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Phuwin and Sanya are currently on the rooftop, Phuwin is sitting and enjoying the wind, Sanya is standing against the wall.

"What's wrong with you?"

Phuwin looked over and asked Sanya. Recently, the two of them rarely had time to talk together like this. If it was before, they would have something to talk about every day, sometimes they would stay together all day, go hunting, go to training, go out,...

"Phuwin, if I said I have feelings for you, the kind of love that's more than a close friend, what would you do?"

Sanya asked Phuwin, looking at him expectantly, hoping for the right answer. From the beginning, Phuwin felt that Sanya was going to confess his feelings to him, so he still turned his eyes towards him.

"I'm sorry Sanya, I just stopped at seeing you as a friend, I never thought about it further"

Hearing Phuwin's words, Sanya's heart skipped a beat. Even though he had predicted the outcome, hearing it from his own mouth made it so painful. Sanya asked hesitantly

"Because of him, you fell in love with that Pond Naravit?"

Phuwin didn't speak, he just smiled as if admitting

"Anyone is fine, why did you choose that guy, he's a Vampire, he almost killed you."

"Have you forgotten, now I'm also a Vampire?"

Now Phuwin turned to look at Sanya. He jumped down from the terrace and stood facing Sanya

"I'm just following my heart. When we love someone, we are willing to forgive all of their mistakes. I've realized that my heart belongs to him completely since the moment I saw him." Seeing that he was about to sacrifice himself, I thought about what would happen if he really died. When I woke up, I knew I had become a Vampire, even though I hated it In the end, I still can't hate him, as long as it's him."

Sanya understood, finally understood that Phuwin's heart never belonged to him. It's just a pity that he arrived long before Pond, stayed by his side for a long time but still couldn't win his heart. He was the loser in competing for Phuwin's love, he really lost.

"Um, I understand"

"Are you okay Sanya, sorry for not being able to accept your love, are we still friends?"

"It's okay, I'm fine. Don't worry, I still consider you a friend."

"So... What are your plans now?"

"I'm going to the West next week, taking over my parents' work."

"If he hurts you, come find me and I'll beat him to death."

Phuwin laughed, he was still his best friend Sanya as before, still caring for him. Just like that, the two talked for a while longer, then Sanya asked permission to leave.


It's been two weeks since Joong was in a coma, and Dunk is still standing next to Joong's bed day and night. Before, Dunk was so busy taking care of Joong that he forgot to eat and sleep. Later, thanks to everyone's advice and begging, he got a little better. Joong's room became noisier today, because Pond Phuwin Gemini and Fourth are here

"Oh, will you guys shut up?"

Dunk tiredly spoke up and looked at the four people in front of him. Every time they came in, they talked so loudly that it made him want to get angry and hit people. This time too, one couple fed each other food, the other couple argued loudly back and forth, Dunk just wanted to kick them all out. I'm so tired of eating rice. It took a while longer for Joong's room to return to a quiet state. After sending the other four people away, Dunk mercilessly locked the door, then gently went to sit down next to Joong. Looking at Joong's closed eyes, he smiled slightly.

"It's been two weeks Joong, it's been a very, very long time for me."

"Joong, I don't want to wait anymore, please wake up."

"Joong, why don't you listen to me? I told you to talk to me, but you let me talk to myself"

"Joong, wake up and take me out on a date."

"Joong, where did you hide my ring? Wake up and give it back to me."

"Joong, I miss you, I miss your voice, I miss the feeling of hugging you, I miss your kiss, don't you miss me? If you do, why haven't you woken up yet?"

Dunk held Joong's hand while talking, finally unable to contain his emotions, he cried again, each tear kept flowing down his cheek, it was impossible to count how many times he cried. Why can't Joong wake up, has Joong stopped loving him, Joong hates him that's why, Joong told him to give him his life, Dunk doesn't need it, if he wants to pay, then live and pay for him with his own life. Dunk cried again, put his face down on the bed and cried, holding Joong's hand tightly.

"Joong, if you don't wake up, I'll find someone new."

The space was still quiet, Dunk was still talking to himself


Dunk felt something move in his hand, he sat up, looking at the hand holding Joong's hand tightly. Each of Joong's fingers is moving slightly, it's real, it's moving. Dunk was frantic and could no longer sit still

"Joong, Joong, can you hear me?"

Dunk kept calling Joong's name trembling

"Joong, you're awake, right?"

The person lying on the bed gently moved his fingers, then, his eyes that had been closed for many days finally gradually opened. I don't know if it was because of exposure to light or something else, but a drop of water fell from his eyes, tilted his head slightly to look at the figure calling his name, that figure gradually became clearer, the sound he heard also gradually became clearer.

"Joong, you're finally awake"

Dunk hugged Joong, but was afraid that the person in his heart would be hurt so he only dared to hug gently. Dunk continued to shed tears, but they were tears of happiness. Dunk was waiting for that voice, waiting for Joong to call his name.

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