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While everyone was immersing themselves in the vibrant sound of the bar, Fourth returned to his joy. If I couldn't drink alcohol, I went dancing. When I tried to stand up, Gemini pulled me back. I pulled Gemini onto the dance floor. Because I pampered Fourth, Gemini followed.

This time Gemini had the opportunity to look at his graceful swaying dance moves, his body curves were exposed before his eyes. But every time Fourth goes dancing, he meets everyone and interacts, making Gemini feel uncomfortable. For example, right now he's dancing and accidentally bumps into someone. He smiles and apologizes, then mingle again with the group.

Gemini turned on the hold button and ran closer to him, hugging his waist so he could focus on himself. Fourth also followed suit and danced with Gemini. He wrapped his arms around his neck and both of them joined in the dance.

" Fourth, is that Nong Fourth?"

Fourth was dancing when he heard a sound behind him, turned around and saw a beautiful sister looking at him. Fourth let go of Gemini and searched his memory about this girl

"You are..."

"Nong Fourth don't remember, I met you on the dance floor before and danced with you, then we talked a bit"

"Ohhh, I remember, it's this beautiful sister"

"Long time no see you at the bar, I've been waiting for you, let's dance together

Fourth was about to answer when Gemini pulled him back. He walked up and looked at the girl in front of him, smiled, and wrapped his arms around Fourth's waist to assert his sovereignty.

"Sorry, Fourth already has someone to dance with."

The other girl heard Gemini's voice and knew who this person was of Fourth. She looked at Fourth and gave a regretful smile before asking permission to leave. Fourth then turned to Gemini and pouted

"Oh Gemini, she's very kind and doesn't mean anything bad, she just wants to dance with Fourth."

Fourth raised his voice angrily, Gemini leaned down and spoke

"I didn't expect Fourth to seduce both men and women. From now on, he's only allowed to dance with Gemini."

" How about not"

" If not..."

"Fourth, is that you?"

Another boy approached Fourth, this time Gemini was really jealous, his baby was really friendly, but he didn't expect so many people to talk to him. Gemini said without saying that he wanted to pull Fourth back. Before Fourth could even think, he found himself back at the table. JoongDunk and DewNani had long left, leaving only Pond and Phuwin sitting at the table.

"Gemmm, what's wrong?"

Fourth saw Gemini's unhappy expression, so he drank the entire glass of wine before asking

"You don't even see it, it's obvious that he's jealous."

Phuwin spoke up, he had already seen what was happening up there so he could guess. Fourth looked at Gemini's angry face. He didn't know how to calm him down. He grabbed Gemini's arm and put on an apologetic face.

"Gemmm, don't be angry with Fourth, Fourth won't dance with other people anymore, Gem..."

I kept shaking Gemini's hand but still couldn't stop being angry

"Gemmm, forgive Fourth, Fourth promises to dance with Gem only, Gem can do whatever he wants, Gem don't be angry with Fourth anymore"

After Fourth finished speaking, Gemini looked at him

" Okay"

Gemini stood up and pulled Fourth along, but not towards the door but towards the bar floor

"Hey Gemini, what are you planning to do to my brother?"

Phuwin saw something bad, he stood up and tried to run after him, but was immediately pulled back by Pond, who covered his mouth with his hand to prevent him from saying anything more, then hugged him and left, no matter how much he struggled. Well, this time Pond helped his younger brother, and later asked for the credit later.

Gemini pulled Fourth up to a bar's lounge, locked the door, and without saying a word pushed Fourth to lie down on the bed. Fourth was suddenly pushed, and before he could sit up, Gemini stepped forward and pressed on him, then kissed him just like that. Suddenly receiving a kiss, Fourth didn't have time to adapt so he pushed Gemini away. He then used his hands to control his hands, then looked straight into Fourth's eyes.

"If you want me to stop being angry, just lie still."

After saying that, Gemini continued to kiss, Fourth could only lie still and endure the battle. Gemini pushed his tongue deeper, Fourth could only open his mouth to let him continue stirring in his mouth, he kept sucking his lips until they were red, until Fourth was out of breath before letting go. Fourth was released by Gemini. He tried to regain his breath, but before long, Gemini continued to kiss his neck.


Fourth a cried out when Gemini bit into my blood vessel, he was sucking my blood

"Gemini, pain"

Fourth cried out in pain, his voice trembled slightly, his eyes began to form a little tear. Gemini continued to suck my blood a little more, then after a while he finally let go and placed a kiss on the bite mark he had just created. Gemini looked down, saw that Fourth's eyes were filled with tears, so he couldn't bear it and kissed him.

"Fourth, I love you so much"

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