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As soon as Pond entered the room, he looked around to find Phuwin's location and found him hiding in the corner of the wall in pain. Walking slowly towards him, Pond spoke

" Phuwin"

Phuwin was trying to suppress his bloodlust. He was sitting with his legs closed, his arms wrapped around his knees, biting his hand with his mouth to endure. Suddenly he felt the light from the moon being obscured by a shadow, then heard a voice. Even though he hadn't heard it for a long time, he still recognized who it was. Gently raising his head, Pond's face caught his eye. He looked at him with worried eyes. Phuwin jumped up

' What are you here for? Fuck off! Get out of here"

Phuwin shouted, he was about to lose his composure. Pond ran to help him up but was thrown away by Phuwin

"Go away, you turning me into this isn't enough to satisfy you ?"

" Phuwin listen to me"

" Release"

" Phuwin!"

Pond saw that Phuwin refused to listen so he shouted loudly, only then did Phuwin sit quietly and calmly for a few seconds

"Listen to me, let me help you tonight, otherwise you will die."

When Phuwin heard this, he began to struggle again

"I can die, why don't you let me die too? "Get away from me, don't come near me"

Phuwin pushed Pond back, continuing to hide in a corner, his body was about to not be able to bear it anymore, he wanted to rush in and bite but his mind tried to stop himself, he didn't want to, he didn't want to at all. Why are you always so involved, why can't you get out of it? Pond was pushed away by him and could only stand still for a moment, watching him torment himself in pain in the dark corner. Pond approached him again, this time he hugged him, even though he tried to struggle

" Phuwin, you don't need life, but I need you, so please don't torture yourself."

Pond hugged Phuwin as he spoke, his voice became shaky and choked

"It's okay if you don't forgive me. If you want to kill me, then suck my blood now, please, don't let yourself get hurt."

Pond said, he was already crying, tears of worry, fear, concern, tears of heartache because he saw the person he loved suffering. Phuwin was hugged by him, struggled for a while and gradually got tired, he didn't resist anymore. He also started to cry, burying himself in his chest and crying, his small body trembling slightly, no one has ever seen Phuwin this weak, now he is so fragile, like glass. Fragile, even the slightest touch will break it. Phuwin cried and raised his choked voice

"Did I say I would kill you? Did I say that just now?"

Phuwin cried, his arms gradually hugged him and sobbed

" Phuwin..."


Gently calling Phuwin's name twice, Pond removed him from his body and grabbed his shoulder so he could look straight into his eyes.

" Phuwin, I love you, tell me your feelings now, do you feel the same as me?"

After hearing his confession, Phuwin's tears flowed even more. He didn't say anything, just continued to bury himself in him and hug him. Just like your father said, you always don't tell anyone what you're thinking, now you just silently hug him, is that a tacit admission? Pond smiled softly and hugged him.

" Phuwin, please suck my blood, you will feel better"

Pond's voice sounded like he was coaxing Phuwin. Hearing this sentence, Phuwin's last remaining bit of reason was gone. His head was buried in his body, slowly reaching up to look for his neck, and then gently bit down. Pond sat still and let Phuwin sit and nibble on his neck. Perhaps because it was his first time sucking blood, he didn't seem to be very skilled. He kept nibbling on his neck, making him a little ticklish. His hand gently raised up to rub the soft hair on his head as if comforting and pampering him, watching him sitting in his lap move his head, he smiled slightly, fortunately he was not stubborn, fortunately in the end. This little cat also opened up to him.

After a while, Phuwin also let go, he was tired and leaned on his shoulder. Pond gently held him up, looking at his lips
that still had a bit of blood on them, he couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to taste it. Pond bent down to kiss his lips, licked all the blood from his lips and then took it into his mouth. Phuwin was strangely docile. Seeing that, he gained momentum and pushed Phuwin into a deep kiss.

Because Phuwin was tired, he let Pond do whatever he wanted. Pond gently pried his teeth open and slid in to search for Phuwin's hot tongue. The smell of blood still lingered on his lips, blending into their kiss. Phuwin didn't understand why, when he was near Pond's body just now, he felt like he became more secure, even a little dependent. Just smelling the scent on his body made him calm and comfortable. Just like now, he was stirring in your mouth, sucking your lips until they were red, but you still complied with his wishes. He kissed so hard, he had no way to resist but his lips and tongue had to constantly entangle with him.


Phuwin was kissed so much that he let out a soft cry. The moan just now successfully reached Pond's ears, causing him to become even more passionate, the sound of the kiss echoed throughout the room. Fortunately, he had created a spell to separate him from the outside. , if everyone saw this scene, they would be shocked. Pond's hand pressed his head deeper, passionately enjoying the sweetness of his lips. Phuwin couldn't stand it anymore, used his hand to punch him, signaling to let him go, he really let go, but then moved to his neck and shoulder and kissed him, leaving a few red marks.

As soon as Phuwin was let go, he was able to breathe a little but had to pant and tilt his head back with every touch he made on his neck and shoulder. After a while longer, Pond finally let him go. Phuwin lost his strength and lay on him. His breathing was still very fast from the kiss, but after a while it became even again. Pond hugged him to bed. As soon as Phuwin was placed on the bed, he fell asleep, probably because he was tired.

Pond went to open the door and saw EarthMix, Dunk, and GeminiFourth waiting outside

"He's okay, I'll stay with him tonight."

After letting out a sentence, Pond then closed the door tightly, regardless of how many questions people outside had, he planned to tell them tomorrow. Then Pond climbed into bed with him, hugged him, Phuwin seemed to find something warm and quickly hugged him, Pond pulled the blanket up to cover the two of them and then fell asleep.


We Are ep 3 🤭🤭

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