Chapter 52

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Chapter 52


The whole night went in tossing and turning. After he left me at the guest room door, I locked it behind me and stood there frozen and replaying everything that happened. From the engagement to his teasing. I am not naïve to understand what a marriage entails, but not considering it before is giving me goosebumps all over my body. I ignored guys in my college like they were the plague but with him everything is different. His words "Tomorrow, in my office. No interruptions, just you and me." Echoed in my ear all night.

Early morning I got ready and went downstairs to help Dadi in the kitchen.

"Good Morning Dadi" I touched her feet to get her blessing.

Putting both her hands over my head, "Hmesha Khush raho"

"Be happy, always"

"of course, She will be happy Dadi, Look at her face. The glow. Oh! My god" Aryan said while entering the kitchen

"You are a devil" I threw an apple toward him which he caught, took a bite, smiled playfully, and disappeared. 

"Idiot" I muttered

"let's get these done, otherwise you guys will be late for the office" Dadi called from the other side of the kitchen

"Okay, Dadi" I went towards her and started helping her with the breakfast in making for us.

After breakfast, we all were heading towards the parking when Dadi said, "Aryan, first take me to Mandir, then you can go to the office. Ahaan will drive Ahaana to the office."

It was not just a statement it was an order. I wanted the time to think through this time about what he said last night. Every time our gazes met at the breakfast table my skin buzzed with anticipation.

"of course, Dadi" Aryan smiled and led Dadi toward his car.

"you are a genius Dadi" Aryan whispered when he thought he was far enough so, we couldn't hear him. But the idiot has no idea that we heard.

"Let's go Ahana" Ahaan whispered near my ear, and god dammed but the way my heart fluttered will going to give me a heart attack before the marriage.

"did you not sleep well last night" Ahaan asked while he was driving

"why are you asking?"

"you look a little tired, did you have another nightmare?" He sounds curious, sincere, and concerned.

How can I tell him that no it was not a nightmare, but it was all different? All night I was just thinking about him. I couldn't get his voice out of my damn head.

"you look tired as well, Have you not slept well?"

"Nope" He popped the P

"Why, What happened? Did you have a nightmare?" I turned a little in my seat to look at him.

Staring right at me he said, "Naah, I was just thinking about you."

Blushed crept all over my body, and I turned away from him towards the window. God! He and his flirtatious words are going to be my death.

"Don't you believe me?" he said it like he was offended that I turned away from him. But I know better than that.

I might have known him just for a few months but it never felt that way. I was in my thoughts when he opened my door and I looked at him. I can see myself in his eyes. I know it's practically not possible. But as if my brain even got tired always reasoning out with practicality.

He held the door open and helped me get down. He caressed my cheek and whispered "Don't forget about today's meeting. okay?" 

Update!!!Hey lovelies, 

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