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Phuwin ran back to Pond, his face showing concern

"Hey, are you okay, try harder, I'll take you out"

Afraid that staying here for a long time would not be good, the old man could come back at any time, plus there were many barriers here that would weaken both his and his strength, Phuwin quickly put his arm around his shoulder. trying to help this guy taller than 1m8, stand up, step by step staggering out of Harit's castle.

By the time he got out of the old man's forest, Phuwin had begun to feel exhausted. He sat him down against a large old tree. I guess it must have been three o'clock in the morning, the sky was still pitch black, luckily there was a little light from the moon shining in so we could see a little.

Phuwin bent down panting, raised his face to look at Pond, he had been silent all this time, his breathing seemed not very stable. Remembering what the old man had just said, he nervously approached him

"Pond, calm down, don't scare me."

Phuwin's trembling hand touched Pond's body, and he immediately pushed him away

"You... Stay away from me... Don't come closer"

His voice became heavy, his breathing became more and more rapid, he gritted his teeth, trying to control his hunger, forcing himself to stay awake. His eyes must have turned crimson red by now, a color often seen when vampires are mad or crave blood.


"I told you to get out! Do you want to die?"

Pond shouted, if Phuwin remained in front of him any longer, he was afraid he wouldn't be able to control himself.

"You quickly go back and get out of my sight."

Pond ordered, his condition began to get worse, his breathing was no longer stable, at this rate, sooner or later he would self-destruct. Phuwin ignored everything he said, sat down in front of him, and took off his hunter's coat, then gently undid the three buttons inside, pulling down the shirt on his right shoulder, revealing his smooth white skin, clearly exposed under the moonlight, seemingly attractive to the point of glowing, the collarbone peeking out from behind the thin hem of the shirt that had been pulled down a bit, adding to the charm.

Pond saw his actions and was surprised, his face showing shock

" Are you crazy"

"Suck it"

Phuwin only uttered those two words, then moved closer, seeing him still motionless looking at him, Phuwin added.

"Let's just say I'm repaying you for helping me earlier, just keep sucking, just don't suck me to death. Suck it away before you're still conscious, I don't want you to lose control and drain my blood. Besides, this is far from the living area, if you want to find someone to suck blood, you will already be dead."

After listening to what he said, Pond hesitated for a moment, but when he looked at his steadfast eyes, he used his hand to pull him closer.

" Sorry"

After uttering those two words, he bit down on his neck and shoulder, sipping the hot blood flowing out. Phuwin is an S-level hunter, his blood is much better than other hunters, and also has more effects, which can help vampires increase their strength or heal. The first time he was sucked blood, it took Phuwin a while to get used to the pain, then he felt ticklish on his shoulder and neck because sometimes he would lick a few drops of blood flowing down his shoulder. That sensitive skin became red and hot, one hand placed behind his head, the other wrapped around his waist, pushing him closer. The two people now seem to have no distance, their bodies are stuck together.

It took a while for him to release him, his eyes must have returned to their normal amber color. Looking at Phuwin panting, his body slumped into his arms and then fell asleep due to fatigue. He rubbed his head and hugged him.

" Thanks"

That night, two people hugged each other under a tree, the moonlight shone down on them both, a boy with a small, very beautiful face slept soundly in the arms of a vampire. Just like that through the night, they stayed together like that until morning.

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