Chapter 41

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Chapter 41


Everything looked fine other than the nagging feeling inside me, I visited Kapoor mansion twice when I was a child, and that too didn't hold any sweet memory, I know how much these people resent me, but today the moment I entered the house, all of their tunes are changed, the sweetness in their voice and couldn't hide the resentment in their eyes though.

All the sweet talk made me feel nauseous, I was alone for a moment when my phone pinged with a text from Ahaan, "have you reached"

But this one is from half an hour ago,

"Are you fine, is everything fine there?" This is also from fifteen minutes ago.

There was also a missed call from 10 minutes ago, God, I did not pay attention due to these people's sweet talks, and it is not right to call in such a loud noise, so I texted "I am fine, I reached well, everything is fine here. Okay, don't worry, tell me how is the meeting going."

His reply came instantly "God, you scared me Ahana, the meeting is going well, I will try to come, take care, Ahana, please tell me if something is wrong, okay"

"Everything is fine, don't worry I call you if I need something okay."


Nani came and introduced me to some people like I am one of her prized possessions, this is all very strange, I can say this from my very gut feeling.

"This is Divya's daughter, Ahana, she is a fashion designer in Mumbai." I was looking at Nani and her guest.

"Ahana, this is Sharma ji and his wife, and this is their son Sumit." Nani introduced

I folded my hands and said "Namaste". I know I should have touched their feet but I was not getting a good vibe from them, so saying Namaste politely was a safe option.

"Ahana is very beautiful Nani Ji," said Shram Ji's wife. Just like a person's eyes sparkle after seeing a rare diamond, similarly her eyes were shining while she was looking at me.

"I had already told you that she resembled her mother in appearance." I could see a similar sparkle in Nani's eyes too.

"Absolutely, absolutely," said Sharma ji. His eyes were full of greed.

"Come, let the children talk a little" Nani and Sharma ji and his wife left without Sumit.

What should I do with him, I don't know him, and he seems creepy the way he is looking at me.

"Hello," he said, coming a little closer to me.

"Hello," I moved a little to create the distance.

"You are very beautiful," he said smiling very strangely.

"Thank you" I don't know, where to go to escape this.

"I am the only son of my parents, the only heir of the Sharma restaurant chain, you know" his voice is strange, actually everything is strange here.

"No, I don't" My voice had irritation which he didn't notice of course as he didn't have the time to do so. He was ogling me openly as if he had all the right to do. bastard

"You don't, that's sad, I am the most eligible bachelor in our society" The arrogance in his voice is visible.

"Good for you" It's not that I am a sweet girl or anything, but only these kind of people makes my sarcastic side crawl out.

He kept praising himself. Given the chance, he would write a book on himself with all the adjectives in the world. 

"I won a gold medal in..."

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