Chapter 43

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Chapter 43


I was in a daze when we returned home, everything that happened there, every word that came out of their mouth was a dagger to my already bruised heart, they didn't matter to me but how can a human be so cruel?

He sat me down on the sofa, all the way he didn't leave my hand and he was holding me as if I were a delicate flower, if put even a little pressure I would be crushed, my heart healed a little, just because he took stand for me, he fought for me, he called me sweet names.

All my life it was just me and my mother, having someone else take a stand for you feels different, you can lean on someone else when you get tired, and you can be there for someone when they need you, the feeling of being wanted is enough for now.

"Ahana, where is first-aid", "actually I think we should go to the hospital", "What if you are hurt more than it looks, I can't take the risk" he was running his hand through his hair and pacing in front of me, is this the same man, who was roaring at the Kapoor mansion, and can single-handedly dominate a whole room of board members. He looks cute.

"Ahan stop moving, and first-aid is in the room beside mine and no we don't need to go to the hospital, it's just a little bruised that's it" I held his hand "Relax, I am okay, go get the first-aid"

After a few minutes, he came with the first-aid box and something else, which looked like a brown envelope.

"What is that?"

"I don't know this fell from inside the paper which was spread in the cupboard" he gave me the envelope and I was about to open it.

"You can see what is in that, but first let me do the first aid" he took the envelope put it down on the table, and sat on that so that we were face to face.

"Okay, while I do the work, why don't you explain what happened there" I can sense the anger right through him, and it's hot.

My brain did get jumbled up, I kept calling him cute and hot, something had to be wrong with my brain.

"Ahana..." he tapped my shoulder, I guess I was lost in my thoughts.

"Yeah, so it was all nice and good until they revealed that fifty percent of the property is in my name according to Nana's father's will. It was not mine from the start, he changed his will after they forcefully took my mother's share before throwing her out of the house while she was heavily pregnant" I took a deep breath, and continued

"Nana's father was in a coma at that time so he was not aware of that, I met him once" I glanced at him, he was looking not he was glaring at the wound like he would kill the person who caused that, and if that look not gave me tingling sensation all over my body.

I touched his arm softly, he looked at me and his eyes softened instantly, so I continued.

"You know he came to meet me once after he got to know what happened with my mother, he was the only one of them who didn't look at me like I was some dirt" he traced his knuckles lightly over the other side of my cheek which was not bruised.

"You are not dirt Ahana, you are the most beautiful girl I have met" damn he said it staring directly into my eyes, to make sure I understand what he said. My whole body is warm, did I catch a fever after hitting my head?

"What happened next?" he moved his focus again to cleaning the dry blood

"He brought me a gift and promised us he would take us back to the Kapoor mansion because we belong there, he even almost did that, we were packing our things when we got the news that, he died and Nana came himself to share the information with that he warned us not to move back". I again took a deep breath, I never shared this with anyone but him everything felt right, so I continued

"We didn't move, I didn't know that he transferred fifty percent of the share in my name, he did secure a trust fund in my name which I guess they are still not aware of and also that he set a monthly allowance for me since my mother didn't agree on getting the allowance, so he did it for me" I hissed when he cleaned the bruised skin. He caressed it and moved forward cleaning the blood.

"I know that you have fifty percent share I got that information and that will be valid once you are married but what happened there?"

"What! you knew?" shock was visible on my face

"No, I didn't know before but I got the information today only, I told my private investigator to get information on them, and he called me today to give me that information".

"Okay, so they were forcing me to get married to some jerk face so that they can get the shares by forcing me to sign" If he was angry before then now, he would burst out of anger any moment now.

I hissed when he applied the ointment on them.

"Sorry, was I too hard" his eyes instantly softened but his body was stiff like a stone.

I stroked his arm lightly, "Relax, you arrived on time, I am here with you, everything is fine, you even warned them in your famous cold tone" I tried to make him smile but he didn't I guess that was not funny but he did something unexpected he pulled me direct into him, my ear right where his heart is beating wildly and I am sure he too can feel my wild heart.

His ghost touch was enough to send a shiver down my spine, him this close where I could hear his heartbeat and smell his fragrance, it was doing something to my heart, and now I am not even scared of losing it, and now I know my body has nothing to do with me getting hurt, it has everything with this person closeness. So, I did what I felt right I hugged him by the waist. 

"You know how scared I was, I couldn't think straight, it's good for them, I didn't kill them" he held me tightly as if I would disappear.

"I am fine, and it's good that you didn't kill them, else Dadi would have to search another guy for me, you know" he tightened his grip

"That's not funny" he looked at me with an emotion that might mirror mine.

"I know, we are all fine, relax" We stared at each other lost in our thoughts.

His damn phone rang, and we were back to our position, he picked up the call, "Hello"

"Okay, got it"

"Ahana, we have to leave, our flight is in three hours, go get changed" he was keeping everything back inside the first-aid box.

"What, I thought, our flight is tomorrow morning"

"It was, if I stayed for another day, I don't know what I will do" He aggressively held the first-aid box.

"Poor first-aid box, have some mercy on it" I teased and this time he smiled and I smiled with him this felt like home.


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