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"Damn it, stop it for me"

Dunk shouted and tried to rush towards him but was pulled back by Joong. Dunk looked at his face and couldn't help but slap Joong in the face.

"Fuck you, why are you being controlled at this hour, and you still dare to hit me, do you really want to die?"

Joong still didn't understand what Dunk said, still showing that cruel, emotionless face. Old Nat ordered Joong to hold Dunk tight, then Dunk was controlled by Joong and couldn't do anything.

A cold air was emitting around Pond's body, his face darkened like the angel of death knocking on the door, each word that came out of Nat's mouth successfully made Pond start to become angry, he lost patience, Therefore, the space here became more stormy than ever. The cold wind blew strongly across every opening, surrounding him with a red and black aura.

Nat still hasn't given up his idea, after all, he wants to test the medicine. If successful, from now on there will be no more competition or threat from hunters, they will become the lowest part of the tribe. society, will have to obey vampires and aliens. Thinking of this, he gave a sinister smile, once again grabbed Phuwin's head and pulled him up, pushing the pill into his mouth. Phuwin tried to close his mouth to resist but failed, in the end he forced him to swallow the pill.

Witnessing this scene, Dunk and Fourth were motionless for a few seconds. They both had to witness with their own eyes Phuwin being forced to drink that killer pill. Pond was completely mad, his eyes were no longer amber but instead the color of crimson blood. His hand emitted a strange aura. Outside, the red vortex above their heads began to light up, falling thick rains of fire, what happened in the blood purification battle that year began to repeat itself. Again.

Phuwin was forced to take the pill and immediately fell to the floor. His body began to change, Phuwin felt so much pain, it felt like someone was tearing his body apart, using thousands of arrows to stab him straight. His whole body seemed to be destroyed little by little. Phuwin couldn't bear it anymore, he screamed in pain, blood... blood started to flow from his mouth, he lay there, looked at everyone looking at him, coughed a few times more blood flowed out, he was in so much pain that he wanted to die, he was about to not be able to bear it anymore, it felt like all his abilities were gone, there was nothing left to resist.

"Pond, are you planning to sacrifice yourself!"

Gemini screamed when he saw in Pond's hand the aura that opened that year's matrix, exactly the blood exchange matrix to create a killing spell. Immediately in front of Pond appeared a circular magic spell, surrounded by a red aura. At that moment, old Nat seemed to be weak, he shouted loudly

"Joong, stop him for me"

Just as Joong was about to rush to Pond's side, Dunk shouted loudly


It seemed like it had an effect, Joong stopped walking, the red light from the matrix also weakened Joong's control.

"Joong? Did you hear that?"

Joong turned around and looked towards Dunk

"It's me, it's Dunk, can you please wake up?"

Old Nat saw signs of losing control of his weapon and immediately shouted orders again

"Joong Archen, kill Dunk Natachai first for me"

Nat's sound rang in Joong's ears. Joong returned to his old state, continuing to be controlled by him. Joong did not hesitate to rush to attack Dunk. Dunk could only close his eyes and scream again as soon as Joong's hand began to squeeze his neck.


Tears fell from his eyes, his eyes were red, he could only stand still and close his eyes to endure. The strength of his hand seemed to become lighter and then loosen, no longer strangling Dunk. Dunk slowly opened his eyes, in front of him was Joong standing opposite, his eyes mixed with smoky gray and red, trying to fight each other.

" Dunk"

Joong softly called Dunk's name, a name that Joong was not allowed to call for a long time. In Joong's ears, old man Nat's voice was still ringing, making him struggle to force himself to stay awake. It seemed he couldn't stand it anymore, he felt like his body was about to be controlled. At that moment, he looked at Dunk and smiled

"Dunk, I'm sorry"

Then Joong used all his strength to put it into his hand and hit himself. Yes, he must be self-destructing, he is committing suicide before being turned back into that cruel person who only listens to orders. He didn't want to hurt Dunk because of this control anymore. Joong vomited blood, blood running down the corner of his mouth. His body no longer had the strength to fall into Dunk's arms. Dunk looked at his actions in panic and widened his eyes, watching him kill himself right in front of him. Just as the figure must have collapsed against him, his heart suddenly felt a pain. Joong lay there, his breathing was no longer even

"Joong... Joong... Are you crazy... What are you doing... Don't"

Joong lay in Dunk's arms. He smiled slightly and used his remaining strength to touch Dunk's cheek.

"Dunk, you said if the next time we see each other, either I die or you die, right? Now I'm willing to die for you, pay you back what I owe, and remember to be happy in the future."

Dunk trembled and cried loudly, his hand holding his hand tightly and begging

"No, Joong, please don't die, I only need you. That year we were all victims, I didn't die that year, so you can't die, don't leave me, Joong."

Dunk cried and said the words in his heart. Right now he was shaking so much that he was scared and couldn't think of anything anymore. Joong was lying in his arms, neither moving nor having any strength. Joong's eyes had returned to smoky gray, the color of his eyes, the color that Dunk had seen before was full of love. It's still the same now, Joong's eyes still look at him with that love, but why is it so painful?

"I love you... Dunk"

Using the last bit of strength to try to utter the words of love before he fell into darkness, Dunk's hand on his cheek slowly fell to the ground.

"Don't, don't Joong, Joong, wake up, wake up, I love you too, Joong"

Dunk cried while hugging his motionless body, had he really left? Dunk didn't want that, please, Dunk cried until his heart was paralyzed, crying and calling the name of the person he loved.

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