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It was night time, everything had fallen asleep, everything became silent. The moonlight outside gently passed through the window, illuminating a figure sitting on the bed. He quietly looked at the moon high above, the moon was crescent-shaped, not round, it was distorted like life. your own. Darkness surrounded his body, only the moonlight made his face a little brighter and clearer. I don't know how long he sat like that, I only know that he was shedding a tear, then tried to wipe it away, then held back so he wouldn't shed any more tears.

Since Phuwin woke up, he found himself different, as if a different blood flowed all over his body. He smelled the vampire scent on his body, then felt a sharp pain in his heart, then he knew what he had become. He laughed to himself, if it was the old him, he would have screamed right now, kicking everything around, but he wanted to stay silent, he didn't know what to do, he's turned into the thing he hates the most.

Right now Phuwin just wants to give himself time to rest, remembering what he just went through makes him unable to believe that he is still alive, and that he was saved by that person, but being saved in this wretched way, how can he face it? With his family, with his clan, the reality can no longer be changed. The present Phuwin is no longer a hunter, but a blood relative.

" Phuwin, it's late, why aren't you sleeping yet?"

Dunk's voice rang out. When he passed by, he saw that the door was unlocked. He wanted to go in and see Phuwin's condition, but he saw him sitting listlessly on the bed. Dunk gently walked closer to Phuwin and sat down next to the bed. Phuwin sat for a long time and finally, after many days of silence, said something, his eyes still looking out the window.

"Brother, should I kill him?"

Dunk was quite surprised because Phuwin finally spoke, but the first sentence he said was that he wanted to kill someone. Although the words were gentle, they carried enormous damage. Dunk sighed and looked at Phuwin, he understood what Phuwin was thinking

"Phuwin, that's the only way to save your life. Actually, our dad and our family have no problem with you becoming a blood relative, you're still a member of our family."

Dunk looked at Phuwin again, then took Phuwin's hand and placed it on his left chest

"As for whether you want to kill him or not, you have to ask yourself that."

Phuwin didn't say anything more, he looked out the window again and remained silent. Dunk also stood up and told Phuwin to rest, he had to go back to the room to change medicine for Joong. Phuwin sat there, asking himself many questions but could not find an answer, so he continued until he was tired and went to sleep.


Another week has passed, Phuwin is still in the same situation. Lately, Gemini rarely visits Fourth's house because he is afraid that Phuwin will see his blood relatives and have random thoughts. On the contrary, if he is free, Fourth will go to Gemini's place every day. Every time Fourth came over, he asked about Pond's condition. Gemini only said that Pond had locked himself in his room for a whole week, no matter how much he called, he didn't answer.

"Fourth, how is Joong?"

"There's been some progress, his body is gradually stabilizing. Now he is just in a coma but I don't know when he'llwake up."

"Um, do you have any news for Gem?"

Gemini and Fourth sat and talked for a long time. Seeing that it was getting dark, they stood up and prepared to take Fourth home. Suddenly Gemini stood still, as if he had just remembered something

"Fourth, it's not good"

"What's wrong, Gem?"

"Tomorrow is the full moon day in the middle of the month, Phuwin will not be okay"


" Phuwin needs Pond's blood, otherwise he will go crazy with bloodlust"

"What should I do? Can I ask Pond for some blood to bring back to Phuwin?"

"No, it has to be direct bloodsucking. How could the two of them meet in this situation?"

Gemini scratched his head, just thinking about this made him feel stressed, Phuwin definitely wouldn't agree to meet Pond. Fourth was also in an equally worried state. I thought I should go home and tell my dad and P' Dunk about this.


The next night

"P' Dunk, what should  we do? Phuwin locked himself in his room all day."

Fourth and Dunk stood outside Phuwin's room, worried

"Let me try calling"

Dunk knocked on the door

" Phuwin, are you in there? Phuwin!"

Called a few more times but heard no movement. When the two of them were about to leave, the door opened

"What's wrong with Dunk and Fourth? I was busy taking a shower so I couldn't open the door."

Phuwin spoke softly, recently Phuwin has started to talk a little more. Currently Dunk and Fourth are in Phuwin's room

" Phuwin, how do you feel today?"

Dunk asked

"Nothing special, I still feel normal"

"Don't you feel any cravings?"

Fourth asked

"No, why do you ask that, why do you two look so strange?"

Phuwin puzzledly probed the two people

" No...nothing, then let me go to Joong's room."

"I'm going back to my room too."

After asking a few questions, Dunk and Fourth left the room. Phuwin wondered for a while then didn't think much more.


At midnight, when the full moon rose high, it shone directly on where Phuwin was sleeping. He suddenly woke up, his throat became dry, he quickly stood up to get some water to drink, but he still didn't feel satisfied after drinking it. Phuwin started to feel strange inside,
something was running along his body, flowing all over his body. He started to feel uncomfortable, he wanted to drink something, blood, blood, he felt like he craved blood now. Phuwin now feels scared of himself, trying to hide himself in a corner of the room, Phuwin tries to regulate his breathing...

Outside the room door, everyone was staring at the closed door, they knew it was time, but couldn't help.

"Let me in"

Pond's voice rang out, he didn't forget what day it was, so he must have walked out of his room a while ago, going straight to Phuwin's clan.

"Is it okay? Will Phuwin commit suicide if he sees you?"

Fourth asked, Dunk immediately hit his head. I held my head, knowing that I had said something bad just now, but it was still Gemini standing there rubbing my head that was about to get a tumor. Pond didn't say anything, he immediately broke the door latch and entered the room, then used used a spell to separate their room so that no one could know what was happening in the room. If he waits too long, his condition will become more serious, so he must solve the problem as soon as possible.

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