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The sound of scouting footsteps in the forest sounded softly. This was around dusk, the time when Phuwin usually went out hunting. In the eastern sky, a few streaks of blue light gradually appeared that continued to light up and then go out. The sounds of distant birds flying in all directions were mixed in with some strange sounds from unknown sources. Sanya and Phuwin are exploring the eastern region of their family. Recently, strange phenomena have appeared there, making them suspect that something dangerous is happening here.

After walking for a while, the two of them hunted a few crazy aliens. The deeper they went into the light, the more aliens they encountered. But that's not a big problem for hunters like him and his eldest brother, plus, they have long cooperated well, so it's easy to destroy them. As the two of them went deeper into this land, the wind howled stronger and stronger. Phuwin used his hand to cover the wind blowing at his face, trying to look at the surrounding situation. In front of us is an empty field right in the middle of the forest. Since when did it appear here, before this was just a dense forest with trees.

Walking into the middle of that area, suddenly a group of alien people walked out, one of them looked a bit chubby with a long scar on his face. He looked twice as big as a normal person, looking very big. The group of aliens rushed to surround Phuwin and Sanya. He and he immediately drew their weapons and began to prepare for battle.

"Tonight I will definitely make you return alive, Phuwin Tangsakyuen"

The leader of the strange clan raised his voice threateningly

"To see who should be like that"

After Phuwin finished speaking, he immediately moved forward to fight. Sanya also cooperated and fought. After a while, the two of them were exhausted, but could only kill a few people, strangely enough.

"Are you wondering why we are so strong? Hahaha, thanks to Mr. Sing who created a power-up zone for us, look at the blue light around here, what a source of energy." Great"

Phuwin looked around. Indeed, those aliens were absorbing the energy emitted from that blue light. Before he could finish looking, another group of aliens immediately rushed in. Their strength gradually increased and their attacking nature made them even more crazy. Phuwin was injured a lot because of that, blood gradually flowed down the corner of his mouth

" Phuwin, are you okay?"

Sanya shouted, hastily supporting him

"It's okay, now we need to lure them out of this area so we can destroy them."

" What to do?"

"Split up, I'll lure them out, you go first and create a hunting trap, I'll lure them there"

"But it will be very dangerous"

"It's okay, they seem to be aiming at me. If I run, they will definitely chase me. Hurry up, there's no time left, the longer we wait, the more strength we will lose."

Phuwin stood up and looked at the group of aliens, his eyes directed to the road on the left, signaling Sanya to start acting. He fought with them for a while longer, buying time for Sanya to run ahead and prepare, then run after. Everything would have ended well if Phuwin hadn't been surrounded by a strange light that made him dizzy for about five seconds. The road in front of him suddenly turned into another road, the strange people chasing after him. Afterwards, he was only about five meters away, so he had to continue running down that strange road.

Fighting with the alien race while running made Phuwin very weak, but his steps suddenly stopped when looking ahead. Right in front of his eyes was an abyss, a high cliff, looking down he could only see mist and smoke, the ground was nowhere to be seen. Looking back, the group of aliens had already chased him. The big leader angrily approached him to fight. There was nothing left to hesitate, so he continued to fight them.

"Sanya come fast"

Phuwin connected his brainwaves with Sanya, and just had time to say that sentence when a strange man stepped on him. Immediately he fell to the ground, followed by a series of attacks from them, Phuwin gritted his teeth to respond but could only block a few attacks, now he was too exhausted. The leader's palm suddenly flew forward, knocking Phuwin down to the edge of the cliff. His feet slid down, then his whole body. Phuwin used his hand to hold on to a piece of rock, trying not to let himself fall down.

What should he do? He was about to not be able to bear it anymore. Because he held on for too long, blood began to flow from his hand, spreading down his arm. Looking at the group of aliens appearing before his eyes, Phuwin turned his hateful eyes towards them

"Come, arrest him, tie him up, and bring him back to Mr. Nat and Mr. Sing."

Hearing this, Phuwin did not hesitate to release his hand, he would rather die than fall into their hands again. Moreover, if he meets that old Nat, he will definitely be controlled.

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