CH 55 - HOPE

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All that night, it rained heavily and didn't know when it would stop. In a room filled with the smell of medicine, Dunk with trembling shoulders kept staring at the person lying motionless on the bed, tears still flowing down his cheeks, not knowing how much time had passed.

Dunk sat next to Joong all night, still holding his hand tightly, watching his little dad keep injecting hundreds of drugs into his body. This time to save Joong's life, Mix had to spend a lot of his energy. Joong self-destructed, it was very difficult to keep his life, it was up to him to wake up or not. Furthermore, his strength was also seriously damaged, and if he wanted to regain it, it would take a long time.

Dunk sat next to Joong all night, refusing to leave even a single step. Joong's breathing is still unstable, sometimes getting weaker, Dunk wants to be by his side so that if anything happens, he can quickly handle it. Mix told Dunk to change the medicine every hour. After finishing his instructions, he also ran over to Phuwin, the situation there seemed to be more serious, he was risking his life

In another room also filled with the smell of medicine, Earth is using his own energy to prolong his son's breathing. His situation is really difficult to save, because the hunter with the ability to heal also gives up, there is no way to save him.

"Dad, can P' Phuwin be saved?"

Fourth asked, I was crying, looking at Phuwin's broken body, it was impossible to imagine what he had gone through. EarthMix was speechless, they really didn't know what to do to save their son. If they could change their lives, they would have changed them immediately. Phuwin's body lost too much blood and fainted, combined with the effects of that poison pill affecting Phuwin's ability to stand. He is now no different from an ordinary person who is close to death. EarthMix tried all night but could only prolong Phuwin's breathing. Did that pill really make Phuwin lose his powers?
That experiment was still betting on Phuwin's life. He had to wake up. It can be confirmed, but no one can guess what percentage his chance of survival is.


The next day, Dunk woke up and discovered that he had fallen asleep next to Joong's bed. He woke up quickly. How long had he fallen asleep? If he didn't change the medicine, Joong would be in danger.

"You just rest, I just now changed Joong's medicine."

That was Fourth's voice. After coming out of Phuwin's room, Fourth stopped by to check on Joong's condition and saw that Dunk had fallen asleep. He also asked his dad about Joong's condition. He knew that Joong needed to be changed. hourly medicine. Fourth wanted to put Dunk on the sofa next to the bed, but he kept holding Joong's hand tightly and wouldn't let go, so Fourth could only use a blanket to cover him.

"How is Phuwin, Fourth?"

"He's still in a coma, but his condition seems serious, dad said he needs to prepare mentally."

Fourth said, I cried again, what should I prepare myself for, what I need is for Phuwin to wake up, even if he loses his ability, it's okay, don't force me to face the thing I fear the most. After listening, Dunk's heart skipped a few beats. He rubbed his face to stay awake, awake to endure what was happening, awake to fight this harsh truth, but he still hoped that there would be a miracle, a miracle happens, no matter how small it is.

"Fourth! Come out here and talk to dad"

Earth's voice rang out. I followed my father downstairs and saw Gemini sitting in the chair

"Who is he?"

Earth asked. Fourth looked at his father for a long time before hesitantly answering

"Dad... Gemini is the person Fourth likes. Don't stop us, I know you don't like Vampires, but Gemini is very good to me and has saved me many times."

Fourth used his voice to beg his father, Earth also sighed but was helpless

"Dad, don't stop P' Dunk and P' Joong from being together, P' Joong was afraid of hurting P' Dunk so he killed himself, he also loved P' Dunk very much"

Earth looked at Fourth, about to say something but Mix stopped him, looking at Earth with eyes that told the children to be together, after all, this time of purifying the Harit family, the children would fight side by side, like That's enough to express love. Earth looked at Gemini and gave a reminder

"If you make my son sad, then I will automatically take my son back."

After saying a sentence, Earth went up to the room to check on Phuwin's situation, Mix also came up immediately after. Fourth happily ran to hug Gemini, Gemini patted his head and then the two of them went to the room to visit Joong.

EarthMix went to Phuwin's room. When he opened the door, he saw an empty bed. The person lying on the bed had disappeared without a trace. Only the room window was wide open. The two remembered that when they left the room, they had closed everything. all doors. Has Phuwin woke up? This was impossible, even his breathing was  difficult to maintain, let alone if he woke up overnight. Or someone took it away, very likely, but who could it be? A moment later, GeminiFourth and Dunk  also knew about it, EarthMix mobilized the whole family to search for Phuwin.

Gemini heard that Phuwin had disappeared without a trace. He suddenly thought of something and without saying a word told Fourth that he was going back to the clan.

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