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Dunk immediately ran to Joong's castle. He rushed in and saw Joong, then rushed to grab him by the collar, ignoring the presence of Pond and Gemini right next to him.

"Fuck what did you and Ray do to my brother's ?"

Joong saw Dunk's sudden action and strange question and wondered

"Dunk, what are you saying, I don't understand?"

"Are you pretending to be stupid? Your fiancee kidnapped Fourth and wanted to lure Phuwin alone to rescue him. What do you guys want from us?"

" What!!!"

This is the sound of both Joong, Pond and Gemini resounding. All three were surprised by Dunk's words

"Dunk, listen to me, I didn't know he did that, besides, I'm not his fiancee"

"Dunk, you said Fourth was captured by Ray?"

Gemini asked eagerly

" Phuwin"

Pond also gently uttered a word, his eyes began to show blood. Pond knows that Joong's ex-lover is not good, this time if he dares to harm Phuwin, Pond must promise to drain his blood.

Dunk continued to grab Joong's collar again

"Damn it, tell me where your main house is?"

"Don't tell me Ray made them go there."

Dunk did not speak but his eyes implicitly acknowledged

" Say quickly"

"Dunk, calm down, I'll go there with you"

Joong tried to calm Dunk down, then led Dunk to his main house. His father arbitrarily let Ray cause chaos in the main house like that. Pond and Gemini are sure to follow.


Phuwin rushed straight to the place that Ray wrote on the paper, which was a location next to Joong's main house, in the Aydin family's territory, but surrounded by symbols of the Harit family.

"Fourth, where are you?"

Phuwin connects his brain waves with Fourth, fortunately the barrier here is not strong

Fourth had just finished crying and heard his brother's voice and quickly responded

"P' Phuwin, I'm on the 3rd floor, first room"

Fourth used his positioning ability to locate himself, then told Phuwin

"Wait for me to save you"

"P' Phuwin, are you really coming alone? You'll be in danger."

Fourth worriedly told him, Phuwin really came alone, it was all because of you. Phuwin just replied softly to help Fourth feel secure, then started to go up to the third floor, but before he could leave, a voice immediately appeared behind him.

" Phuwin Tangsakyuen, you came so quickly, it surprised me."

Looking back, Phuwin saw a young man with an arrogant face

"Are you Ray? Quickly release my brother before I kill you"

"Are you sure you can kill me?"

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