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"Gem... Why isn't it done yet?"

Fourth is sitting on the sofa in Gemini's office. Lately, he must have been working all the time, rarely spending Fourth's time like before. Fourth feels that Gemini spends less time taking her out. Lately he has had to go buy cakes alone and visit home alone.

After P' Dunk got married, PondPhuwin went on a trip, Fourth moved to live with Gemini at his family's house, my parents also allowed it because they were afraid that I would be lonely, and they knew that Gemini would pamper me so they didn't worry, just like that. that the two have lived together for five years.

Currently, in the past month, Gemini often worked until late at night, I was the one who fell asleep first, and when he woke up, he was already in the office. Fourth groped his way to his room, sat on a chair and watched Gemini work. Now, too, Fourth felt bored so he asked Gemini if ​​he was done yet.

"Fourth, if you're tired, rest first, Gem still has a little more time to finish"

"So Fourth sit here and wait"

So Fourth sat obediently waiting for Gemini to work, while he was bored and peeled fruit to eat. It was already two hours later when Gemini finished work. Looking at the sofa, Fourth had already been sleeping. I curled up on the sofa because it was cold. It was already midnight, the room window wasn't closed so the cold wind kept rushing in. Gemini gently approached Fourth, looked at her sleeping face and smiled. Without intending to wake me up, he carried me to the room, covered me with a blanket, took a shower, then climbed into bed and hugged me to sleep.


Next morning

Fourth woke up, looked at the empty bed next to him, sadly walked into the bathroom and then downstairs. After finishing breakfast, Fourth out of habit went to Gemini's office. Today I wanted him to take me to buy cakes. We ran out of cakes at home yesterday. When he opened the door and was about to step in, Fourth suddenly heard Gemini's voice and another girl's voice. Too surprised, I opened my eyes to look inside. The two of them were sitting opposite each other at the table in the middle of the room talking, looking very happy, Gemini even smiled and looked very happy.

Fourth saw this scene and somehow felt sorry for himself. He left with tears in his eyes.

Mr. Fourth, where are you going?"

Fourth ran out of the house and was asked by the housekeeper. Fourth only politely turned back and replied that he was going to buy cake, and he ran back to the human world alone.

Standing looking at the cakes in front of him, Fourth was not in the mood to choose, just grabbed a box of cakes and took it to sit at a small table in the shop. Recalling what he had just seen, Fourth burst into tears again. .


After seeing off the strange girl in the room, Gemini went up to the room to look for Fourth. As soon as he opened the door, he called out his name, but Fourth was nowhere to be seen. He opened the bathroom door and couldn't find it either. He went to the back garden to see if she was getting some fresh air, then went back to the kitchen and looked around but couldn't find Fourth. Gemini asked the waiter.

"Yes, he said he was going to buy cake."

After Gemini heard this sentence, he was a bit stunned. He must have felt uneasy, so he quickly ran to the bakery to find Fourth.


As soon as Gemini entered the shop, he glanced around and saw Fourth sitting in the corner, but what was he seeing? His little friend was crying, and the cake on the table hadn't even touched a single piece. Gemini quickly came to sit next to me, not knowing why I was crying but he had to comfort me first.

"Fourth, why are you crying? Who made you sad?"

Fourth heard Gemini's voice and suddenly felt sorry for himself and cried harder

"Sniff...Gemini doesn't need Fourth anymore"

"Wait, why did Fourth say that?"

Gemini patted his back and comforted him, reaching out to wipe away the tears on Fourth's eyelids.

"Gem...Gem talked happily with the other girl in the room"

Fourth felt sorry for himself and said that normally when he entered his room, Gemini would just let him sit on the sofa, and would just keep focusing on the pile of papers in front of him, but now he had to give up his work to talk to him. That girl, this makes you feel sad. Gemini listened to Fourth and smiled, gently patting his head

"Fourth, that's my cousin, don't misunderstand, little one."

Gemini explained, he was very happy about this, his little friend was jealous of him, even crying because of it, proving that Fourth loved him very much. Fourth listened to Gemini's explanation and suddenly raised his head, he was Gemini's cousin, but he thought wildly, if he had walked in and asked Gemini at that time, it wouldn't have been like it is now. Suddenly Fourth felt shy, he blushed. Gemini took Fourth's hand

"Gemini take Fourth somewhere"

Gemini led Fourth to the car, Fourth nodded obediently and followed. Gemini led Fourth to a place, before Fourth's eyes appeared an extremely romantic scene, there were many flowers decorated here, Gemini led Fourth to the middle of the stage, looked into Fourth's eyes for a long time, put his hand in. He took out a red velvet box from his pocket and opened it

"Fourth, you and I have been together for five years now, I think that much time is enough for us to understand each other well. Today my sister came to help me create this proposal. So little friend, Fourth Nattawat, please marry me."

As Gemini spoke, his eyes gently looked at Fourth. His eyes were gradually becoming emotional. He was nervous every second of every moment waiting for Fourth's answer. Fourth stood before this proposal, she was so surprised that she burst into tears, she went to hug Gemini in her arms

" I agree"

Gemini was happy after hearing Fourth's answer. He let go of him and looked straight into his eyes

"Fourth, I love you"

Then he walked forward and gave Fourth a sweet kiss. There was only one person in his heart, and would always be one. Finally, Gemini was waiting for the day to officially bring Fourth home.

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