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"Big dad, little dad, you two know the news, right?"

"Um, I just heard the news from the messenger, tell me what happened in the forest."

Your big father - Earth Pirapat, is a famous hunter in the world and is respected by many people.

Dunk told all the story

"There's a foreign race infiltrating through a hole punched in the barrier. It seems like someone behind it caused this. Furthermore, there are currently 7 people with Platinum blood missing, do you know why?" "

When Earth heard what his son said, he couldn't help but be surprised. The barrier he created is extremely strong and cannot be broken easily. The person behind this attack must have a mysterious motive.

"You said 7 people with Platinum blood are missing?"

Earth asked again

"That's right, Dad, it seems they stopped attacking and withdrew after capturing those 7 people, this must be their target, so we need to investigate the cause from here, those 7 people have that bloodline." What is the benefit after all?

Phuwin spoke up, he knew that people with this bloodline belonged to ancient families. Previously, in the West they had suffered attacks from people who practiced black magic, they captured them for research experiments. illegal, that's why they came to this territory, a safer place for them. This made him suspect that the person who captured these bloodline hunters had nefarious plans.

"There are not many records about people with Platinum blood in our family. If you want to know clearly, you have to go to the largest ancient library in the West, called Adal."

Mix Sahaphap - little father spoke up.

"Okay, this time let us go, we will take care of finding the reason why they were

Dunk spoke, Phuwin and Fourth also nodded in agreement

"Ah dad, we still picked this up"

Having said that, Fourth took out from his pocket what he had picked up in the forest, which was a silver necklace. EarthMix's eyes widened when he saw this necklace. Earth quickly took the necklace from his son's hand, looking closely at the symbol attached to it.

"Are you sure you picked this up from the forest?"

"That's right, Dad, it's right next to the alien that I destroyed."

Fourth replied

Earthmix frowned and looked at each other with worried eyes

"This is the old symbol of the Harit family. Look, this is the identification mark"

"Harit? But this clan has already perished."

Dunk wondered

"That's right, was purged in the bloody war 5 years ago, the bloody purge"

Mix spoke up. During the purification that year, the Harit family was tragically destroyed, fresh blood dyed their entire territory red. No one knows what the reason is. All we know is that the person who destroyed it was Pond Naravit of the Lertratkosum clan. He stood on the sea of ​​blood, exuding the aura of a pure-blooded clan. From then on, when people heard his name mentioned, they became fearful and cautious.

"So what should we do now? Do you suspect they haven't been completely destroyed yet?"

Fourth asked

"That's right, our family's hunter is missing. We can't just stand still and watch. The first thing is to investigate why they captured someone with Platinum blood. Tomorrow, you guys should quickly depart." Let's try to investigate. Dad and I will find out more information at home. If anything comes up, I'll call."

Earth said.

After leaving the room, the three brothers looked at each other, it seemed that this time it was not simply a case of missing people, but also a truly terrible plot of someone about to be carried out.

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