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Crossing the Vampires' territory, Phuwin and Fourth also had to cross into another forest, because Joong's castle was surrounded by this forest. Phuwin doesn't understand why Vampires like to hide in the middle of the forest. If they say they love nature, that's impossible. Why would a cold-blooded bunch like them love nature?

By now it was noon, but finding Joong's castle was still very difficult, because since entering here, the two had to hide the scent of their bodies' blood so as not to be discovered as hunters, which This means they must limit their use of power.

Deciding to rest for a while, Phuwin and Fourth found themselves a big tree and sat down, looking around. Phuwin was frustrated because he still couldn't connect with Dunk's brainwaves.

"Phuwin, maybe you and I should split up to search later, that would be faster."

Phuwin widened his eyes and gave his younger brother a painful smack on the head

"Are you crazy? What if you disappear too? This small body can't be divided into two to find two people at the same time."

Fourth hugged his head that was about to become a lump. Phuwin really didn't hold back at all, yet he always said he loved him, but his mouth still tried to convince him.

"Don't worry, it's okay, my positioning ability is weaker than when I was here, but I can still locate it. If anything happens, I can still locate your position to return. , if you and I don't travel very far, I can still connect my brain waves with you"

Phuwin, after a while of listening to his brother's reasonable persuasion, found it quite good, so he hesitated for a while and agreed.

"Oh okay, I will connect regularly, remember to reply. If you find their place, remember to let each other know, be careful not to go too far."

11 Yes"

After a while of chatting and resting, the two of them stood up and continued walking. After a while, Phuwin and Fourth split into two paths, they took two opposite branches, not knowing if it was a blessing or a curse. But maybe the disaster will be more...


Dunk woke up dimly, raised his hand to gently rub his eyelids, then moved to rub his temples. He felt his head was now extremely dizzy, and also a bit sore. It took a while for him to slowly open his eyes, then sit up and look around. He was stunned to see that he was lying on a large bed, in a strange room, the entire room was empty. The room is a simple light gray color, with a few black accessories. Even though it was daytime, he still felt like it was dark and lacking light.

Trying to force himself to stay calm, he lightly threw the blanket over his body and discovered that he had changed into pajamas, a white shirt that fell just above his knees and short shorts, but because the shirt was longer, he has covered it up. Stepping his feet onto the bed, coming into contact with the cold, slippery stone floor, he carefully observed his surroundings, exploring little by little. Just as he placed his hand on the doorknob to step out, the door suddenly opened automatically with the appearance of a tall figure, blocking his view.

"Are you awake? Did you sleep well last night?"

He leaned his back against the door, crossed his arms and looked at him with amused eyes

"Fuck, why did you bring me here? Let me go."

Dunk shouted when he saw the face of the person he said was the guy he fought yesterday. His feet took a few steps back, completely defensive.

"Come on, pretty mouths shouldn't curse, I haven't done anything yet, but there's one thing..."

He spoke as he moved closer to him, his head bowed low and he whispered close to his ear

"Your blood is really great."

After speaking, he smiled with satisfaction, looking at his little prey's eyes widened in surprise. Dunk was stunned for a few seconds. After digesting all the words he had just said, he hurriedly ran back to the table placed near the bed and looked in the mirror. What was appearing before his eyes like this, it was a bite mark on his shoulder blade, two fang marks were still clearly visible, it was really a bite mark, damn it, Dunk cursed in his head, no wonder he just woke up felt dizzy.

It was the first time he had his blood sucked by a vampire. Moreover, it was a guy with a hateful face that he had just met yesterday, making him very angry. Turning back and giving him a hateful look as if he wanted to peel his skin, he swore that if he had the chance, he would chop him into pieces.

"Don't look at me with such emotional eyes. I'll say it first, I haven't had breakfast yet."

"If you haven't had breakfast yet, leave the fuck alone, it has nothing to do with me"

He didn't answer but just smiled at him, looking as he approached, Dunk knew something bad was about to happen, he took a few steps back until he tripped over the bed and fell down. He smoothly stepped forward and pressed down on him, using one hand to fix his arms above his head, the other hand holding his chin forcing him to look straight into his eyes.

"Usually I have rare meat for breakfast, but it seems like now I have something tastier"

Dunk struggled to escape his control

"What are you planning to do? I'm not your food."

The hand holding his chin gradually let go, moved down to his shoulder blades, he pulled down the shirt next to his shoulder blades, gently stroked the tooth mark he left yesterday, then slowly bowed his head, his mouth must have now appeared, showing two fangs. Dunk tried to struggle again to escape when he saw that he was about to suck his blood again, but his strength was not enough to resist him. When his teeth touched the skin on his shoulder blade, Dunk shivered slightly, closing his eyes and preparing to endure the pain.

Knock Knock knock

"Mr. Joong, breakfast is ready."

The knocking on the door interrupting his actions must have made him a bit annoyed, but then looking at his scared eyes, he wanted to tease him again, he gently kissed the remaining tooth marks from yesterday and then gently let him go. Gout of bed and fix his clothes.

"I'll give you 10 minutes to prepare, then come downstairs and have breakfast with me."

After saying that, he walked out, but just as he reached the door, he suddenly stopped and turned around to look at him

"Remember, my name is Joong Archen - Archen Aydin"

He walked out, leaving Dunk stupidly absorbing what he had just said. He almost became his breakfast, for the first time he felt so grateful for a vampire's servant. But wait, what did you just say? Joong Archen Aydin, is a vampire of the Aydin family, you're dead, how can you deal with this, he is one of the three vampires possessing the greatest strength, here your strength has been weakened.

"Never mind, let's just do that, find a way to hide later"

Letting out such a word, Dunk flew to the bathroom to clean himself and then went down to eat breakfast. No matter how difficult things are, filling your stomach first is the important thing.

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