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The sky gradually turned dark, in the damp, cold smell of the air after the recent heavy rain was the sound of a few footsteps walking through a forest, a group of people performing some unknown task. They glanced carefully at every corner as if searching for their target. Suddenly, a boy's deep voice rang out, breaking the silence of the forest.

"It's getting dark, everyone can go home first, I'll go to the other side of the forest to see what happens."

"But that would be very dangerous."

"It's okay, it's just a mid-level alien, I can handle it."

Dunk said, he ordered the people on the mission to return to base with him. Hunting a mid-level alien by himself was very easy for Dunk, an S-level hunter of the family. Dunk then followed the small path leading to the edge of the forest. When he attacked earlier, he injured the alien quite a bit, so Dunk was able to follow his blood trail. However, while tracking, the trace suddenly mysteriously disappeared. Dunk looked up, there was a blue barrier of unknown origin, he tried to remove the barrier himself but failed. was also slightly injured by the current in the barrier reflecting back.

Looking around, it was already dark, Dunk decided to leave a trace here. It would be better to return and explain the situation to everyone. After that, he decided to return the same way. As he was walking, he suddenly heard a strange noise in front of him. Thinking he heard wrong, Dunk stopped and tried to listen again. There was indeed a noise.

His feet gently moved forward, trying not to make any noise. When he looked at the source of the sound, Dunk's eyes flashed with surprise when he saw a vampire sucking human blood. The bright moonlight shone down on his angular face, enough for Dunk to see clearly what the other person's facial features looked like. He used a pair of sharp fangs to dig deep into the white neck of a little boy, even though the sobbing sounds of begging for his life kept coming out.

Without thinking much, Dunk pulled out the dagger from his side and quickly launched it in the right direction, but there was no way he could dodge it. Letting go of the cold body in his arms, he turned to look at Dunk with strange eyes, his eyes changed from red back to the characteristic smoky gray color, gently approaching him.

"My meal lost its taste because of you."

"You dare to suck the blood of civilians right in our area?"

Dunk questioned angrily.

"He volunteered, I didn't force him."

A low voice came from his throat, as he spoke he moved closer to him.

"But, you look better, the blood of an S-rank hunter seems much tastier"

This statement successfully made Dunk freeze on the spot, how did he know he was an S-rank hunter, this made him feel cold down his spine, because he always hid his rank when hunting, a vampire. Normally, you would never realize how capable you are unless you fight with them, but this time, before he could do anything, he was easily discovered.

" Who are you?"

Dunk asked doubtfully

"You don't need to know who I am, but I'm sure I'm someone you don't easily encounter, but S-rank hunters are very rare, it seems there are only a few people who reach this level, I'm very pleased to meet you." "

Dunk knew he had no way back, because it seemed he looked at him like prey. Dunk did not hesitate another moment, he pulled out his weapon, a silver dagger, and rushed towards him. He was a high-level hunter, but because he was injured by the reverse barrier, Dunk lost some of his strength, and he successfully dodged the attack time after time.

After a while of struggling, Dunk stopped panting, and finally, because he used too much strength and he gave him a fatal blow right in the chest, he had no strength left and fell down. Before his eyes gradually blurred due to darkness, he only felt that I was being picked up by him.


At the Tangsakyuen clan base

"Hey, have you seen P' Dunk anywhere? Has he returned yet?"

Phuwin raised his voice and asked a hunter.

"I haven't seen him anywhere. I heard he would return after finishing his mission, but we still haven't received news of him entering the gate."

"It's now..."

Phuwin half-heartedly feared that Dunk would be in danger, because it was impossible for Dunk's ability to deal with a mid-level alien so slowly. It had been more than three hours since the group of hunters with Dunk returned.

"Fourth, come with me and see."

Phuwin called Fourth to go into the forest where Dunk was on duty. After walking for a while, he discovered the smell of blood in the air. However, when the two arrived at the place where the smell of blood was coming from, they saw no one, only I saw a few blood stains left on the ground.

Phuwin bent down to see them more clearly. He immediately realized that there had just been a fierce battle here, but whose it was, he didn't know, hoping it wasn't Dunk's.

" Phuwin, look, it's Dunk's bracelet"

Fourth shouted when he saw Dunk's silver bracelet fall on the ground. Phuwin's eyebrows gradually furrowed, the hand holding the bracelet clenched into a roll.

"Let's go back to base to report the situation, Dunk is missing, he is captured by a Vampire"

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