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Phuwin, after separating from Fourth in the forest, turned to the left, and Fourth went in the opposite direction. After walking for a while, Phuwin discovered a small trail. Suspecting it led somewhere, he quickly walked along it. As Phuwin walked for a while, he would jump up on a high tree branch to observe where he was standing. Seeing that the surrounding area was still a pile of forest canopy, Phuwin sighed helplessly, the sky was gradually getting dark. but there is no further information, moreover, even though he is still connecting his brain waves to Fourth normally, knowing that Fourth on the other side is still safe, Phuwin cannot help but feel worried, his younger brother was away from him the first time. Walking alone in a strange forest like this, what if he run into danger or get caught by someone?

After jumping back to the ground, Phuwin continued walking a little further. While at a deadlock not knowing what to do, he saw a streak of red light flashing in the distance. He looked closely in the direction of the light. , seeing a large building with bright lights ahead, he walked quickly towards it, hiding behind a large canopy of trees to observe the situation in advance.

Before his eyes was a gray-white building. Although it looked large, he didn't think it was a castle. Above all, there seemed to be no one guarding it. Phuwin silently wondered if Dunk was in there or not. He tried to connect the signal again but still couldn't. There was also the mysterious red light from before. What it was, he still couldn't explain. Well, I can't take the risk, it's better to go in and see than not, maybe there's Dunk in there, thinking so, Phuwin jumped up to the roof, then sneaked in through the window on the top floor.


10 minutes ago...

In that large building, in a closed room on the top floor, an image of two extremely handsome but cold-edged bodies appeared standing facing each other. One person was calm, sitting with his head resting on a chair, holding a red glass of water, shaking it, then gently bringing it to his mouth to sip little by little. The other person was standing looking at a virtual scene appearing in front of him, His face, like a magic mirror, gently swiped his hand across and the photo frame disappeared.

"Brother, I want to go catch lost cats"

The boy standing there spoke, breaking the silence of the space

"You always want to catch cats, isn't catching them at a regular people's bar enough?"

"Come on, you know this time it's a special cat. I'm leaving."

After saying that, he quickly walked towards the door and looked back at his brother who was still sitting on the chair with a glass of red blood.

"Ah, when I leave later, maybe more people will see it. If I use the quick transformation magic, a light will appear."

After saying that, he winked at his brother, waved goodbye to him and disappeared through the door.

The boy with that cold, gloomy expression still sat sipping the glass of blood in his hand, until he heard a strange noise in the next room, then he slowly stood up, put the glass back on the table, and said, a faint, calculating smile

" Looks like it's time to welcome a special guest, right? Phuwin Tangsakyuen"


Phuwin, after successfully jumping in from the upstairs window, accidentally bumped into a few objects in the room, causing them to make a few small noises. Maybe it's okay, he thought to himself. Looking around, this seems to be a normal room with no people living, only used to store a few items. Stepping out of the room, he moved very gently to survey the situation. It was best to find Dunk somewhere in this building, otherwise his venturing here would all be in vain.

Stepping down one more floor, I still didn't see anything special, it was just that it was dark, plus the lights in this building were not bright, it was still dim and blurry, making Phuwin have to take a closer look to avoid causing trouble to make any noise. Standing in the middle of a large room, with nothing but a long table surrounded by many chairs, perhaps this room was intended as a gathering place, looking around for a while, Phuwin's back seemed to be much colder. I felt like I was being stared at by a pair of eyes, putting me in a defensive position. Phuwin quickly turned around and grabbed three glasses on the table and threw them straight forward. The glass clattered to the ground and shattered into pieces. Looking closely at the face standing opposite him under the flickering light, Phuwin raised his voice.

" Who are you"

Waiting for a while and still no response, Phuwin continued asking with suspicious eyes

"Archen Aydin? Joong? If it were you, I'd fucking kill you tonight!"

"It turns out there's a little cat that wants to kill my friend."

He raised his voice, a voice so cold that Phuwin shivered just hearing it. The important thing here is that it's probably not that hateful vampire but you, if it's you, then you're equally worth killing.

"Tell me, where is he?"

"You think I'll say it, it seems like my friend is having fun with your brother. But you're disturbing my rest, Phuwin Tangsakyuen"

Phuwin's face flashed with surprise, how did he know his name?

"How do you know my name?"

"Hmm... S-class hunter, head of the family, one of the three favorite children of the Tangsakyuen family, are you doubting your popularity? The Vampire world is very afraid of you."

He said, putting his hands in his pockets, leaning his back against the wall behind him, then looking up at him, giving him a cold smile.

"Or, now you fight with me, if you win, I'll tell you where your brother is."

Phuwin was slightly surprised by his suggestion. He wasn't afraid of hunters like him, knew he was an S-class hunter and still remained so calm. Okay, if we fight then we fight, today Phuwin promised to beat him to death, his mouth had to utter a plea for his life.

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