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Today Dunk has to go out, to be frank, he has a date with Joong. Phuwin has been at home recuperating lately, not allowed to do anything, just lying down and eating all day, making him almost become a pig. While lying lazily on the sofa, I saw Dunk coming down.

"Oh my brother, why is he dressed so beautifully?"

"When is your brother not beautiful?"

Phuwin sat up, grabbed a pillow to hug him, looked at Dunk from top to bottom, his face clearly showed judgment, like this he was not beautiful, every time he went to a bar he simply It was a shirt and pants, now it's also a shirt, but its design is different from the ones he usually wears.

"Where are you going now?"

Phuwin half-believed and half-doubtedly asked

"I am going to see an old friend, there is a meeting today"

Dunk said as he buttoned his shirt, adjusted his clothes neatly and walked out

"So when are you coming back?"

Phuwin shouted after him but he didn't seem to hear. Sitting on the sofa, Phuwin was so upset that Fourth was not home these days, every morning I saw him sneaking away somewhere, the house lost Fourth's energy tree and became completely calm, also because That made Phuwin feel bored to death.

His hand is almost completely healed. The bandage was removed yesterday. Luckily, his father's family secret left no scars. Looking at the empty house, Phuwin decided to lie down on the sofa and sleep. At night, he would go to the bar alone to entertain himself. The whole family had banned him for many days. This time, no one was home, no one could stop him.


Currently, Dunk is walking on the street with Joong. Joong deliberately puts his hand in Dunk's hand, startling him

"What are you doing, people are looking"

"Let people be, I have the right to hold my lover's hand"

" Smooth-tongued"

Dunk saw his lover playing a sweet trick so he was embarrassed to death. His face turned red. This Joong's face has become thicker since he's been with him.

"So are you hungry? Do you want to go eat something?"

Dunk asked

"Eat you"

"What are you talking about?"

Dunk pushed Joong away from him

"Really, please give me a piece of blood later."

"This crazy guy"

Dunk was teased so much by him that he turned red. He left him and went ahead, this shameless guy, but when he was with him, he admittedly cheered him up, his teasing and intimate caressing games. All of which made him suddenly smile. The two of them experienced the feeling of dating like other normal people, going out to eat, going out, going to the movies, going for a walk,... At the end of the day, Dunk suddenly wanted to go drink something, he turned to Joong and told him.

"Joong, I haven't been to a bar in a while. I want to go to a bar."

"Okay, I'll spoil you all"

"But are there any new bars? Going to P' Dew always gets boring."

"So let's take you to the Pond restaurant, it's beautiful and very famous, and the drinks are also delicious."

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