedly.

After a lively discussion about whether or not birch water and botanicals was the superior smell, you had settled for lavender and vanilla bean instead to play it safe.

“I still can’t believe you thought that combination of yeast smelled good,” Peter teased, his face scrunched up in a grimace.

“Just let it go.” You sighed, but Peter held up both hands with a smirk.

“I’m just saying, there’s no point in washing your clothes only to make them smell like your backyard. Might as well roll around in dirt.”

“Is that how you got your butt rash?” You asked sweetly as Peter blinked slowly before turning his head to see the same old lady from before. She stared at him with wide eyes before scurrying away.

You laughed quietly into your hand as Peter turned back around. He tried to glare at you, but the twinkle of amusement in his eyes was a dead giveaway.

Still, he shouldered past you and slid his hands into his pockets, murmuring, “We’re never coming back to this store.”

It only made you laugh harder.

‎∗ ࣪ ˖༺ 𓆩☆𓆪 ༻˖ ࣪ ∗

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