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"Hey! Stop"

Phuwin flew towards him, holding three daggers in his hand and launched them straight at him. Disrupted, he immediately ordered the aliens to attack him

"Take good care of him, also the three vampires behind him."

He spoke to the aliens, then continued his work

"Sing Harit, so you're still alive"

Pond's voice rang out

"Of course I'm still alive to come back and take revenge on a blood relative like you. You don't know that that year I used a body double, then I escaped to the human world, now I'm back here to kill you." it's you Naravit Lertratkosum"

After Sing finished speaking, he used his power to create many traps to attack them. Phuwin had spent some of his strength struggling with the aliens, but as soon as the aliens were knocked down, they continued. stood up, the full moon night helped their strength increase many times over.

Joong ran back to untie Dunk, Gemini also ran back to help Fourth. Before he could figure out, he was surrounded by aliens.

Pulling Dunk behind him, Joong created a beam of weapon that swept across the aliens, pushing them back. The group of strangers approached again, this time Joong turned around and was scratched by a stranger. Something fell out of Joong's pocket. It seemed like he didn't see it, only Dunk noticed so he picked it up. Dunk looked at the object that fell from his pocket, it was a pendant, when looking at the person in the photo, Dunk was motionless, this person looked very similar to him, a smile as bright as the morning light, it was Ray, right? Dunk thought so. Putting it in his pocket, Dunk moved forward to fight the aliens. This time, he seemed to be going crazy, not paying attention to how many people there were, just rushing to kill them.

Gemini smoothly helped Fourth escape from the ropes. While checking to see if he had any injuries, a strange man rushed up behind him. Because he was so focused on him, he didn't pay attention.

" Careful"

Fourth shouted, then he pulled Gemini's body back, then threw himself forward to avoid the alien's attack, but it still hit his left shoulder, blood gradually flowing down. Gemini immediately became angry and used one hand to kill the alien.

Phuwin rushed straight to the other Sing to stop him from reciting the spell, but he accidentally fell into an underground trap. His legs and arms were immediately tied by four blue ropes, which emitted electric currents like the barrier he had broken earlier.

Pond had just finished clearing the traps below when he saw Phuwin lying on the ground in pain. Immediately he ran to him but another matrix appeared, this matrix restrained the vampire.

Everything was extremely chaotic, only one person, Sing Harit, successfully finished reciting the spell, immediately a light flashed at the place where the conductor was taken, then spread, everyone was affected. Blinded by the glare, especially Pond, he felt his body weaken

Right after that white light, a stream of black smoke appeared, everything gathered together and converged into the appearance of a human being.

"Hahaha, 5 years, 5 years, I have finally risen, the day when I will rule this continent is not far away hahahaha"

" Dad"

Sing shouted, his face becoming happier than ever

"My dear son, well done"

He said, then looked at the surrounding situation.

"Joong, Gem, quickly take Dunk and Fourth out"

Pond shouted, knowing clearly what Pond was thinking. Joong quickly carried Dunk through the group of strangers. Gemini also carried him and ran out right after.

" Naravit Lertratkosum, nice to meet you again, old debt and new debt, this time I will let you pay in full"

"You think you're strong enough to kill me?"

Pond snorted coldly

"It wasn't possible before, but now it is possible"

He said, then looked at his son, understanding what his father meant. Sing used his strength, immediately Phuwin was dragged to the other Sing's side, a few more electric currents attacked his arms and legs. Phuwin let out a soft cry of pain, but still did not forget to look up with hateful eyes. In fact, Phuwin has been trying to find a way to break these bonds, so it's best for him to continue solving silently now.

Pond saw Phuwin in pain and felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. He must have only thought of playing with him for fun, because in his heart there was only one image. But now, he became more urgent than ever, maybe he had those feelings for him now.

After a few seconds of inattention, Pond was hit by Sing's move. Although he was weaker, he was still very powerful. Fighting with Sing for a while, he was able to kick him into the wall. At that moment, Phuwin's ropes began to weaken. Phuwin took this opportunity to break them and escape. He walked step by step towards Pond, but he did not expect that the damn old man would turn into a sword made of silver smoke,
and struck straight at him.

Phuwin had no time to block and could only close his eyes and endure the attack, ready to be pierced by that sword. But after waiting for a long time, nothing happened. Instead, there was a hug from Pond, who was covering him with his back. The silver sword completely passed through his body and then disappeared. He immediately vomited blood and fell onto Phuwin

"Pond! Pond! Are you okay?"

" Haha, I knew he would help you anyway, good things happen later. What's next? Naravit Lertratkosum bit the second son of the Tangsakyuen family to death because he was crazy about blood lust.

"Fuck, what did you do to him?"

"Just made him return to his instincts with some medicine on the sword. If it weren't for you, he wouldn't be like this."

He jokingly let out a few words, smiling mischievously

After hearing this, Phuwin became even angrier, his hands clenched into fists

"I killed him"

He immediately rushed towards him, his finger immediately spinning the ring on his index finger. When he was about to arrive in front of him, the boy disappeared. He was a bit surprised and caught off guard. Phuwin immediately appeared behind him, shooting out a silver ray that stuck into his neck, making him scream in pain.

"You.... Very good.... Sing! Let's go"

Immediately Sing approached him

"We will meet again"

Having finished speaking, he and his son disappeared behind a puff of black smoke

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