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Today is Joong and Dunk's wedding day. Since early morning, the Tangsakyuen clan has been much busier. Everywhere we go, we see people with happy faces, and the housekeepers are also busy preparing for the party. In a certain room, there is someone still sleeping.

"Fourth, wake up, get dressed, the wedding is about to take place"

Gemini gently called him to wake up, but Fourth kept wrapping himself in the blanket and whining

"Just a little more Gem..."

"No, don't sleep in anymore"

Gemini walked over to the bed and hugged Fourth to a sitting position. Fourth sleepily rubbed his eyes with his hand

"Today is your brother's wedding day, wake up quickly"

After listening, Fourth gently nodded his head, but he refused to open his eyes and opened his arms, wanting Gemini to hug him up. Gemini also had to stretch his arms to hug his little friend into the bathroom, then dress him.


" Phuwin, long time no see, are you okay?"

Phuwin was standing with Pond at the reception table, he was smiling and chatting happily with everyone when Sanya walked over.

"Sanya, why are you here now?"

Sanya also received an invitation from JoongDunk, so he arranged to put aside his work in the West and return to give his blessings.

"I had some problems so I came late. Ah! This is a wedding gift for JoongDunk"

Sanya explained and then gave the wedding gift box to Phuwin, Phuwin happily received it and put it in the wedding gift box. Pond had been keeping a watchful eye on Phuwin's body and then looked at Sanya when Phuwin lightly hit him, telling him to take back his attitude. Pond could only pretend to be calm right after that, after all, they were clear, Phuwin had also publicly announced that he was his lover.


GeminiFourth came from everywhere to greet them and then joined their group.

"Ah, I brought someone here today. I want to introduce you to everyone."

Sanya spoke up, then waved to a boy with a Western face with light brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. He slowly walked next to Sanya.

"Introducing everyone, this is Alex, my lover"

Sanya spoke up, surprising everyone.

"Really, congratulations P' Sanya, hello P' Alex"

Fourth exclaimed looking at the two of them, Phuwin also smiled happily, his friend had finally found his other half. While talking happily, Mix ran over and told Fourth to call JoongDunk in the waiting room. Fourth immediately took the job and went up to call his two brothers.

"P' Joong, P' Dunk! Are you two done yet? Everyone is waiting."

"It's done"


The wedding took place in the main hall of the Tangsakyuen family, the main color was red and white combined with a few lights to create a magical shimmer, a romantic scene appeared before everyone's eyes. Everyone sat in their seats, everyone eagerly waiting for the main character to appear. Currently, Joong was standing on the podium with the wedding officiant. He had never felt so nervous and trembling like that, probably looking forward to every moment that Dunk would appear in front of him.

The moment Dunk walked down the aisle holding Earth's hand, everyone turned to look and clapped and cheered, and Joong, Joong could no longer think of anything anymore, the person he loved was walking towards him step by step, eyes wide. Joong was now starting to get a little angry, he was moved to look at Dunk who was smiling and walking closer to him. Gently reaching out to hold Dunk's hands, Joong emotionally looked at him with happy eyes. As for Dunk, Dunk is the same, in front of him is the person he has entrusted his whole life to, his heart is now beating rapidly, his hand is tightly holding Joong's hand, both of them are facing the host.

"Joong, do you agree to accept Dunk as your husband, and promise to remain faithful to him, in good times and in bad times, in sickness and in health, to love him throughout this life? or not?"

" I agree"

"Dunk, do you agree to accept Joong as your husband, and promise to remain faithful to him, in good times and in bad times, in sickness and in health, to love him throughout this life? or not?"

"Yes, I agree"

"So I declare, from now on you two are husband's, let's exchange rings"

After the host's words, Joong and Dunk took the rings and gave them to each other. The two looked at each other happily, everyone's eyes were red and filled with tears, now they could affirm that they belonged to each other. Then, under everyone's cheers and cheers, they shared a kiss. Down the aisle, PondPhuwin leaned close to each other, Gemini rubbed Fourth's head, EarthMix was moved to tears, Sanya and Alex also held hands and smiled, all looked at JoongDunk happily.

That day, the person who caught the flower was Alex. That day, a pureblood vampire and an S-class hunter got married, breaking the barrier between races. That day, there were two people who were the happiest and there were people who were the happiest because of them.


" Phuwin, if you want to go anywhere, I will be the one to go there with you, I love you"

"Pond, I can go anywhere, as long as I'm with you, I love you too"


"Dunk, I'm the luckiest is that you came to me with your heart ready to forgive, thank you for choosing to be by my side, I love you"

"Joong, being with you is also the luckiest of my life, I love you too"


"Fourth, let's go back to my clan, my little friend, I want to pamper you all my life, I love you"

"Gemini, everything that comes from Gem is the sweetest, Fourth wants every day to be sweet, I love Gemini"



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