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Joong took Dunk back to his castle.

"Let go! I want to go home"

Dunk struggled to push Joong's hand away from him. When he realized he was taking him back here, he looked extremely uncomfortable. Joong didn't say anything but just turned him around, checking to see if he was injured anywhere.

"Hey! Didn't you hear what I said? I want to go home"

"Stay here tonight, rest and then I'll take you home tomorrow, you're tired too."

Dunk smiled coldly

"Are you concerned about me?"

Dunk asked, looking at Joong's face quizzically. Dunk has always been very good at hiding his own emotions. In the family, he is the eldest son, so he is often very serious, often not revealing his personal feelings to anyone or letting anyone know what he is thinking. Since the last time I met Joong and was captured by him, at first I didn't like him, but other than sucking blood, he didn't treat him too much.

Dunk gradually felt a slight change in his feelings towards him. When he escaped, he sometimes had to admit that he had thoughts about him. Typically, during a family meeting, when he saw him with his parents, he stopped and looked for a while. His parents were talking happily. When they looked away, they accidentally saw him. They immediately stopped laughing and looked at him with a strange expression. It seemed like they didn't like him. Then they didn't like him. keep talking to others. He didn't stay long, because Fourth had already begun implementing the plan.

Returning to reality, as soon as he asked that question, Dunk felt ridiculous, he was just his prey, right?

"Yes. I'm taking care of you. So go take a shower and rest."

"Are you interested because I am me, or because I am like someone else?"

Dunk said, his voice muffled. Joong was walking to the closet to get clothes when he turned to look at him. The whole room fell silent for a while, the two people's eyes met each other

"What do you mean?"

Joong asked

"Ray, right? You care about me, treat me because I'm like him, right?"

Dunk said, it was very difficult for him to say this, there is nothing more painful than being seen as someone else's substitute. Dunk didn't understand what his feelings were for him, but when he learned that he was a substitute, his heart felt like someone was squeezing it.

"How do you know her?"

Joong was surprised, looking at him suspiciously. Dunk said nothing, silently reached into his pocket, took out the pendant and threw it to him

"Give it back to me. I found it while you were fighting the aliens. Now I have to go home."

After saying that, Dunk turned around and walked away. After a few steps, he pulled his hand back

"Dunk, listen to me, it's not what you think."

" Release!"

Dunk tried to struggle to escape his grasp

" Dunk!"

He shouted loudly, using both hands to hold Dunk's shoulders tightly, looking straight into Dunk's eyes

"Listen, I have no intention of treating you as a substitute."

"So what are you to me?"

"Currently I consider you the most important person to me"

After hearing that sentence, Dunk's eyes turned red, but he still tried to suppress it

"So last time in the bathroom, you called Ray's name while kissing me was my hallucination?"

"Wait, did I kiss you and call her name?"

Dunk did not answer him, but his eyes implicitly acknowledged that it was the truth

"At that time, I remember that you just slapped me, then you left. I thought that slap was because you hated me for arresting you."

Indeed, he only remembered what happened after receiving a slap from Dunk. When he saw Dunk leave, he slowly sobered up a bit, went to the faucet and splashed water on his face repeatedly. Then he went out but saw him take his shirt and leave.

Joong looked at Dunk, his whole body was trembling slightly as he tried to control his emotions. Joong let out a breath.

"Dunk, Ray and I are ex-lovers, now we no longer have anything to do with each other. I admit that in the past I still had a lot of feelings for him, but recently I have given those feelings to you. In particular, you are not a substitute, I have never considered you a substitute. You and she are different."

Dunk burst into tears as soon as he finished speaking, tears falling down his beautiful face, his shoulders shaking. You don't understand yourself anymore, you admit that you loved him, in just a short time fell in love with him, why did you fall into this situation, loving a vampire, something you have never done before? think about.

Joong walked over and hugged Dunk, his soft voice rang out

" Dunk.... I love you"

After saying that, he let go of him and looked at his face, then kissed the remaining tears on his eyes and leaned down to kiss him. Not being pushed away by him, knowing that Dunk had implicit permission, Joong gently separated his teeth and slid his tongue inside, starting a deep kiss. The sound of lips and tongues touching echoed in the living room. Dunk was pushed back towards the table, his hands placed on the table for support. Joong was still passionately kissing him, he gently sucked on his lower lip and then moved it to his upper lip, then continued to slide his tongue into his mouth to search for his tongue and tease him. Dunk's hands moved to wrap around his neck, returning his kiss, pulling him into a deeper kiss.

The two kissed for a long time until Dunk was low on oxygen and lightly patted him before he let him go. Looking at his red face after the kiss, he gently touched his cheek, then used his fingers to stroke the red lips that he had just kissed, and gently carried him to his room.

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