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"This is the document you need"

Nani spoke up. After returning from his honeymoon, Nani received a request for help from Pond

" Thanks"

Responding quietly, he held a stack of documents in his hand and walked out the door, where Phuwin was waiting. Then he led him to a closed room, surrounded by four walls with no light, only electric lights made everything in the room visible. Phuwin walked in following Pond, looking at what appeared before his eyes surprised him.

"Is this your surprise?"

Phuwin smirked, he crossed his arms and said something to Pond, looking at the two people tied to the chair in front of him, it was Kim and Kim's cousin, one of them had drugged him and one of them had almost hurt Phuwin. last week. Phuwin intended to use his ability to punish the other two people but was stopped by Pond. He pushed him to sit on the chair opposite, patted his head and gently spoke.

"Let me deal with this kind of person, you don't need to touch it to lose strength, it will get your hands dirty"

He smiled, then turned back to look at the two people in front of him, his eyes gradually turned cold, his face became cruel. He slowly approached the two people who were trembling and scared.

"Where should I start?"

Pond looked at Kim, then looked at the other girl, Phuwin sat and enjoyed watching the fun, his lover really did not spare anyone.

"You go first, the hand that put the medicine in the glass of wine is about to disappear."

Right after his words, there was a stream of power as sharp as a star that cut through her 10 fingers, causing her to scream in pain.

"Next is the mouth that said it helped Nani a lot, indirectly making Phuwin drink a glass of wine."

Once again, cousin Kim lost her tongue, blood spurted from her mouth, but now she only made gurgling sounds, unable to say anything. Temporarily letting her go, he looked at Kim with more cruel eyes. Kim saw his appearance so he was scared and huddled, his arms were still in cast

"Don't, don't come near me"

Kim begged in fear, no longer looking as proud as before. Pond ignored his pleas and began torturing him

"The hand that touched Phuwin's body should have been paralyzed for life, not broken anymore."

Right after that, Kim felt like his hand no longer belonged to him, he couldn't lift it or move it.

"Dare to smell the scent on his body"

"Dare to look at him with those eyes"

"Dare to ask him to dance"

With every sentence that Pond said, Kim immediately lost every part of his body, his sense of smell disappeared, he could no longer smell, his eyes immediately went blind, blood flowed from his eyes and legs. he was also broken. Kim screamed in pain. He witnessed what he did and cried out in fear

"Demon... Demon"

" Shut up"

Kim immediately lost his tongue and became mute. Phuwin had had enough of watching the fun, so he reached out to stop Pond

"Okay Pond, don't kill them all, let them live rather than die"

Pond heard Phuwin's words and stopped, then he took out a stack of documents

"Forgot you're blind, you can't read"

"Okay, I'll keep it short."

" If some interesting information appears in the newspaper, such as director Kim who regularly uses and traffics banned substances, takes care of many actors and singers to satisfy his desires, and has sex with his cousin's sister. What about yourself?"

Just by reading this, Pond made the two people sitting in front of him tremble in fear, their pale faces mumbling as they tried to make begging sounds. After Pond finished speaking, he dragged Phuwin out. About a minute later, a few policemen appeared in that room to take the two people away in a miserable state.

Right after that day, the front pages of newspapers and other media reported on this incident. Kim Group immediately went bankrupt, becoming a stain on all members of the Kim family. Kim and their sister were thrown into prison, not long after they were beaten to death, and no one cared. This incident shook the media for a long time, but no one knew who was behind the exposure. They only knew that the information was sent by a secret account that could neither be looked up nor searched. , right after that incident, that account disappeared without a trace.


Phuwin was lying on Pond's lap. Currently, the two of them were hanging out in England, holding their phone and scrolling through the news. Phuwin smiled and hugged Pond.

"Thank you, I'm very happy"

Pond smiled and pampered the treasure in his arms

"You dont have to dear"

After listening to Pond's words, Phuwin suddenly became shy, he buried his face in his chest. Pond gently patted Phuwin's head. Seeing that he didn't respond, he knew his little cat was embarrassed, so he didn't have the heart to tease him any further.

"Phuwin, thank me with a kiss"

Pond hugged Phuwin as he spoke, Phuwin's small head lying on his chest also moved slightly. Phuwin heard his gentle voice, for some reason he complied with him. He raised his head, stretched himself up and placed a sweet kiss on his lips.

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