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Half a month has passed, since deciding on the plan to destroy the Harit clan, the Tangsakyuen people suddenly became much busier, everyone focused on clan training sessions, the hunters received more training, Equip more weapons. Dunk, Phuwin and Fourth are also equally busy. Today, three people decided to scout the path towards the Harit clan, to make sure there were no obstacles as well as to lead the hunter group smoothly into their territory. It was best that they wanted to Find another secret route to avoid attracting attention to your enemies.

Currently, the three of them are preparing to go. Father Earth has just given them a map, a map of all the areas and clans in this territory, especially it describes in more detail the forests, making it easier for you to scout and move.

"Is everyone done yet?"

Dunk stood in the lobby and called out. Phuwin and Fourth also came out and walked down.

"Hey, this is a medicine to treat wounds. Take it. If you get injured, remember to use it."

Mix gave his three beloved sons three bags of medicinal herbs. Mix is ​​a hunter with healing properties. The medicinal herbs his little father makes are definitely good medicinal herbs. The three brothers received medicinal herbs from Mix's hands

"Ah, Phuwin, take another bag for Sanya"

Mix gave another bag of medicinal herbs to Phuwin

" Yes Dad"

"Remember to be careful on the way. If it's dark and you haven't finished scouting yet, go back first and continue scouting tomorrow."

Earth raised his voice to warn his sons. The three of them also nodded and started walking towards the gate. Sanya was waiting there, he also participated in the purge of the Harit family this time. Phuwin took the bag of medicinal herbs and gave it to Sanya, then the four of them started walking in the direction of the Harit clan.

Going to a dense forest, there were two turns. The four people also knew this in advance. They had previously decided to split into two people to go on one side, Dunk and Fourth on the same team, Phuwin and Sanya on the same team.

"Okay, how about we meet here at the end of the day" - Dunk

"Okay, let's go" - Phuwin

After that statement, the four people split into two sides as planned. Dunk and Fourth spied on an easier path but took more time. It was said to be easy to follow but it was still a path full of dangers. Here, the trees were dense, and unexpected dangers could not be avoided. Dunk realized that this was a forest near a stream, so he could rest and regain his strength. Going a little further, when he was close to the Harit group's residence, Fourth discovered a few alien footprints. Perhaps these aliens were the ones guarding the perimeter of the area as a shield for the base of them.

The two men scouted until they got close to the edge of the forest of the Harit territory, realizing that this was a passable path, but it took a long time, and was easily discovered by the aliens or their people. If they didn't go carefully, there could be danger. Can pull strings to move the forest. The two were so engrossed in spying that they did not know that on a hidden tree branch, there were two silhouettes watching them.

"I didn't expect you to follow me here. What, are you worried about your loved one?"

It's none other than Gemini's voice. Recently, the three people, Joong, Pond and Gemini, have been following Dunk, Phuwin and Fourth's every move. Whenever he saw the three of them going out, he would fly out of the house and secretly follow them, silently watching and protecting the three of them.

"What's different about you?"

Joong raised his voice to refute Gemini's words, his eyes still staring intently at that figure

"Oh yeah, don't tell me anymore"

"Lately there hasn't been any movement around Harit, but I followed my father and saw that he came to Harit's place every 5 days."

"Can you find out anything?"

"No, still standing still"

The two said nothing more, deciding to silently end the conversation to continue looking at the other two. Dunk and Fourth finished scouting this road, it was already dusk so they returned to the meeting location. Fourth felt like someone was following him. Using the locator, he discovered that there was a real person. Looking up at the location of the discovery, he saw Gemini sitting right on a nearby tree branch, next to Joong. The other two were surprised when Fourth looked at them. Gemini quickly made a shush sign to tell Fourth to be quiet. Gemini smiled at Fourth. How could he forget that his lover had the ability to locate him? Gemini shook his head in boredom. Fourth didn't say anything but remained silent, it's best not to let Dunk discover the two of you, otherwise there will be a fight, especially since Joong is also here, P' Dunk will make noise in the whole forest.

Fourth also shook his head helplessly. Now Dunk and Fourth had returned halfway when Fourth suddenly stopped. Dunk found it strange so he asked.

"Fourth, what's wrong?"

"Brother, there are some high-ranking aliens nearby, they are coming towards us."

Hearing this, the two pulled out their weapons, ready to welcome them. Behind a group of trees, about five high-ranking aliens came out, they walked straight towards you guys.

"You guys just casually enter our territory, are you tired of living?"

"Talk a lot, come on"

Dunk said a short sentence, and immediately they came to fight. Above, Gemini and Joong observed that the situation was not good. Joong intended to jump down but was stopped by Gemini.

"Wait, consider the situation, the two of them are S-class hunters, if you come down now, Dunk might even hit you."

Joong heard that and had to stop, watching the two people below fighting and feeling nervous and worried.

Dunk and Fourth, two people fighting five high-level aliens, although it was a bit difficult, it was not too much to handle. Both sides were fighting, everyone showed signs of being tired, but no one was willing to give in. For a moment, they let their guard down. Dunk was hit in the arm, his shirt was torn, revealing a large wound with blood flowing out and seeping into the shirt. Fourth quickly ran back to help him, immediately several aliens rushed to attack but suddenly they stopped holding their heads and screaming, Fourth took the opportunity to kill them. Looking back, I saw that Gemini and Joong were standing up there and involved. Seeing that the two people up there were about to jump down, especially Joong, Fourth signaled them not to go down. If the two of them went down now, it would be even more troublesome. Dunk really hated seeing Joong again.

Fourth helped Dunk sit down, took out the bag of medicinal herbs that Mix's father gave him, and put it into the wound. Immediately the wound stopped bleeding and the pain also decreased. Fourth took out a previously prepared bandage and bandaged him. Then help him go to the meeting point.

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