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As soon as Joong lay on the bed, he opened his eyes and received a hug. Then he looked closely at the crying person in front of him, trying to say just one word.


Finally hearing it, finally hearing the voice he had longed for so long, Dunk remembered that the person who had just woken up needed a drink of water. He ran so frantically to the edge of the table that he almost tripped. After letting Joong drink some water, Dunk hugged him again and said

"Joong, I missed you so much, thank you for waking up"

Dunk hugged Joong, his hand on the bed gently lifted up and placed it on Dunk's head, gently rubbing it. Joong smiled and then shed another tear, a tear of happiness.


1 week later

"Hey Joong, you only know how to be a baby to Dunk all day, where were you before?"

Pond walked in from outside the door, looked at Joong sitting on the chair and said something, Dunk next to him also laughed

"Hey, I'm the patient, I need medicine, and my medicine is Dunk"

Joong said as he pulled Dunk into a hug, successfully making the four people sitting opposite him express their disdain. After waking up, Joong was given a health check by Mix, nothing too serious, just needed a little time to recover his ability. Fortunately, after this time, Joong was no longer under the influence of that control, everything returned to normal.

The reason why everyone gathered at the Tangsakyuen family today is because there are two fathers who want to meet. The whole family is currently preparing for dinner. Gemini and Fourth are working hard in the kitchen. Since Dunk is busy taking care of Joong and Phuwin has just woken up from a coma, both of their cooking skills are much higher, and now they are the chefs for the whole family. , not knowing whether to be happy or sad. A while later, the dining table was prepared. Fourth took on the task of running up to call his parents down, so there was a dining table full of members, the scene was like a family.

"I don't understand why my child bumped into you three Vampires."

As soon as the sentence came out successfully, Pond, Joong and Gemini, who were eating, froze on the spot and could only smile.

"Stop teasing the kids"

Mix spoke up, picked up a piece of meat on Earth's plate and smiled. My husband really has to act like he's fastidious. Actually, there's nothing taboo about vampires loving hunters, but Dunk once had an accident with a vampire, so their clan put a distance between them and their bloodline. What Mix didn't expect the most was Phuwin, this boy used to hate vampires, even Dunk, the victim in this case, didn't hate him as much as he did, but now he's teased by a vampire all day long to the point of anger. can not do anything. But Mix was not willing and had all three of his children taken away at the same time, he really cried a lot.

"I haven't had anything to go out recently. If you guys want time to rest, just arrange a trip, let me take care of the family matters."


After that dinner, everyone started to return to rest, but now there were three vampires who wanted to stay in the hunter's clan. Dunk was standing near the window to close the curtains, then climbed into bed and hugged Joong. Joong gently stroked his head, touching his soft hair.

" Dunk"


"I want to get well soon"

"Then go to bed early"

"No, there is a way to help me get better quickly."

After hearing this sentence, Dunk looked up at Joong and asked in understanding

" What?"

"Give me some blood"

Joong gently leaned close to Dunk's ear and whispered. His hot breath tickled Dunk's ear. Dunk's ears immediately turned red and he tried to move away.

"Joong, what are you saying? Don't be rude."

Dunk pushed Joong away, but was hugged again. Joong once again spoke in a pleading voice

"Let's go, just for a little while, okay?"

In the end, Dunk couldn't stand Joong's eyes so he agreed

"Oh yeah, just a little bit then go to sleep"

Dunk has been very fond of Joong lately, it must be said that he is used to being spoiled by Joong, so Joong is becoming more and more thoughtful. After receiving Dunk's consent, he pressed down on him, used his hands to undo the top buttons and then pulled the shirt down to make it easier to perform the act. Facing Joong's angular face, Dunk couldn't help but blush, he shyly turned his face to the side. Joong searched for Dunk's veins and bit down, sucking the sweet blood coming from him. At first, because there was some pain, he slightly pulled his neck back. After a while, when he got used to this, Dunk relaxed and let Joong do it easily. Joong didn't bite the neck enough, so he turned to bite Dunk's shoulder blade, teeth marks were left on his neck and shoulder. Dunk reached out and grabbed Joong's biceps, accidentally creating a few scratches. Joong grabbed his hand and pressed it down, their hands clasped tightly together. It took a long time before Joong satisfied his bloodlust. He let go of him, lay on top of him, buried his face in his body and hugged him.

"Joong, lie aside, it's heavy."

Dunk was lying flat on top of him, his body was under Joong's weight so he protested, he pushed him to the side, but Joong wouldn't stay still, he continued to bury himself into Dunk's body and lay down to sleep, just like that. overnight.

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