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5 years later...

"Papa... Papa..."

On that big white bed, there was a small boy about three years old trying to crawl on top of a sleeping man and calling out. It's early morning now, the sunlight outside is somewhat blocked by the curtains but is still enough to gently light up the whole room. The boy still keeps calling for his dad to make another adult in bed wake up.

"Little treasure, come here with Dad, let him sleep a little longer"

Pond gently held the little boy in his arms. The boy also obediently and silently listened to his big father's words. Gently looking at Phuwin sleeping next to him, Pond smiled gently.

"Dada, Gun is hungry"

"Okay, okay, let papa take Gun to get something to eat. Shh, be quiet so little dad doesn't wake up."

Pond then gently hugged little Gun in his arms. Both father and son tried to be quiet, making as little noise as possible, then secretly got out of bed. Pond left the room and carried Gun down to the kitchen, got Gun a glass of milk. Gun obediently sat on Pond's lap and drank his glass of milk.

Pond and Phuwin's current lives are very good. Three years ago the two decided to get married, then adopted a child with vampire blood, named Gun. The two decided to go to the human world to live together, but still frequently visited their family. Pond handed over control of the family to Gemini, he wanted to spend more of his time taking care of Phuwin and Gun.

After Gun finished drinking his glass of milk, he saw his little dad slowly walking down the stairs. The baby climbed down from Pond's lap and ran over to hug his little dad's legs.


Phuwin suddenly smiled when he heard the call. He raised his hand to pick up Gun and walked to Pond. Pond gently placed a good morning kiss on his forehead.

"Are you hungry? Let's go eat."

Pond asked Phuwin a question, he nodded slightly and sat at the table, the whole family started a warm meal as usual.

Today PondPhuwin has an appointment with DewNani, Nani also told them to bring Gun along. Standing in front of DewNani's gate, ringing the bell for a while, Dew appeared and opened the door for them. PondPhuwin also naturally entered the house because the two of them often came here to play and eat.

"You don't have a filming schedule today?"

As soon as Phuwin came in, he asked Nani a question. He remembered that Nani had recently accepted a school movie, and heard that the filming frequency was quite high.

"There is no schedule, I invited you here today to announce something."

Nani said, then told Dew to go to the room to get something. Dew smiled and went up to the room. When he came back down, he saw Dew carrying a child about Gun's age and then went to their table. PondPhuwin looked at the child and was suddenly surprised and surprised. Nani smiled and explained

"Dew and I decided to adopt a child. We just brought it home yesterday. His name is Tinn. He's the same age as Gun."

PondPhuwin looked at the child in front of him. Although he was the same age as Gun, Tinn seemed to be a bit taller and had a calm, quiet face, not chatty like Gun. After that, Nani told Gun to go to Tinn's room to play. These two children will probably get to know each other and play together soon.

"I don't think you needed adopted a child, does an actor like you have time to take care of him?"

Phuwin spoke up

"I will act less, after all, I want to rest, take on fewer projects and spend more time with my family."

"Um... That's good."

All four people were chatting happily when suddenly a loud cry appeared in the other room, it was Gun's cry. Phuwin was the first to rush up, the other three did not hesitate to follow, Phuwin hugged Gun. into my arms, gently patting my back to comfort me

"Gun, why are you crying?"

"Sniff... Tinn yelled at Gun... Gun just wanted to make Tinn laugh... Geez"

Gun sobbed as he spoke. Phuwin gently comforted him to stop crying, then hugged Gun down with him. Around noon, the two of them asked permission to leave.

The car was parked in front of Pond and Phuwin's apartment building. Actually, the two of them had a house and a car wherever they lived. Because of their love of traveling, famous countries had their houses. Pond gently walked around to open the door for Phuwin, Gun had been sleeping on his shoulder for a while. Pond went to carry Gun for Phuwin, then they both went up to the house. Putting Gun in the room to sleep, pulling the blanket up neatly, the two of them gently went downstairs.

It was now around noon. Phuwin opened the refrigerator to see if there was anything left to cook. He took out a few boxes of meat, salad and eggs and started cooking. Pond gently hugged Phuwin from behind and was immediately beaten a few times by him. This happened often so he was helpless. Whenever Pond saw him, he would cling to him and not let go, typically like now.

"Pond, leave me alone to cook."

Phuwin was so tired of Pond, he wondered if he had spoiled him too much before. Pond kissed his cheek, still hugging his waist from behind, regardless of what Phuwin said. Phuwin couldn't stand it anymore and was about to turn around and yell at Pond, but before he could say anything, he was kissed. The sudden kiss made him put his hand on the edge of the stove. Pond forced him to fall into the bondage of lips and tongue for a long time. Only when he heard the hissing sound of meat did he push Pond away and return to continue cooking. Pond still hugged Phuwin from behind, Phuwin didn't say anything else, just focused on cooking, giving him the first taste of every dish he cooked.

Upstairs there is a small image of a baby coming down, rubbing his eyes to find his big dad. Phuwin pushed Pond to carry the baby. He regretfully left his body. Before leaving, he kissed his cheek again, then gently approached and hugged Gun.

"Little treasure, you're awake. Come on, papa will take you to wash your face and then go eat."

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