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As soon as Phuwin returned to his room, he lay down on his beloved bed, eyes wide open and looking up at the ceiling, his head still thinking about the words his two fathers had just said. He sighed softly and sat up again. Thinking back, it had been a while since he had returned to the human world to play for a bit, so maybe he should go relieve some stress before starting this mysterious investigation. Thinking of this, Phuwin immediately connected his brain waves with Dunk and Fourth

"Everyone, let's go to the Bar, relieve your mood before leaving."

"Good idea, shower, change clothes and go."

Dunk raised his voice in response

"I'll go again, I'll go again, I'll make sure nothing like before happens"

Fourth exclaimed when he heard his brother invite him to the bar. Remembering the last time Fourth was old enough to go to a bar, he kept begging his two older brothers to bring him along. That time at the bar, everything was normal until Fourth mistakenly took Phuwin's glass of wine to drink. As a result, he got drunk, and the two of us had to suffer for a while to bring him home, and had to hide it. I secretly tried to sneak into the house because I was afraid of being scolded.

"Okay, prepare your things"

Phuwin said helplessly. He disconnected his brain waves, stood up, and walked into the bathroom to shower and change.


Demian Bar

Dunk, Phuwin and Fourth walked into the bar. Maybe Fourth rarely came here, but Dunk and Phuwin were very familiar faces. They came and sat at the table they usually sat at, the three of them gradually integrating into the noisy atmosphere. bustle here.

"Oh, it's been a long time since I've seen you again, and now Nong Fourth is following?"

"Oh P' Dew, we haven't been here for a week. It's like your shop would go bankrupt without us."

Dunk replied happily, teasing him. In the past, because he came here quite often, Dunk and Phuwin were always close to him, and have since become regular customers. This is also good, sometimes you get a package without having to pay.

"Let's have fun tonight, the drinks are still the same, right? As for Nong Fourth... Soda. Last time I messed up your restaurant, I was scared to death."

Dew said while looking at Fourth teasingly, I didn't want to do that, I just accidentally took Phuwin's glass of strong wine and drank it, I can still drink a little bit of light wine.

Three people sat waiting for the drinks to be served, immersing themselves in the blaring music, loud and small conversations mixed together to sound distorted, slightly alcoholic people swaying to the music, dancing together in the middle of the space. The room is filled with dim lights, a familiar scene that any bar will see.

Dunk was sipping himself a glass of Whiskey, looked around, then accidentally passed a corner of the bar when he saw a figure. He tried to open his eyes to see clearly, isn't that Joong, why is he here, next to him are Pond and Gemini. Furthermore, what caught his eyes was the image of him hugging a boy, his hand wrapped around his waist pulling him closer to his face, they were kissing. Dunk looked stunned, motionless for a few seconds, only when he heard Phuwin's call did he come to his senses, because Phuwin and Fourth sat with their backs turned so they couldn't be seen. Dunk somehow felt his lips become dry. He took the glass of wine that had just been brought out and shoved it all down his throat. He suddenly stood up.

"I'll go to the bathroom"

Phuwin was a bit confused about his actions, but didn't pay much attention, he held the glass of Flavored Rum and continued to sip.

"Brother, let's go out there and play."

Before Phuwin could stop him, Fourth flew out into the middle of the bar to join in the dancing. Even though I can't drink alcohol, I'm fine with dancing. As soon as Fourth stepped out, he attracted the eyes of a few people, and now he's even wearing a pair of tight leather pants combined with a light gray plain shirt. When she swayed to the music, it even accentuated his charming appearance.

Fourth's image caught Gemini's eyes, right from the beginning when the three entered the shop, they knew. Originally, this was their first time coming here, usually they would go to the Bar opened by Pond, today his brother suddenly changed his mind, wanted to find another bar to change the atmosphere, but unexpectedly met him again. Three beautiful hunters here, should we call it fate? Gemini keeps staring at Fourth. If s
he keeps like this, Gem will probably go crazy because of him. Furthermore, those who are looking at him with despicable eyes, if they know anything, they should quickly leave before Gem gets angry. Crazy enough to kill people.

Dunk was standing in front of the sink, repeatedly splashing water on his face with his hand, looking up at his reflection in the mirror. Dunk kept being haunted by the image of Joong just now, why was that, using his hands? Turning off the faucet, the rushing sound disappeared. With a slight sigh, Dunk considered walking out and returning to the table.

As soon as he turned around, he bumped into someone. He immediately apologized. When he opened his eyes, ironically, why did he meet Joong in this situation? Noticing Joong's face, Dunk guessed that he must have been drunk. He quickly walked past him, but when he was about to leave the room, he quickly pulled him back and used his hand to lock the latch of the bathroom door.

Dunk was pushed against the white wall of the bathroom. Before he could figure it out, he was pressed down and kissed. Too surprised, he pushed him away, using his hand to wipe his lips. Joong didn't say anything, this time he must have come forward and grabbed Dunk's hand, fixing his hand behind him so he wouldn't have a chance to struggle. He continued to kiss Dunk.

Dunk tried to struggle, but this small amount of strength was no match for him. When he was drunk, he seemed much stronger. Joong bit Dunk's lower lip. Because of the pain, Dunk slightly opened his mouth, taking this opportunity to slide his tongue into Dunk's mouth to explore every corner. His tongue tried to find his timid and scared little tongue, then curled around his tongue and played with it. The squeaking sound of the lips and tongue continuously emitted non-stop.


Dunk was startled when he heard his own voice he and tried to hold back. Joong kissed him until he was low on oxygen before letting him go. Dunk gasped and tried to regain his oxygen. Joong turned to play with his neck and shoulders again. He used his hand to gently pull down the right side of his shirt and kiss. Joong let go of his hand and wrapped his arms around his waist

"I miss you, Ray"

Dunk froze when he heard the words that just came out of his mouth. What did he just say, he missed someone else while he was kissing him. Funny, so didn't he think you were that guy named Ray? Dunk suddenly felt uncomfortable, even though he had been involved with him for a while, but the fact that he saw him as someone else and then forced him to kiss him was really hard for him to accept.

Dunk used all his strength to push him away, gave him a slap, then without a word opened the bathroom door and walked towards his desk.

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