Chapter 69

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Chapter 69


We returned home, the weight of the day's revelations pressing down. We knew we couldn't keep the truth from Dadi and Aryan any longer. As we sat down for dinner, the usually lively atmosphere was subdued. Dadi, ever perceptive, sensed the shift in their demeanor, but gladly she waited for us to finish dinner.

Ahaan kept his hand on my thigh in the silent support. After finishing the dinner we looked at each other, I squeezed Ahaan's hand which was resting on my thighs.

Gathering all the courage I had left in my body after today's revelation I was about to explain everything to Dadi, "Let me do this for you, Angel" I appreciate him for doing this for me. If I hadn't fallen for him already I would have in this moment.

Ahaan explained everything about Kabir Rana being my biological father, his disappearance, and the chilling truth about the car accident. Dadi gasped, a hand flying to her mouth. Aryan's face contorted in disbelief. The news that the man who abandoned me was also responsible for the accident that nearly took my life was a bitter pill to swallow.

"How could this happen?" Dadi roared. "That man... how dare he abandon his own daughter and then try to hurt her!" her voice thick with emotion.

"It doesn't matter Dadi. He never deserved to be a part of my life. He never deserved the love my Mumma could have given him." I hugged her. "I am happy that he was never a part of my life, and never will be. You all are my family and I don't need anyone else." I didn't feel a single thing when I got to know the name of my father and what he looked like. But the anger that subsided for a while after learning the truth about what he did to my Mumma came back with a force.

Earlier I wanted to strangle him to death by my own bare hands but I have a loving family now and he can rot in hell. Or maybe we can make his life a living hell. I shocked myself with this determination and the thought. 

"Your mother was a strong woman, Ahana," Dadi whispered. "She never let her pain define her. But knowing the truth, however difficult, will set you free." Dadi's voice soothes the burning sensation in my heart.

Suddenly Aryan slammed his fist on the table. "Why would he want to hurt Bhabhi? What kind of a monster is he?"

| Bhabhi- Sister-in-law

We all looked at him, his eyes were red, nose flaring, fist clenching. Ahaan walked towards him clasped on his shoulder, and whispered something in his ear that made Aryan visibly relaxed. I looked at both of them shocked. The way Aryan cares for me, and gets angry for me I know I have a brother I never had. I walked towards him and hugged him tightly, "Thank you"

"Why" He asked giving me a comfort hug. I shrugged. My nose felt funny with emotion, so I chose to stay silent. Ahaan Came beside me and hugged us, and then Dadi came and joined us. Despite the turmoil, a sense of unity resonated within us. We were in this together.

Later that night, after the goodbyes and hugs, we retreated to our room. A silent understanding passed between us. I walked straight to the walk-in closet and emerged with my Mumma's worn diary. Desperately, I flipped through the pages, searching for any clue she might have left behind.

Line by line, I poured over Mumma's emotions, her joys and sorrows. But there was no mention of Kabir Rana, not a single clue about the man who had walked out on us and then resurfaced only to leave a trail of destruction.

As my frustration grew, Ahaan's phone rang, shattering the quiet. It was Inspector Verma. We listened intently as the inspector explained a puzzling loophole in Kabir Rana's disappearance and reappearance years ago.

"There seems to be a discrepancy," Inspector Verma said. "Rana vanished 25 years ago, presumed dead in a car accident. But then, three years later, he resurfaces and disappears again without a trace. It's like he slipped through the cracks of the system."

The sudden spark in his eyes was the confirmation that a sudden realization struck Ahaan. Something the inspector said sparked a connection in his mind.

"Uncle," he interjected, "is it possible that my parents' accident wasn't an accident either as what we believed earlier?"

A hesitant sigh came from the other end of the line. "That was a suspicion we both harbored back then, but there was never any concrete evidence as you are aware. However, with a new perspective, I might be able to re-open the case."

Hanging up, he pulled me towards him for a hug that we both needed right now, his touch a silent source of comfort. After a few minutes, I looked up, my voice thick with emotion, "I want justice for my Mumma, Ahaan."

"We'll get justice for your Mumma, Angel," he said with conviction. "Together." The determination in his voice mirrored mine. And in that moment I knew I would do anything for this man and he would do the same without a doubt.

The diary might not have yielded immediate clues, but Inspector Verma's words opened a chilling possibility. Together, we vowed to find the truth, no matter how dark and twisted it might be.


Thank you lovelies, 💐🌸

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