Chapter 63

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Chapter 63


The crisp morning air held the promise of a new day as we emerged from the mandir, our faces glowing with the serenity of the puja. Dadi's gentle reminder about visiting the temple still echoed in my ears, a reminder I was happy to fulfill with Ahana by my side.

Leaving Ahana at the Mandir gate I hurried towards the parking lot, a lazy smile playing on my lips with the reminder of last night. I stole a glance back, my heart swelling at the sight of my wife in her vibrant yellow saree, a picture of serenity as she patiently waited by the temple gate.

The sweet reverie was shattered by a deafening screech. I looked back and the world seemed to slow down. Terror flooded my eyes. The vibrant colors of her saree blurred into a sickening smear as the car slammed into her. A choked cry escaped her lips before a searing pain erupted through her body.

In a split second, the world dissolved into chaos. The frantic honking, the blur of the car, all faded into a dull roar. A searing pain erupted in my chest; I ran towards her. The sight that greeted me ripped the air from my lungs. My wife, My Ahana, lay sprawled on the ground, her vibrant saree stained a horrifying crimson. Time seemed to warp and bend. The blaring sirens in the distance were a distant echo, the concerned murmurs of onlookers a dull thrumming in my ears. All I could see was Ahana, my heart thundering a frantic rhythm against my ribs.

I surged forward, ignoring the searing pain that shot through my knee as I kneeled beside her. My voice hitched with a raw, primal fear, "Ahana! Ahana, open your eyes, Angel!" I cradled her head in my lap, my touch trembling. A single tear escaped her, tracing a glistening path down her cheek. I couldn't lose her. I wouldn't. "Open your eyes, Angel" my voice raw with the fear of losing her. "Please, Angel" I pleaded. She opened her eyes for a brief moment and looked at me, emotion swirling into those beautiful orbs which I love so damn much. "Ahaan" she whispered in pain and then went boneless.

"I am here Angel, I promised you I wouldn't leave you, didn't I" wiping her tears I cradled her in my arms and started running towards my car.

Just then, the wail of an ambulance pierced the air, as paramedics gently pried her away from me, I felt a primal scream rise within me. I lunged forward, the raw agony threatening to consume me. I never felt this numb, my heart refuses to believe what my mind is comprehending.

I held her close, whispering frantic prayers into her ear, "You can't leave me, I won't let you go, Angel, You promised me forever, didn't you".

"You have to stay, you can't just come and go Mrs. Malhotra." a single tear rolled down her cheek, mandir bells rang, and I clung to the last threads of hope, a sign that she was holding onto the life.

The sterile white walls of the hospital felt like a tomb to me. Every clang of metal and squeak of a gurney echoed my fear. Time stretched into an agonizing eternity as they rushed Ahana into surgery. I yearned to be with her, to hold her hand and whisper reassurances that maybe would reach her ears and she would stay, She had to stay. I can't live without her. Every breath with the fear of losing her felt like a knife slicing through my heart. 

Once the Operation theatre door closed, and I fell down on the chair in the hallway all my adrenaline rushes drained. Never in my life have I felt so lost, so empty. On auto-pilot mode, I called Aryan, "Hello Bhai, when you will be back for breakfast?" he answered as soon as the phone rang.

"Aryan, She...she got into an accident and we are at the hospital" My voice lost all the energy.

"What??" he screeched, "Which hospital Bhai, We are coming." He cut the call once he got the hospital's name.

I was leaning against the operation theatre door when Aryan arrived and put his hand on my shoulder, "How is she?" Dadi asked beside him her eyes holding the unshed tears.

She looked at me and then gestured for me to sit on the chair. As we sat there she hugged me tightly I found solace, fleeting and fragile, in Dadi's embrace. Her wrinkled hands, weathered by years, held a lifetime of experience, of weathering storms. In her silent prayers, in the warmth of her hug, I found a sliver of strength I didn't know I possessed. "She will be okay, She is a fighter." She whispered.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the doctor emerged from the operation theatre. I sprang forward, "How is she?" My voice is heavy with desperation.

"She's lost a lot of blood, Mr. Malhotra. It was a close call. But the surgery was successful. We've stitched a nasty gash on her head, and there are some scrapes and bruises. We'll need to monitor her overnight, but if all goes well, we can give you a more definitive answer in the morning." He breathed a sigh of relief.

A wave of relief washed over me. I turned to Dadi, a watery smile crinkling the corners of her eyes. She came forward and embraced me, "I told you my daughter is strong, She can't leave us like this." Aryan also joined the hug. We held onto each other for life.

After they shifted Ahana into the I.C.U we all went to see her. She looked pale lying on the bed. A thick bandage on her head and a few bandages here and there were wrapped around her. Something broke inside me and fury filled me like never before. I want to know who did this and I want him 10 feet under the ground. But I need to prioritize things first.

After a few hours, I pleaded with Dadi to go home and have some rest. Before leaving she held my hand, and murmured, "Just promise me you'll be strong for her. She needs you now more than ever."

I nodded, my voice thick with emotion. "I will, Dadi. I promise."

The night crawled by, each minute an agonizing wait. I never left her side. I watched her sleep, my hand intertwined with hers, a silent promise that I would never let go. The realization of how precious our life together is, how fragile our happiness could be, settled upon me like a heavy cloak. Kissing her I whispered again and again in the hope that my voice could reach her, "Come back to me Angel, Please"

When dawn finally cracked through the hospital window, painting the room with a soft light, Ahana stirred. Her eyelids fluttered open. "Ahaan?" Her voice was a raspy whisper.

"I'm here, Angel," I rasped back, my voice thick with emotion. "You're awake."

A weak smile touched her lips. "I thought... I thought that was the last time I would see you."

I squeezed her hand, my heart overflowing with a love so fierce it threatened to consume me. "I promised you I wouldn't leave you, didn't I? You're going to be okay now. We're going to be okay." I gently pressed a kiss to her forehead.

                                                                      I am not crying , Really🥹😎


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